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Gentrification-resilient cities. Urban livability and anti-gentrification requirements for improving cities and social life
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1  University of Sassari


Nowadays, gentrification insinuates in the historical urban corridors and produces strong repercussions on the right to the city, pushing up the purchase and use prices and forcing the residents to move away. This process interlaces with other global phenomena, such as the turistification, urbanization and brandification, and dramatically accentuates its consequences which contribute to endanger sustainability and livability of cities. From this background, the goal of a gentrification-resilient city is to re-orientate policies towards a more sustainable model. We describe an operational framework for recognizing, prefiguring and intervening in the landscapes of gentrification that affect urban quality with anti-gentrification and livability indicators in different fields of action. It starts from the analysis and representation of the phenomenon in the city of Barcelona. This framework looks towards the elements that mark a change in the growth horizon of urban opportunities, by indentifying specific areas of interest, parameters and guidelines to cope with the phenomenon coming from sectoral policies, tools and practices under two points of view: (1) the social innovation practices, that play a key role in the implementation of a consistent policy for improving urban resilience and livability, more stable over time; (2) the socially-oriented urban models with anti-gentrification measures, by guaranteeing basic services with homogeneous methods of interaction and stable quality levels. Each area of interest is identified by characters, operational objectives and project attentions, aimed at planning interventions that guarantee a minimum level of basic goods and services in the organization of urban contexts according to a gentrification-resilient and livable city scenario. The implementation of the operational tool in the district of Sant Antoni clarifies how project attentions can address strategies to remain resilient to gentrification, by recognizing the propulsive role of cohesion forms and by supporting decisionmakers towards a common policy for improving cities and social life.

Keywords: Gentrification; Urban livability requirements and indicators; Social innovation practices; Socially-oriented urban models