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Media influence on body self-perception in academics of the health area
1 , * 2, 3 , 1
1  Grupo de Pesquisa em Ciências Estéticas e Cosméticas (PECIEC LÓTUS) das Faculdades Unidas do Vale do Araguaia/UNIVAR - R. Moreira Cabral, 1000 - Setor Mariano, Barra do Garças - MT, 78600-000
2  Coordenador dos cursos de Tec. Estética e Cosmética e Farmácia do Centro Universitário do Vale do Araguaia/UNIVAR.
3  Grupo de Pesquisa em Tecnologia Farmacêutica Centro Universitário do Vale do Araguaia/UNIVAR, Barra do Garças, MT, Brasil. R. Moreira Cabral, 1000 - Setor Mariano, Barra do Garças - MT, 78600-000


Body image care is a major concern these days, especially for women, who are always looking for ways to adjust their appearance to what is considered acceptable. The dissatisfaction with body image tends to increase according to the exposure of beautiful bodies by the media, which is always creating new standards of beauty. From this perspective, this study aimed to analyze the influence of the media on the self-perception of the body in academics regularly enrolled in courses in the health area of ​​a certain institution of higher education in the municipality of Barra do Garças, Mato Grosso. From the results obtained, it is observed that, 90% of the students involved in the study are concerned with body image and are willing to change, although they are satisfied with their current image. 95% of academics admitted to being influenced by the media in terms of beauty standards. However, despite the fact that academics are satisfied with their appearance, the desire to change the image due to media influence is evident.

Keywords: Body image, body, beauty pattern, satisfaction