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Strategic diagnosis of the local development environmental system in rural communities of the colonized Amazonian Kichwa territory
* 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 1, 3
1  Universidad Estatal Amazónica
2  Universidad de La Habana
3  Universidad Técnica de Manabí


With the Geographic Information Systems methods (GIS), the occupation of the environmental system is diagnosed using communities’ geo-positioning, spatial relationships analysis and cartographic representation. This is the sustainable local development basis in six rural communities in the ancestral territory of the original Kichwa Amazonian Ecuadorian nation, from Tzawata, at Northeast; until Veinticuatro de Mayo at Southwest, located in the low, middle and high levels of the Anzu River valley. The fieldwork includes interviews, surveys, discussion events, as well as the communities’ 64 surveyed households georeferencing, and maps with official entities public data, available in the National Information System, the geo Ecuadorian state portal of open access to national reference cartography and the National Institute of Statistics and Census. The information collected allows the structural keys based establishment on the strengths and weaknesses that are faced, and short-term keys based on perceived opportunities and threats, which are summarized for the whole study area as an internal and external analysis. It is considered that the structural generalization and short-term keys from the strategic diagnosis does not mean that the impacts and responses are common to all the communities, which is evident in the differences reported in the surveys variables analyzed

Keywords: Andes Eastern foothills; ancestral territory; sustainable development, Ecuador