and volume and duration should be taken into account in a multivariate framework. The primary goal of this study is to compare univariate and joint bivariate return periods of extreme precipitation that all rely on different probability concepts in selected meteorological stations of Cyprus. Pairs of maximum rainfall depths with corresponding durations are estimated and compared using annual maximum series (AMS) for the complete period of the analysis and 30-year subsets for selected data periods. Marginal distributions of extreme precipitation are examined and used for the estimation of typical design periods. The dependence between extreme rainfall and duration is then assessed by an exploratory data analysis using K-plots and Chi-plots, and the consistency of their relationship is quantified by Kendall’s correlation coefficient. Copulas from Archimedean, Elliptical and Extreme Value families are fitted using a pseudo-likelihood estimation method, evaluated according to the corrected Akaike Information Criterion and verified using both graphical approaches and a goodness-of-fit test based on the Cramér-von Mises statistic. The selected copula functions and the corresponding conditional and joint return periods are calculated and the results are compared with the marginal univariate estimations of each variable. Results highlight the effect of sample size on univariate and bivariate rainfall frequency analysis for hydraulic engineering design practices.
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The effect of sample size on bivariate rainfall frequency analysis of extreme precipitation
15 November 2018
in The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences
session Submission
Keywords: Bivariate analysis; Copulas; Rainfall Frequency Analysis; Extreme Precipitation; Design Return Period