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499 A new granular column collapse device to characterise flowability of bulk materials
1 , * 2 , 2
1  Técnicas Mecánicas Ilerdenses SL, Lleida, 25190, Spain
2  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech, Barcelona, 08034, Spain


A wide range of bulk materials with different physical properties are nowadays handled in the packaging industry using different material conveying techniques. Nevertheless, experimental methodologies to characterise flowability of granular materials in actual handling conditions are still under development. This paper presents a new fully instrumented device for flowability assessment by granular column collapse of bulk materials. The generated granular flow is monitored by load cells that register the flow heights and by a high-speed video camera that captures the bulk flow kinematics through particle image velocimetry analysis. The 3D surface morphology of the final condition is determined with a 2D laser profile scanner. Results show the effect of varying the initial column aspect ratio on flow response.

Keywords: granular column collapse; flowability; bulk materials; particle image velocimetry