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Gaussian method for smoothing experimental data
* 1 , 2
1  Department of Mathematics, Universidad de Oviedo.
2  Universidad Católica de Valencia "san Vicente mártir" (registering DOI)

We provide a method for experimental data smoothing under a certain noise by using a statistical fitting considering gaussian weight functions. On the one hand, this method is quite useful when we have a large amount of experimental data, which are expected to approach an unknown theoretical curve. This allows us to find quite closely the derivative of the theoretical curve from the data and provides as well the error in the numerical integration of the data. On the other hand, the proposed method improves the typical smoothening of the time series of financial data and allows the calculation of the volatility as a function of time.

Keywords: Curve smoothening; non-parametric regression; experimental data filtering.
Comments on this paper
Humbert G. Díaz
Smoothing vs. fiiting
Dear authors, thank you for contributing to mol2net conference

Couple of questions here

What are the applications of data smoothing beyond economics?
Is there a public software to run your algorithm?

We welcome you to participate on MOL2NET'21 edition
Juan Luis González-Santander
Dear Humbert,

You can smoothen any kind of data, so the method is not limited to economics.
Also, you can download the MATHEMATICA program we did to perform the calculations involved in the method from this link:
Best regards.
Juan Luis González-Santander
