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Characterization of novel graphene-like materials prepared by new cheap and environmentally friendly synthetic methods
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1  Department of Chemistry, Masaryk university, Brno, Czech republic


We report characterization data of novel graphene-like materials prepared by new cheap and environmentally friendly synthetic methods. FT-IR, Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and thermal and elemental analysis methods were used to describe features of novel graphene-like materials and obtained data were compared with the data of commercial standards.

It was found that employment of gentle oxidizing agents supported by ultrasound action instead of harsh oxidizers and strongly acidic solutions provides a-few-layer graphene oxides with low-defect layers in high yields. Although keeping the same level of oxidation like commercial standards new products are more stable due to a lower damage of carbon layers. Obtained products can then be further modified to reduced graphene oxides or amine-modified derivatives. All of the characterization data are presented and discussed in the article.

Keywords: graphene; graphene oxide; synthesis; characterization; green chemistry; sustainable chemistry, spectroscopy, ultrasound