PANELFIT’s Official Newsletter, H2020, Europe Commission Project, Number 01 , May, 2019. The vertiginous transformations placed in the field of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), and their impact on society, lead to significant changes in regulation landscape. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), The Data Protection Law Enforcement Directive (EU) 2016/680 so called “police directive”, or the Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems (NIS Directive), are just examples of this. Such normative, which has as a background, the defence of fundamental rights of European citizens who may be affected by inappropriate use of ICTs, requires an understanding and adaptation by all sectors at stake, which is not easy at all. PANELFIT project, funded by the European Union Framework Program Horizon 2020, is designed to assist in this difficult process of adaptation with a set of editable, openly accessible guidelines. Once completed, these guidelines shall serve as operational standards, capable of reducing ethical and legal problems posed by information and communication technologies while fostering innovation and market growth. Data commercialization, informed consent and security, are the three pillars on which PANELFIT will mainly concentrate. But the project intend to go further, it is moving to identify the key topics or issues on which a new or amended ethical and legal framework should focus on and uses these topics as concrete case studies to identify the key issues. In the EU nomenclature, this project is inserted in the ‘Science with and for Society’ program (SwafS), it means that PENELFIT initiative ‘will be instrumental in addressing the European societal challenges tackled by Horizon 2020, building capacities and developing innovative ways of connecting science to society´. That is why, all project´s outcomes will be developed in a broad, participatory co-creation process.
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PANELFIT’s Official Newsletter, H2020, Europe Commission Project, Number 01 , May, 2019.
04 October 2019
in MOL2NET'19, Conference on Molecular, Biomed., Comput. & Network Science and Engineering, 5th ed.
congress TECHLAWSCI-03: PANELFIT & NKL H2020 Tech. Law. & Sci. Challenges, Bilbao, Spain, Halden, Norway, Baltimore, USA, 2021
Keywords: Data Protection, GDPR, Panelfit, H2020, Law Enforcement Directive, Europe Union