Addressing the study of the problem of the Prevention of Crime and Infractions of the Law from the Criminalistic point of view is the fundamental objective of this work; It is true that theoretically several concepts have been formulated that have explained the scope of prevention as a criminological category, using as synonyms of prevention, terms such as: avoidance, precaution, control, prediction of delinquency, etc .; nowadays it is synonymous with: suppression, precaution, prophylaxis. Some authors criticize the term prophylaxis because the expression contains a hygienic medical meaning due to the equality between "crime-disease" and "delinquent-sick", as well as the cure of the offender that was the end of Criminal Law in the beginning of Criminology. For others, these terms do not differ, while the concept of crime prevention is used to designate both the objective premises of the liquidation of the crime and the subjective factors of the fight against it. For us, the prophylaxis concept of crime only expresses a special activity of criminal prevention, considering prophylactic activity as an integral part of criminal prevention, so we understand that both terms can be used interchangeably. Ref: Brito Febles, O. “La Profilaxis de los delitos como tarea de la Ciencia Criminalística”. Tesis de Doctorado. La Habana. Cuba. 1997.
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Criminalistics and its role in prevention
17 November 2017
in MOL2NET'17, Conference on Molecular, Biomed., Comput. & Network Science and Engineering, 3rd ed.
congress TECHLAWSCI-01: PANELFIT & NKL H2020 Tech. Law. & Sci. Challenges, Bilbao, Spain, Halden, Norway, Baltimore, USA, 2017
Keywords: Criminalistics