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034 Quasi-static and Dynamic Testing of Annealed Float Glas
* 1 , 2 , 1
1  Structural Impact Laboratory (SIMLab), Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),
2  Structural Impact Laboratory (SIMLab), Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


Three different experimental set-ups were employed in the investigation of the fracture strength of annealed float glass. These included four-point bending tests on three different specimen sizes, and quasi-static and dynamic pressure tests. The latter tests were conducted in a shock tube, i.e., a device that produces pressure loadings similar to that from a far-field blast event. The experimental work demonstrated that the fracture strength of glass varies largely within the same test set-up. It also revealed that the fracture strength and its scatter are dependent on the size of the specimen, the boundary conditions and the loading situation. By employing a newly proposed strength prediction model, which relies on the physical fracture behaviour of glass, the trends observed in the experiments were correctly recreated.

Keywords: Float glass, brittle fracture, stochastic fracture, blast load, shock tube