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MOL2NET'20, Conference on Molecular, Biomed., Comput. & Network Science and Engineering, 6th ed.


30 Jan 2020–30 Jan 2021

Medicinal Chemistry, Applied Physics, Nanotechnology, Applied Mathematics, Complex Networks, Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Sciences, Data Protection
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MOL2NET'22, Conference on Molecular, Biomedical & Computational Sciences and Engineering, 8th ed.MOL2NET'22 IS OPEN!!!
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Welcome from the Chair

[MOL2NET 2015] [MOL2NET 2016] [MOL2NET 2017] [MOL2NET2018] [MOL2NET2019]
[Welcome Videos] [官话] [हिन्दी] [Euskera] [Castellano] [Português]

Worldwide Network (USA, EU, Asia, ...) of Workshops & MDPI JCR Journals Special Issues
MOL2NET 2020 Stats.: >100 Communications, >200 Authors, >10 Journal Issues, Join us!!!

Dear colleagues worldwide, we invite you to MOL2NET-06, Conference on Molecular, Biomed., Comput. & Network Science and Engineering (Renamed from International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences), ISSN: 2624-5078, MDPI SciForum, Basel, Switzerland, 2020. MOL2NET is an international conference formed by an association of several inter-university tans-Atlantic congresses or sessions. These workshops are chaired by one North America/Europe based host chairperson and one or various co-host chairpersons from other centers worldwide. The conference runs as year-round conference series with two main stages. These stages are: (1) Call for papers and (2) Post-publication reviews. In the first stage we open independent workshops in person and/or online, receive papers, do pre-publication review of papers, and perform online publication. Please, read the [MOL2NET Publication Schedule]. Consequently, submissions are open to be published asap upon acceptance in Sciforum platform almost all year at no cost for authors (year-round and free of cost publication). Depending on the schedule we also run a second stage called [MOL2NET Post-Publication Schedule]. On the Post-publication stage we close submission of papers and invite all members of committee, authors, and validated social network followers, to become post-publication reviewers. In this moment members of all workshops can interact together on brain-storming sessions making online comments each other.

Headquarters and Supporters

MOL2NET runs both online and/or in person workshops in host universities worldwide and at the SciForum platform maintained by the editorial MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The idea of this multidisciplinary conference emerged from the melting pot formed as the result of multiple collaborations of professors from many centers worldwide.
International Partners. Internationally, professors and researchers from Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research (BMIR), Stanford University (STANFORD), USA; Center for the Study of Biological Complexity (CBDS) of Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), USA; Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI), University of Minesota (UMN), USA; Miami Dade College (MDC), USA; North Dakota State University (NDSU), USA; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Université Paris-Saclay (UPS), Paris, France, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) Cambridge, United Kingdom, Universität Rostock Institut für Chemie (UROSTOCK), Germany; and other institutions are co-founders and/or supporters of this conference.
Local Headquarters and Partners. The Scientific Headquarters (HQs) of this conference series are in the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque Country, Spain. This center is also the host of some of the workshops of the conference. More specifically, the founders and strongest supporters of the conference are professors endowed by IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Sciences (IKERBASQUE), professors from the Department of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry, and Basque Centre for Biophysics (BIOFISIKA) of the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences (CICBIOGUNE), Basque Country, Spain. In addition, act also as local co-hosting partners professors from the Department of Computer Sciences of the University of Coruña (UDC), Galicia, Spain. Please, see full committees lists [MOL2NET HONOR & SCI COMMITTEE] and [MOL2NET-IKERBASQUE Staff]. In this sense, all these and other local and international centers acts as co-hosting partners for some of the workshop sessions of this conference.

MOL2NET Lemma and Topics of Interest

The acronym MOL2NET summarizes the running title of this conference: FROM MOLECULES TO NETWORKS. This lemma is inspired by the possibility of spreading the knowledge about multiple topics by promoting multidisciplinary collaborations in science with conferences including topics ranging from quantum world to large social networks. In this sense, the spirit of this conference is in consonance with the lemma EMAN TA ZABAL ZAZU (Give and extend knowledge). This anthem from the 19th century is written in Basque language (Euskera) and is used now a days as the official motto of the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
As results the topics of interest are wide, as is typical on multi-disciplinary sciences, and range from the study of small molecules phenomena to the behavior of large complex networks in nature and society. This include but is not limited to, Chemistry (All areas), Mathematics (Applied), Physics (Applied), Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Biology and Life Sciences (All areas), Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, Education, along with Computer Sciences, Data Analysis, Statistics, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, and Complex Networks Sciences. We suggest you to download the [MOL2NET 2020 Template.doc] to write your communications for conference workshops. Whoever, some other workshops of the series have their custom templates. Please, read carefully the [Instructions to authors] about publication model, copyright, authors responsibilities, etc.

MOL2NET Sessions & Workshops

You can participate both online or in person (face-to-face) in some of the workshops we organize in different universities worldwide (see sessions in the conference menu). Publication of all communications of the workshops will be online via the platform SciForum. We welcome proposals for organization of workshops in different universities. Please, do not hesitate to contact conference chairperson and/or scientific committee presidents. See also a list of workshops/sessions running this year.

01. CHEMBIOMOL-06: Chem. Biol. & Med. Chem. Workshop, Bilbao-Rostock, Germany-Galveston, Texas, USA, 2020
02. USINEWS-04: US-IN-EU Worldwide Science Workshop Series, Duluth, USA, 2020
03. CHEMINFONC-02: North-Carolina Chemoinformatics Workshop, Chape Hill-Durham, USA, 2020
04. NIXMSM-06: North-Ibero-American Workshop on Exp., Model., and Simul. Methods, Valencia, Bilbao, Spain-Miami, USA, 2020
05. BIOMEDIT-01; ITCs & Biomol. Biomed. Eng. Workshop, Lund, Sweden, Chengdu, China, New Orleans, USA, 2020
06. MODECO-05: Molec. Diversity & Ecosystems, Puyo, Ecuador-Porto, Portugal-Paris, France, EPA, USA, 2020
07. IWMEDIC-07: Int. Workshop in Med. Info., UDC, Coruña, Spain, Standford, USA, 2019
08. LAWSCI-04: PANELFIT & NKL H2020 Law & Tech. Challenges, Bilbao, Spain, Halden, Norway, Baltimore, USA, 2020
09. USEDAT-06: USA-Europe Data Analysis Training Program Workshop, Bilbao, Spain-Cambridge, UK-Miami, USA, 2020
10. NANOBIOMATJND-04: JSU-NDSU Nanotech. & BioMaterials Workshop, Jackson & Fargo, USA, 2020

MOL2NET-MDPI JCR Journals Issues

In parallel, the members of committees and/or authors are encouraged to edit special issues for different journals of the editorial MDPI ( The special issue is now in call for papers, submissions are welcome in a posteriori, in parallel, or totally independently from the conference. Manuscripts should be submitted online at by registering and logging in to this website. In order to send a proposal of associated workshop and/or special issue contact the chairperson of the conference Prof. González-Díaz H. IIKERBASQUE Prof., University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Biscay, Basque Country, Spain. Email: Please, check here [MOL2NET-MDPI JCR Journal Issues] details about the special issues, titles, editors, and a list of past and present special issues and selected papers associated to our conference.

MOL2NET-USEDAT Training Program

The professors, researchers, and students interested on this conference are also welcome to participate in the international network USEDAT: USA-Europe Data Analysis Training Program. USEDAT is a Multi-center Trans-Atlantic initiative offering hands-on training directed to researchers and students worldwide. The main topics are Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Chemoinformatics, Computational Nanosciences, Biomedical Engineering, etc. The initiative joins various sister summer schools, workshops, boot camps, hands-on training courses, and/or capstone courses etc. in North America and Europe. Students can receive training and/or tutoring from researchers at Tulane University (TU), University of Minnesota (UMN), University of North Caroline (UNC), Miami Dade College (MDC), Saint Thomas University (STU), and West Coast University (WCU) Miami in America. Students can also receive training or tutoring from researchers of University of Coruña (UDC), European Bioinformatics Institute EMBL-EBI, University of Porto (UP), Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque Institute for Biophysics, Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science, and other centers, across Europe. The USEDAT program also includes participation in the USEDAT workshop. In this workshops researchers worldwide can publish their communications in special, but not limited to, the professors and students of program. See details here [USEDAT 2020 Program] or participate in the workshop here [USEDAT 2020 Workshop].
Thank You For Your Support!!!
Prof. González-Díaz H., IKERBASQUE Professor, ORCID iD icon, Email:
(1) Dept. of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry and Basque Center for Biophysics, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Spain. (2) IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science , 48011, Bilbao, Biscay, Spain.

MOL2NET Honor & Sci. Committee

MOL2NET Honor Advisory Committee

*Note: This committee is for MOL2NET Conference Series, to see the committees of each specific workshops associated to the conference visit the page of this workshop.

Honor Advisory Committee

Prof. Fernando P. Cossío, (IKERBASQUE Foundation President), Prof. Dept. of Organic Chemistry I,
University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Donostia - San Sebastián Campus, Gipuzkoa.

Prof. Jerzy Leszczynski, USA Presidential Distinguished Fellow, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry Interdisciplinary Center for Nanotoxicity (ICN), Jackson State University (JSU), USA.

Dr. Marcos Martínez Romero, Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research (BMIR), STANFORD University, USA.

Prof. Françoise Dumas, CNRS, Directrice de Recherche, Prof. Université Paris-Saclay, Paris, France .

Prof. Alexander Tropsha, Assoc. Dean UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, Assoc. Editor J. Chem. Info. Model., ACS, USA. University of North Carolina (UNC), Chapel Hill , North Carolina 27599 , United States.

Prof. Marianne Graber, Directrice Adjointe Relations Internationales, Faculté des Sciences et Technologies, Université de La Rochelle, La Roche, France. Chercheur, Laboratoire LIENSs Littoral Environnement et Sociétés, Institut écologie et environnement (IEE), French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France.

Dr. Allen B. Reitz, Ph.D., CEO Fox Chase Chemical Diversity Center, Inc., Doylestown, PA, USA. Moore Fellow in the Management of Technology, University of Pennsylvania (Penn Engineering), Adjunct Professor at Drexel University College of Medicine, Founder CEO of ALS Biopharma, LLC. Editor-in-Chief of Curr Top Medicinal Chemistry

Prof. Danail Bonchev, Center for the Study of Biological Complexity, Dept of Mathematics & Applied Mathematics, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), USA.

Dr. Subhash C. Basak, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN, USA.

Prof. Dr. Frank Pasquale. Professor of Law, University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Prof. Inmaculada Arostegui, Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain. [MOL2NET Welcome Video, Ongi Etorri Video (Euskera)]

Prof. Ernesto Estrada Roger, Institute of Applied Mathematics (IUMA), Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain.
Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Complex Networks, Oxford Academic Press, United Kingdom.

Prof. María Isabel Loza, Vice-Director CiMUS, Department of Pharmacology, University of Santiago de Compostela USC, Spain.

Prof. Victor M. Preciado, Raj and Neera Singh Term Assistant Professor Electrical and Systems Engineering (ESE),
Penn Engineering, University of Pennsilvania, USA.

Prof. Weifan Zheng, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, North Carolina Central University, Durham, USA.

Prof. Daniel Graham, Professor of Chemistry, Loyola University of Chicago (LUC), USA.

Prof. Jesús Jimenez-Barbero, Ikerbasque Professor, Scientific Director of Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences (CICBiogune), Biscay, Dept. of Organic Chemistry II, UPV/EHU, Leioa, Basque Country, Spain.

Prof. Iban Ubarretxena, PhD, [IKERBASQUE Profile] [ISMMS Profile] Scientific Director of BIOFISIKA, Basque Center for Biophysics CSIC-UPVEHU, Biscay Biophysics Foundation (BBF), Research Prof. IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao, Basque Country, Basque Country, Spain.

Prof. José María Pitarke , Prof. of Condesed Matter Physics, UPV/EHU, Director of Nanomaterials Cooperative Research Center (CICNanoGune), Tolosa Hiribidea, 76, E-20018, Donostia – San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain.

Prof. Luis M Liz-Marzán , Ikerbasque Professor, Scientific Director of Center for Cooperative Research in Biomaterials (CICbiomaGUNE), Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain.

Prof. C.M. Romeo Casabona, Full Professor of Law, Director of Law & Human Genome, Chair, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Biscay, Basque Country, Spain.

Prof. Alejandro Pazos, Ph.D., M.D., Chair and Director of Department of Computer Sciences, University of Coruña (UDC), Coruña, Spain.

Prof. Françoise Dumas, CNRS, Directrice de Recherche, Prof. Université Paris-Saclay, Paris, France .

Prof. Roberto Todeschini, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy.

Prof. Ramón J. Estévez Cabanas, CIQUS and Dept. of Organic Chemistry, USC, Spain.

Prof. Miguel A. Gutierrez Ortiz, Dept. of Chem. Eng., Univ. of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Leioa, Basque Country, Spain.

MOL2NET-UPVEHU HQ Institution Committee

*Note: This committee is for MOL2NET Conference Series, to see the committees of each specific workshops associated to the conference visit the page of this workshop.

Prof. Fernando Plazaola, Dean Fac. of Sci. and Tech., Univ. of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Leioa, Basque Country, Spain.

Prof. Claudio Palomo Nicolau, Dir. Dept. Org. Chem. I, Univ. of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque Country, Spain.

Prof. Izaskun Gil de Muro, Dir. Dept. of Org. and Inorg. Chem., Univ. of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque Cuntry, Spain.

Prof. Maria I. Moreno, Sec. Dept. of Org. and Inorg. Chem., Univ. of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque Cuntry, Spain.

Headquarters Committee Chairpersons

Prof. Esther Lete, Dept. of Org. and Inorg. Chem., Univ. of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque Cuntry, Spain.
(Coordinator Ph.D. Synth. & Ind. Chemistry)

Prof. Nuria Sotomayor, Dept. of Org. and Inorg. Chem., Univ. of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque Cuntry, Spain. (Coordinator M.Sc. Synth. & Ind. Chemistry)

MOL2NET Scientific Committee (Abroad)

*Note: This committee is for MOL2NET Conference Series, to see the committees of each specific workshops associated to the conference visit the page of this workshop.

Presidents of the Abroad Scientific Committee

President of Scientific Committee (Mathematics, Physics, Environmental, Atmospheric, and Complexity Sciences)

Prof. David Quesada (Email:, Full Professor, Chair of Department of Mathematics, Miami Dade College (MDC), Miami, FL, USA. Chairman STU-MDC Summer Research Institute, (SRI09 Workshop Chairman, Miami, USA) (SRI08 Workshop Chairman, Miami, USA)

President of Scientific Committee (Polymers & Materials Sciences)

Prof. Bakhtiyor Rasulev, Department of Coatings and Polymeric Material, North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, USA.

President of Scientific Committee (Computational Chemistry and Nanosciences)

Prof. Natalia D.S. Cordeiro, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.

President of Scientific Committee (Experimental Chemistry)

Abroad Scientific Committee (North America)

Prof. Eugene Muratov, Eshelman School of Pharm., Univ. of North Carolina (UNC), Chapell Hill, USA.
Assist. Prof. Matthew M. Montemore, Chem. & Biomol. Eng., Tulane University, New Orleans, USA.
Prof. James Robert Green, Dept. of Systems and Comput. Eng., Carleton University, Canada.
Dr. Suhbash C. Basak, Natural Resources Research Institute, Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth, MN, USA.
Prof. Terace Fletcher, Northeast Lakeview College, University of Texas, San Antonio, TX, USA.

Prof. Maykel Cruz-Monteagudo i,ii,iii,iv, West Coast University (WCU), Miami, USA.
Prof. Bakhtiyor Rasulev i,ii,iii,iv, North Dakota Sate University (NDSU), USA.
Dr. Shameer Khader ii, Dept. Medical Informatics, Northwell Health, NY, USA.
Prof. Óscar Rivera, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, Houston Community College, Houston, TX, USA

Dr. Natalia Sizochenko, ICN, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, USA.
Dr. Vanessa Aguiar-Pulido, Research Associate, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York City, NY, USA.
Dr. Robersy Sánchez, Eberly College of Science, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, USA.
Dr. Shameer Khader, Program Director, Dept. of Medical Informatics and Research Informatics, Northwell Health, NY, USA.

Members of Scientific Committee (Europe)

Ph.D. Barry Hardy, CEO Edelweiss Connect, HQ Basel, Switzerland.
Prof. Dario Greco, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland.
Prof. Christoph Kaleta, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU), Germany.
Dr. Yasset Perez-Riverol, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Prof. Natalia D.S. Cordeiro, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.
Prof. Ricardo Grau-Crespo, Department of Chemistry, University of Reading, United Kingdom.
Alla Toropova, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Milano, Italy.
Prof. Andrey Toropov, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Milano, Italy.
Prof. Maité Sylla, Assoc., Chimie Molécularie, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers CNAM, París, France.
Prof. Najla Fourati , Assoc. SATIE Laboratoire, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers CNAM, París, France.
Prof. Chouki Zerrouki, SATIE Laboratoire, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers CNAM, París, France.
Dr. Irina Moreira, Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC), Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
Prof. Natália D. S. Cordeiro, REQUIMTE Theor. Chem. Net., University of Porto (UPORTO), Portugal.
Prof. Pedro L. Fernandes, Bioinformatics Coordinator, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia (IGC), Portugal.
Dr. Daniel J.V.A. Do Santos, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon (ULISBOA), Portugal.
Prof. Fernanda Borges, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Porto, Portugal.
Prof. Igor Iosifovich Baskin, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Dr. Alessandro Guiliani, Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Italy.
Prof. Luisa Di Paola, Department of Engineering, Università Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy.
Prof. Agnieszka Gajewicz, Assist. Prof., Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland.
Dr. Riccardo Concu, FCT Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.

Members of Scientific Committee (Other Regions)

Prof. Kunal Roy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
Prof. Eduardo Sobarzo-Sanchez. Instituto de Investigación e Innovación en Salud, Universidad Central de Chile, Chile.
Prof. Carolina Horta Andrade, Universidade Federal de Goias, Setor Leste Universitario, Goiania, Brazil.
Prof. Yovani Marrero-Ponce, University San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador.
Prof. Marcus T Scotti, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Campus IV, Paraíba, Brazil.
Prof. Juan A. Castillo-Garit, University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara (UCMVC), Santa Clara, Cuba.

MOL2NET Scientific Committee (Local)

*Note: This committee is for MOL2NET Conference Series, to see the committees of each specific workshops associated to the conference visit the page of this workshop.

Chairperson Scientific Committee (Chemical Sciences)

Prof. Sonia Arrasate, Department of Organic Chemistry II, University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Leioa, Sarriena w/n, Bizkaia. Email:

Chairperson Scientific Committee (Physical Sciences)

Prof. Juan M. Ruso, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain.

Chairperson Scientific Committee (Neurosciences)

Prof. Shira Knafo, IKERBASQUE Professor, Molecular Cognition Laboratory, (1) Biophysics Institute (CSIC, UPV/EHU), Scientific and Technological Park of Biscay. University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU, Biscay, Spain. Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science. (2) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Faculty of Health Sciences: Beer Sheva, Southern, Israel.

Chairperson Scientific Committee (ICT & Legal Informatics)

Dr. Aliuska Duardo Sanchez (Ph.D. Legal Informatics), Chair in Law & The Human Genome Research Group, Faculty of Law, University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU, Leioa (Bilbao), Biscay, PANELFIT H2020, Project Manager & EDC Board Coordinator, Europe Commission. Email:

Scientific Committee Members

University of Deusto
Prof. Enrique Onieva, Lect. & Researcher, Big Data, Data Mining and Intell. Transp. Systems

Mondragon University
Prof. Iagoba Apellaniz, Mondragon University, Faculty of Engineering, Basque Country, Spain.

BioDonostia Health Research Institute
Prof. Marcos J. Araúzo-Bravo, Ikerbasque Professor, Bioengineering

CIC bioGUNE, Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences
Prof. Nicola Abrescia, Ikerbasque Professor, Structural Virology Laboratory.
Dr. Marta G. Lete, Structural Biology Unit.

Basque Center for Biophysics
Prof. Shira Knafo, IKERBASQUE Professor, Biophysics Institute (CSIC, UPV/EHU)
Dr. Iratxe Barboya, Biophysics Institute (CSIC, UPV/EHU)

University of Santiago de Compostela (USC)
Prof. María Isabel Loza, CiMUS and Department of Pharmacology, USC, Spain.
Prof. Julio Seijas , Dept. of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Campus Lugo, USC, Spain.
Prof. Eugenio Uriarte Villares, Dept. of Organic Chemistry, USC, Spain.
Prof. Xerardo García-Mera, Dept. of Organic Chemistry, USC, Spain.
Prof. Eddy Sotelo, CiQUS and Dept. of Organic Chemistry, USC, Spain.
Prof. Ramón J. Estévez Cabanas, CiQUS and Dept. of Organic Chemistry, USC, Spain.
Prof. Florencio Martínez Ubeira, Dept. of Microbiology and Parasitology, USC, Spain.
Prof. Emilio Martinez-Nunez, Dept. of Physical Chemistry, USC, Spain.
Prof. Angeles Sánchez-Guerra, Dept. of Inorg. Chemistry, USC, Spain.

University of Vigo (UVIGO)
Prof. Yagamare Fall, Dept. of Organic Chemistry, University of Vigo (UVIGO), Vigo, Spain.
Prof. Generosa Gómez, Dept. of Organic Chemistry, University of Vigo (UVIGO), Vigo, Spain.

University of León
Vanessa Robles, MODCELL Group, Dept. of Molecular Biology, Universidad de León, 24071 León, Spain.

University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Prof. Francisco Palacios Gambra, Department of Organic Chemistry I, UPV/EHU, Campus Vitoria
Prof. Jose Luis Vicario, Department of Organic Chemistry II, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Javier Meana, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Néstor Etxebarria Loizate, Dept. Analytical Chemistry, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Gotzon Madariaga, Department of Physics of Condensed Matter, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Rosa M. Alonso, Department of Analytical Chemistry, UPV/EHU,Campus Biscay
Prof. Jose Luis Vilas, Dir. Dept. of Physical Chemistry, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Mario Piris, Ikerbasque Prof., Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), UPV/EHU, Campus Gipuzkoa
Prof. Inmaculada Arostegui, Dept. of Applied Mathmatics and Statistics, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Aresatz Usobiaga, Department of Analytical Chemistry, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Ph.D.Jose Manuel Laza Terroba, Dept. of Physical Chemistry, UPV/EHU,Campus Biscay
Prof. Ailette Prieto Sobrino, Dept. of Analytical Chemistry, UPV/EHU,Campus Biscay
Prof. Jose Luis Ayastuy Arizti, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, UPV/EHU,Campus Biscay
Prof. Irantzu Barrio, Ph.D. Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, UPV/EHU,Campus Biscay

Dept. of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
Area Inorganic Chemistry
Prof. Luis Lezama, Area of Inorganic Chemistry, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Maite Insausti, Area of Inorganic Chemistry, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Aintzane Goñi, Area of Inorganic Chemistry, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Area Organic Chemistry
Prof. Imanol Tellitu Cortazar, Area of Organic Chemistry II, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Maria Luisa Carrillo Fernández, Area of Organic Chemistry II, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Efraim Reyes Martín, Area of Organic Chemistry II, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Uxue Uria Pujana, Area of Organic Chemistry II, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Raúl San Martín Faces, Area of Organic Chemistry II, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Mª Teresa Herrero Corral, Area of Organic Chemistry II, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay
Prof. Eneritz Anakabe Iturriaga, Area of Organic Chemistry II, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay

Thank You For Your Support!!!


Prof. Humberto González-Díaz, IKERBASQUE Professor, Email:
(1) Dept. of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Spain.
(2) Basque Center for Biofisics, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Spain.
(3) IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science , 48011, Bilbao, Biscay, Spain.

List of accepted submissions (148)

Id Title Authors Poster PDF
sciforum-030726 An In silico approach for the identification of GRB2 inhibitors for the treatment of Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)


Submitted: 20 Feb 2020

Abstract: Show Abstract
, N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-031579 Application and Evaluation of Low Cost Biology Practical Lessons for Students of a Certain State School in the Municipality of Jaciara, Mato Grosso, Brazil


Submitted: 08 Mar 2020

Abstract: Show Abstract
, Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-031888 Phytofabrication of silver nano particles using Ocimum sanctum leaf extract and their antibacterial and anticancer activity through oxidative damage , , , , N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-031791 MODEC05-2020, International Workshop on the Natural Products and Agro-Industrial Processes in Ecuadorian Amazon region , , , Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-031840 Analyzing chromatographic data with the Superposing Significant Interaction Rules (SSIR) chemometric tool

, ,

Submitted: 24 Mar 2020

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , N/A Show Abstract


Mol2Net International Conference Series on Multidisciplinary Sciences, ISSN: 2624-5078, MDPI SciForum, Basel, Switzerland, runs both online and/or in-person inter-university workshops between USA/Europe institutions and worldwide co-host partners. The conference has two main stages. (1) Call for papers and publication and (2) Post-publication reviews.
In the first stage (Call for Papers) we launch workshops sessions, receive papers, do pre-publication review of papers, and perform online publication. Submissions are open in Sciforum platform almost all year (year round online publication). This year we have closed submissions successfully, thank you.

Depending on the schedule some years we also run the second stage called Post-Publication comments. One this stage we close submission of papers and invite all members of committee, authors, and validated social network followers, to become post-publication reviewers. We cal them MOL2NET REVIEWWWERS. They can make public questions to authors, suggest new collaborations, etc. Cross-commenting of authors of one workshop to other workshop are specially welcome. Now we invite you all to become post-publication reviewwwer, please follow this simple steps and rules:
(2) Go to Sessions in left-side menu
(3) Select a workshop session,
(4) Once inside workshop session scroll down and pick one communication
(5) Once in the communication scroll down and click comment on paper button
(6) Now post your comment or question to authors,
(7) Go to your email inbox and validate your comment,
(8) Claim your post publication reviewer attendance certificate to
(1) Remember post-publications questions and answers are public,
(2) Remember these are short preliminary communications not full papers
(3) Remember authors not committee ar responsible or contents
(4) Identify yourself properly with real name,
(5) Be kind and respectful with authors,
(6) Focus on positive questions about applications, future trends if possible,
(7) Suggest corrections or new directions with polite manners
(8) Comments will be moderated by our team,
(9) Comments not following rules may be declined.
Happy Post-Publication Reviewwwing Experience!!!

MOL2NET-Ikerbasque Comm.

MOL2NET-IKERBASQUE Advisory Committee

CALL FOR COLLABORATION: As the MOL2NET conference is multidisciplinary we are open to experts in all topics. We specially welcome all members of Ikerbasque community to participate. Please, do not hesitate to contact the chairperson to propose a collaboration by yourself or suggest some colleague. Members of the committee may opt for an active role or for a low-profile role. Some of the modalities of active collaboration are conference co-chairs, members of committees, workshop chairpersons, guest editors of JCR journals issues, social networks management, etc. Low-profile roles include being members of committee, recommending the conference to other colleagues, or making suggestions of topics, workshops, etc. In this committee we list all the names of professors/researchers related to IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science; which have been consulted as advisers and/or have supported somehow at least one of the editions of MOL2NET conference.

Prof. Fernando P. Cossío, Scientific Director, IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Dept. of Organic Chemistry I, UPV/EHU Campus Gipuzkoa.

Prof. Jesús Jimenez-Barbero, Ikerbasque Professor, Scientific Director of Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences (CICBiogune), Biscay, Dept. of Organic Chemistry II, UPV/EHU, Leioa, Campus Biscay.

Prof. L.M. Liz-Marzán, Ikerbasque Professor, Scientific Director Center for Cooperative Research in Biomaterials CICbiomaGUNE, Gipuzkoa.

Prof. Iban Ubarretxena, PhD, [IKERBASQUE Profile] [ISMMS Profile] Scientific Director of BIOFISIKA, Basque Center for Biophysics CSIC-UPVEHU, Biscay Biophysics Foundation (BBF), Research Prof. IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. Assoc. Prof. of Pharmacological Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS), NY, USA.

Prof. Shira Knafo, IKERBASQUE Professor, Molecular Cognition Laboratory, Biophysics Institute (CSIC, UPV/EHU), Scientific and Technological Park of Biscay, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay. Ben Gurion University, Israel.

Prof. Dr. Iñigo de Miguel Beriain IKERBASQUE Professor, Research Group: Chair in Law and The Human Genome, Department of Public Law, University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Faculty of Law, Campus Biscay, Leioa 48940, Spain. Lecturer at The National Distance Education University (UNED), Biscay, Spain.

Prof. Marcos J. Araúzo-Bravo, Ikerbasque Professor, Bioengineering, BioDonostia Health Research Institute, Donostia, Spain.

Prof. Nicola Abrescia, Ikerbasque Professor, Structural Virology Laboratory, CIC bioGUNE, Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.

Prof. Mario Piris, IKERBASQUE Professor, DIPC Donostia International Physics Center, UPV/EHU, Campus Donostia - San Sebastian

Prof. Geza Toth, Ikerbasque Professor, Department of Physics, UPV/EHU, Campus Biscay

Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, IKERBASQUE Professor, Email:
(1) Dept. of Organic Chemistry II, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Spain.
(2) IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science , 48011, Bilbao, Biscay, Spain.

MOL2NET Info, Steps, Schedule

MOL2NET Steps for Participation

(0) Register, Sign in/Login, to Sciforum platform [Sciforum login]
(1) Submit the title and abstract, select a section or workshop (do not upload paper here) [Submit New Abstract]
(2) Wait for Sciforum abstract acceptance email, follow the link, and/or login to upload paper, doc and pdf format
(3) Download template doc to prepare your communication, for general sessions: [MOL2NET 2019 Template.doc] , or use the
for other workshops: [BioChemPhys Template], [WRSAMC template] , [MODEC 2019 Template.doc], [AWP-04 Template]
(4) Wait for paper acceptance and publication emails (follow link to proofread your paper) (Asap after upload)
(5) Communicate with chairpersons if corrections are necessary, including past editions (All the year)
(6) Log in to post comments, questions, or answers in a section or one of the workshops
(7) Contact chairpersons if you need attendance certificate for conference and/or workshops (All the year).

Conference, School, and Workshops Schedule

General Schedule: MOL2NET International Conference Series on Multidisciplinary Sciences, MDPI Sciforum, Basel, Switzerland has online and/or in person workshops (>10) associated. The conference usually runs online at the online platform SciForum maintained by the editorial MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The platform is open on a year-round basis almost all the days of the year in course. We have this modality for practical reasons; e.g., accommodation of many workshops in different dates along the year, flexible reception of communications, etc.

Submission and Publication of communications: As we mentioned before, in the practice, the online platform is open at the beginning of the year in course and continue open all the year for submissions of communications. However, the associated workshops may open in different dates along the year (see specific workshop pages). Submission of papers to all workshops is open until the last days of the year in course or the first days of the following. The publication of communications is continuous all the year upon acceptance.

Schedule for for MOL2NET Workshops Online participation: You can participate online in all MOL2NET workshops all the year uploading your communication directly by Sciforum platform. In addition, after publication of papers is closed we open the online platform for online participation. The authors will be able to post online comments and/or answers to comments in this workshop/section and also in the other general sections and/or >10 international workshops of the MOL2NET conference (many of them also run both online and in person). The participants are entitled to receive participation certificates for MOL2NET conference and all the workshops they participate upon request to the respective chairpersons. See committees of MOL2NET and each workshop.

Schedule for MOL2NET Workshops in Person Participation: Many of the workshops associated to MOL2NET are going to be held also in person (face-to-face) in different universities of USA, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Chile, etc. This in person workshops have specific schedules in parallel to their online versions. Please, go to the homepages of these workshops and/or contact their chairpersons for further details.

Schedule for USEDAT Summer School participation: The schedule of the different USEDAT courses varies in different universities along the year, even when many of them are in summer season, some of them run all the year. If you are interested to enroll in one of the courses do not hesitate to contact directly USEDAT coordinator at:

Note for participants: MOL2NET conference runs both online (general sections) and/or in person (associated workshops). No physical presence is needed for online participation saving traveling costs. We accept experimental works, theoretical works, or experimental-theoretic works in the areas mentioned. Proceedings will be Published Online, Open Access, and Totally Free of Charges (no cost). For details about in person (face-to-face) participation on associated workshops contact the respective members of the local committees.
USEDAT School workshop also runs online however must of the hand-on training courses run in person.

Types of Communications

Before to submit your communication recommend to download and use the [Template File] to write your communication; we strongly recommend you to read carefully the following information about publication model, copyright, authors responsibilities, etcFirstly, be aware that the works published here belongs to two main modalities preliminary communications or comments on previous works.

Research Preprints. These are short communications of unpublished results but they are not post-print journal papers. In this sense, committee and/or external reviewers check only scope and apparent scientific soundness. They have the same editorial process than for an online Preprint service. Therefore, all works receive doi number and are indexed in databases (GoogleScholar, Publons, etc.).The works may receive also comments from registered participants (public post-publication review). The authors are encouraged to submit their works to a peer-reviewed scientific journals of MDPI or other editorials during or after finalization of the conference, as per SciForum copyright rules.

Research Highlights. These short communications are comments on already published papers. They are short notes to comment about the more interesting points, highlights, etc. of works previously published by the authors or other groups. In this case, committee and/or external reviewers check also only scope and apparent scientific soundness. The works may receive also comments from registered participants (public post-publication review).

Authors Liability

In all cases, it is responsibility of authors, to perform a similarity checking , ensure veracity of contents, and carry out a proper citation of previous works. The committee is not responsible of the previous aspects in this publishing modality. Consequently, the opinions expressed on the communications are not necessarily coincident to the opinions of the members of the committees. In this sense, we strongly recommend the authors to use online text-similarity checking services, such as Turnitin, etc., if possible. These tools may help authors to avoid any form of plagiarism or copyright violation. The authors may be requested to modify the communication (re-write their texts) in the case that high similarity is detected and reported to the committee. In these cases, the manuscript could be put on standby or withdrawn temporarily until the authors re-submit the proper version. The authors are also allowed to submit short reviews, comments, letters, or discussions of papers already published if they guarantee sufficient difference to previous public contents.

Call for Collaborators, Editors, Chairpersons, and Sponsors

We welcome indirect nominations and/or personal applications for a position in some of the following modalities, or other modalities of collaboration: (1) Committee membership (nomination or personal application for membership in honor, steering, or scientific committees). (2) Guest-Editor of JCR MDPI journal issue (help to propose, editing, announce your special issue in one of the MDPI journals). (3) Chairperson of workshop (publishing an online or in person workshop of your institution with you as chairperson). (4) Sponsor of conference (including logo, description, flyer, and link to homepage of your institution). (5) Speaker (publication of video conferences with cover poster, issn, isbn, and doi number). We sincerely invite you to join MOL2NET Conference Series or one of the worldwide associated workshops; please, sent a direct email to the chairperson.

Thank You For Your Support!!!
Prof. González-Díaz H., IKERBASQUE Professor, ORCID iD icon, Email:
(1) Dept. of Organic Chemistry II, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Spain.
(2) IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science , 48011, Bilbao, Biscay, Spain.

MOL2NET-MDPI Journals Issues

MOL2NET - MDPI Journals Issues

MOL2NET - MDPI Journals Issues (Organized by MOL2NET Committee Members)
In parallel, MOL2NET conference community members have been guest editors of >20 JCR journals special issues for different journals of the editorial MDPI ( Many of these special issues are now in call for papers, submissions are welcome in a posteriori, in parallel, or totally independently from the conference. Manuscripts should be submitted online at by registering and logging in to this website. We welcome new proposals of special issues by other colleagues. In order to send a proposal of associated workshop and/or special issue contact the chairperson of the conference Prof. González-Díaz H. IIKERBASQUE Prof., University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Biscay, Basque Country, Spain. Email: Please, check the following list of past and present special issues associated to our conference:

Open Journals Issues (Call For Papers)

Metabolites | An Open Access Journal from MDPI

27. Metabolites (Call For Papers): Special Issue: The Impact of Marine Chemical Pollution to Microorganism Metabolites. Journal: Metabolites (ISSN 2218-1989), JCR IF = 4.097. Editor: Prof. Marianne Graber, Laboratoire LIENSs Littoral Environnement et Sociétés, Institut écologie et environnement (IEE), French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France. Submissions until: 15-Nov-2021. Email:

26. Biomolecules (Call For Papers):
Special Issue: Computational Approaches for the Discovery and Development of Pharmacologically Active Natural Products. Journal: Biomolecules (ISSN 2218-273X). JCR IF = 4.082. Submission until: 28 February 2021. Editor: Prof. Jose L Medina-Franco, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), México.

25. IJMS (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Complex Networks, Bio-Molecular Systems, and Machine Learning. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 4.556. Topics: Chemoinformatics, Bioinformatics, QSAR/QSPR Models, Molecular descriptors, Graph Theory, Complex Networks, Protein Interaction Networks, Metabolic Networks, Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Deep Learning, Software development, Guest Editor: Prof. Humberto González-Díaz, Email:, Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, and Basque Center for Biophysics, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation for Science, 48011 Bilbao, Biscay, Spain. Submissions until: 30 April 2021.
24. IJMS (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Drug Development. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 4.556. Topics: Artificial intelligence, Big data, In silico drug design and discovery, Biophysics, Omics, Clinical data, Near-real-time prediction algorithms; Personalized medicine, Guest Editor: Dr. Irina Moreira, Email:, 1. Coimbra University, Life Sciences Department, Coimbra, Portugal;
2. CNC - Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. Submissions until: 31 Dec 2020.


23. Pharmaceutics (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Nanosystems as Drug Delivery Carrier: From Nature to the Medication. Journal: Pharmaceutics (ISSN 1999-4923), JCR IF = 4.421. Topics: drug delivery systems, cyclodextrin, nanomedicine, active drugs, bioavailability. Editor: Prof. Eduardo Sobarzo-Sanchez, Email:, Instituto de Investigación e Innovación en Salud, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Central de Chile, Chile. Submissions until: 31 Oct 2020.
22. Nanomaterials (Call For Papers):Special Issue: Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Templated Materials. Journal: Nanomaterials (ISSN 2079-4991), JCR IF = 4.324. Last Date: 2020-Nov-30, Editor: Prof. Juan M. Ruso, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
21. Molecules (Call For Papers):Special Issue: Structure and Function of Metalloenzymes. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.267. Last Date: 2020-Jun-30. Topics: catalytic power of enzymes; computer-aided drug design; bio-desulfurization; computational methods in chemistry and biochemistry; metalloenzymes; biological membranes; docking and virtual screening; computational enzymatic catalysis. Workshop Associated: EJIBCE, Encontro de Jovens Investigadores de Biologia Computacional e Estrutural, Portugal, 2018. Editor: Dr. Sérgio Filipe Sousa, Email:, UCIBIO/REQUIMTE, BioSIM - Departamento de BioMedicina, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal.
20. Molecules (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Cheminformatics, Past, Present, and Future: From Chemistry to Nanotechnology and Complex Systems. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.267. Last Date: 2020-Jul-31. Topics: Chemoinformatics, Multi-label classification, Quantum Mechanics, Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM), Molecular Docking, Big Data, Natural Computing, Quantum Computing, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Chemical Reactivity, Catalysis, Bioinformatics, Complex Biosystems, Protein Networks, Gene Regulatory Networks, Metabolic Networks, Computational Materials and Nano-sciences, Cheminformatics Regulatory issues, GDPR and Data Protection, OECD/REACH Regulation. Editors: Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, Current Affiliation: IKERBASQUE Professor, Dept. of Organic Chemistry II, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Basque Country, Spain. Email: Prof. Alejandro Pazos Sierra, Chair and Director of Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Coruña (UDC), Coruña, Spain. Dr. Aliuska Duardo-Sanchez. Chair in Law & The Human Genome Research Group, PANELFIT H2020, Project Manager & EDC Board Coordinator, Europe Commission. Lecturer Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU, Leioa (Great Bilbao), Biscay,Basque Country, Spain.
19. Molecules (Call For Papers): Special Issue: QSAR and QSPR: Recent Developments and Applications II. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = JCR IF = 3.267. Last Date: 2020-Dec-15. Section "Computational and Theoretical Chemistry". Editor: Prof. Alla Toropova, Current Affiliation: Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Via Mario Negri 2, 20156 Milano, Italy. Topics: QSPR/QSAR; Monte Carlo method; nanoinformatics; toxicology; nanotoxicology; drug discovery.
18. Entropy (Call for Papers): Special Issue: Statistical Inference from High Dimensional Data. Journal Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300), JCR IF = 2.4949. Editors: Prof. Carlos Fernández-Lozano. Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science, University of A Coruña, CITIC, A Coruña 15071, Spain. Date: 31 Dec 2020

17. Biology (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Computational Biology. Journal: Biology (ISSN 2079-7737) JCR IF = 3.796. Topics: computational biology, mathematical modeling, computational simulation, statistics, biochemistry, biophysics , molecular biology, computer science, anatomy, biomodeling, genomics, genetics, neuroscience, pharmacology, evolutionary biology. Editors: Dr. Milan Toma, Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, College of Osteopathic Medicine, New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury Campus, Northern Boulevard, Old Westbury, NY 11568-8000, USA. Dr. RiccardoConcu, Requimte/Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, s/n, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal. Submissions until: 30 Dec 2020.

Closed Journals Issues (Published)

16. Biomolecules (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Relevant Biomolecules for Germ Cells and Fertilization. Journal: Biomolecules (ISSN 2218-273X). JCR IF = 4.082. Topics: Germ cells, Gamete quality, Cryopreservation, Biomarkers, Antioxidants. Guest Editors: Prof. Vanessa Robles, Email:, MODCELL Group, Department of Molecular Biology, Universidad de León, 24071 León, Spain. Dr. Marta F. Riesco, Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), Santander, 39012, Spain, Dr. David G. Valcarce, Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), Santander, 39012, Spain. Submissions until: 15 February 2020.
15. Biomolecules (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Big Data Analysis in Biomolecular Research, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology with Complex Networks and Multi-Label Machine Learning Models. Journal: Biomolecules (ISSN 2218-273X). JCR IF = 4.082. Section: Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. Topics: Cheminformatics; Bioinformatics; Machine Learning; Complex Networks; Drug Discovery, Databases, Big Data, Systems Biology. Guest Editor: Prof. Humberto González-Díaz, Email:, Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, and Basque Center for Biophysics, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation for Science, 48011 Bilbao, Biscay, Spain. Submissions until: 31 July 2020.
14. IJMS (Published): Special Issue: QSAR and Chemoinformatics Tools for Modeling. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 4.183. Topics: Chemometrics, QSAR/QSPR, Multi-criteria decision making, Molecular descriptors, Software development, Editor: Prof. Roberto Todeschini, Email:, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy.
13. IJMS (Published): Special issue entitled: Molecular Recognition of Carbohydrates. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 3.257. Topics: Carbohydrates, Molecular recognition, NMR, Drug and Molecular probe design. Editors: Prof. Francisco Javier Cañada, Chemical and Physical Biology, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, CIB-CSIC, Ramiro de Maeztu 9, 28040 Madrid, Spain, Website 1 | Website 2 | E-Mail, Prof. Dr. Jesus Jimenez-Barbero, Website | E-Mail, (MOL2NET Honor Comm.), CIC bioGUNE, Bizkaia Technology Park, Building 800, 48160 Derio, Spain; Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science, Maria López de Haro 3, 48013 Bilbao, Spain.
12. IJMS (Published): Special issue entitled: Data Analysis in Molecular Sciences. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 3.257. Topics: Cheminformatics, Computational Chemistry, Bioinformatics, Data Analysis, Proteomics, Biological Networks, Editors: Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Biscay, Spain. Prof. Roberto Todeschini, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, Prof. Alejandro Pazos Sierra, University of Coruña UDC, Spain, Prof. Sonia Arrasate, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Biscay, Basque Country, Spain.
11. Nanomaterials (Published):Special Issue: Experimental Nanosciences, Computational Chemistry, and Data Analysis. Journal Nanomaterials (ISSN 2079-4991), JCR IF = 3.55. Editors: Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, UPV/EHU, Basque Country, Spain, Prof. Dr. H. Kušić, UZ, Croatia, Prof. B. Rasulev , NDSU, USA, Dr. Shameer Khader, Philips, Cambridge, MA, USA.

10. Nanomaterials (Call For Papers): Special Issue: From Nanoinformatics to Nanomaterials Risk Assessment and Governance. Journal: Nanomaterials (ISSN 2079-4991), JCR IF = 4.324. Last Date: 2020-Sept-01, Editors: Prof. Dario Greco, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland. Dr. Antreas Afantitis, Department of Cheminformatics, NovaMechanics Ltd, Nicosia, Cyprus. Prof. Iseult Lynch, School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Birmingham, United Kingdom. Dr. Maria Dusinska , Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Kjeller, Norway. Prof. Miguel A. Banares, Institute for Catalysis, CSIC, Madrid, Spain.

09. Molecules (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Recent Advances in Computational Drug Discovery: From In Silico Screening to Multiscale De Novo Drug Design. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.267. Last Date: 2020-Jan-31. Topics: Multi-Scale De Novo Drug Design, Multi-Scale Models, QSAR-Based Approaches, Chemoinformatics, Bioinformatics, Big Data and Data Mining, Computer-Aided Drug Discovery, and Virtual Screening. Editor: Prof. Alejandro Speck-Planche, Email:, Department of Chemistry (Institute of Pharmacy), I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation.
08. Molecules (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Natural Products for Neurodegenerative Diseases. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.267. Last Date: 2020-Apr-30. Topics: Medicinal chemistry; Natural products; Photochemistry reactivity; Aporphines, oxoaporphines, and oxoisoaporphines; Coumarins. Editor: Prof. Eduardo Sobarzo-Sanchez, Email:, Instituto de Investigación e Innovación en Salud, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Central de Chile, Chile.

07. Molecules (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Computational Methods for Drug Discovery and Design. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.098. Last Date: 2019-Dec-30. Topics: molecular modeling; molecular simulations; computational biochemistry; computer-aided drug design; protein kinase inhibitors. Editor: Prof. Julio Caballero, Email:, Centro de Bioinformática y Simulación Molecular (CBSM), Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Talca, Casilla 747, Talca 3460000, Chile.

06. Molecules (Published): Special Issue: GPCR Mechanism and Drug Design. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.06. Last Date: 2019-Nov-30. Topics: data science; drug design and discovery; computational chemistry; structural biology; molecular modeling; molecular docking; computational mutagenesis; G-protein-coupled receptors; protein–protein interactions; protein–ligand interactions. Workshop Associated: EJIBCE, Encontro de Jovens Investigadores de Biologia Computacional e Estrutural, Portugal, 2018. Editor: Dr. Irina Moreira, Email:, Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC), University of Coimbra (UC), Portugal.

05. Molecules (Published): Special Issue: From Computational Chemistry to Complex Networks. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.06. Topics: Quantum Mechanics /Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM), Drug-target, protein-protein and other Docking methods, Monte Carlo (MC) methods, Quantitative Structure-Activity/Property Relationships (QSAR/QSPR) models, Graph theory and Complex Networks Topological Indices (TIs), Protein Structure Networks, Protein Interaction Networks (PINs) and Proteome. Editor: Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, Email:, Current Affiliation: IKERBASQUE Professor, Dept. of Organic Chemistry II, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Basque Country, Spain.


04. Entropy (Published): Special Issue: Graph and Network Entropies. Journal Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300), JCR IF = 2.419. Topics: network sciences; walk entropies; algegraic graph theory; spectral methods; matrix functions. Editor: Prof. Ernesto Estrada, Email:, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G11XQ, United Kingdom. Current Affiliation: ARAID Professor, Institute of Applied Mathematics (IUMA), University of Zaragoza, Spain.

03. Entropy (Call for Papers): Special Issue: Biological Statistical Mechanics. Journal Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300), JCR IF = 2.494. Last Date: 2019-Nov-15. Topics: cell differentiation, biocomplexity, order and organization, ecology, epidemics, correlation dynamics, complex networks, systems biology. Editors: Prof. Alessandro Giuliani, Email:, Environment and Health Department, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma 00161, Italy. Prof. Mariano Bizzarri, Department of Experimental Medicine, Systems Biology Group Lab, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.

02. Applied Sciences (Published): Special issue entitled: Applied Artificial Neural Networks. Journal Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417), JCR IF = 2.217. Topics: Evolutionary Computation; Artificial Neural Networks; Artificial Intelligence; Feature Selection; Machine Learning. Editor: Prof. Marcos Gestal. Email:, Computation Sciences and Information Technologies Department, Faculty of Computer Science, University of A Coruña, 15071, A Coruña, Spain.
01. Applied Sciences (Published): Special issue entitled: Complex Networks and Machine Learning: From Molecular to Social Sciences. Journal Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417), JCR IF = 2.217. Topics: machine learning, complex networks, systems biology, protein networks, metabolic networks, ecosystems, artificial neural networks, social, financial, and legal networks. Editors: Prof. Maykel Cruz-Monteagudo, Email:, West Coast University, Miami Campus, FL, USA, Prof. David Quesada, Director of Dept. of Mathematics, Miami Dade Colege (MDC), Miami, FL, USA. Email:, Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, Email:, IKERBASQUE Professor, Dept. of Organic Chemistry II, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Basque Country, Spain.

MOL2NET-MDPI Journals (Selected Papers)

Concise Polygenic Models for Cancer-Specific Identification of Drug-Sensitive Tumors from Their Multi-Omics Profiles
by Stefan Naulaerts , Michael P. Menden and Pedro J. Ballester
Biomolecules 2020, 10(6), 963;

Exploring Alzheimer’s Disease Molecular Variability via Calculation of Personalized Transcriptional Signatures
by Hila Dagan, Efrat Flashner-Abramson, Swetha Vasudevan, Maria R. Jubran, Ehud CohenandNataly Kravchenko-Balasha
Biomolecules 2020, 10(4), 503;

Topical Delivery of Meloxicam using Liposome and Microemulsion Formulation Approaches
by Julia Zhang , Anna Froelich and Bozena Michniak-Kohn
Pharmaceutics 2020, 12(3), 282;

Soft Actuated Hybrid Hydrogel with Bioinspired Complexity to Control Mechanical Flexure Behavior for Tissue Engineering
by Ramón Rial , Zhen Liu and Juan M. Ruso
Nanomaterials 2020, 10(7), 1302;

Data Analysis in Chemistry and Bio-Medical Sciences
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17(12), 2105;
Complex Networks and Machine Learning: From Molecular to Social Sciences
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9(21), 4493;
Modeling of Interactions between the Zebrafish Hatching Enzyme ZHE1 and A Series of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles: Nano-QSAR and Causal Analysis of Inactivation Mechanisms. by Natalia Sizochenko ,Danuta Leszczynska andJerzy Leszczynski
Nanomaterials 2017, 7(10), 330;
Data Analysis in Chemistry and Bio-Medical Sciences
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17(12), 2105;
Interactions between a Heparin Trisaccharide Library and FGF-1 Analyzed by NMR Methods
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2017, 18(6), 1293;
Development of Multi-Target Chemometric Models for the Inhibition of Class I PI3K Enzyme Isoforms: A Case Study Using QSAR-Co Tool. by Amit Kumar Halder and M. Natália Dias Soeiro Cordeiro.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(17), 4191;
Improvement of Epitope Prediction Using Peptide Sequence Descriptors and Machine Learning. by Cristian R. Munteanu ,Marcos Gestal ,Yunuen G. Martínez-Acevedo ,Nieves Pedreira , Alejandro Pazos and Julián Dorado.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(18), 4362;
Alignment-Free Method to Predict Enzyme Classes and Subclasses. by Riccardo Concu and M. Natália D. S. Cordeiro.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(21), 5389;
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as a Tool to Reduce Human-Animal Interaction Improves Senegalese Sole Production. by Juan M. Martínez-Vázquez ,David G. Valcarce ,Marta F. Riesco ,Vicent Sanz Marco ,Morito Matsuoka and Vanesa Robles.
Biomolecules 2019, 9(12), 778;
Dynamical Rearrangement of Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 upon Antibody Binding: Effects on the Dimerization. by Pedro R. Magalhães , Miguel Machuqueiro , José G. Almeida ,André Melo , M. Natália D. S. Cordeiro ,Sandra Cabo Verde ,Zeynep H. Gümüş , Irina S. Moreira , João D. G. Correia and Rita Melo. Biomolecules 2019, 9(11), 706;
A Computational Toxicology Approach to Screen the Hepatotoxic Ingredients in Traditional Chinese Medicines: Polygonum multiflorum Thunb as a Case Study, by Shuaibing He , Xuelian Zhang ,Shan Lu , Ting Zhu , Guibo Sun and Xiaobo Sun
Biomolecules 2019, 9(10), 577;
Embryonic Exposure to Bisphenol A Impairs Primordial Germ Cell Migration without Jeopardizing Male Breeding Capacity. by Marta Lombó , Lidia Getino-Álvarez ,Alexandra Depincé ,Catherine Labbé and María Paz Herráez
Biomolecules 2019, 9(8), 307;


MOL2NET USEDAT: US-EU Data Analysis Training Program
USEDAT: USA-Europe Data Analysis Training School
Experimental Data Recording, Computational Data Analysis, Hands-on Training Courses
PhD, MSc, Degree Thesis Tutorship; MSCA Secondments; Summer Internships
USA & Europe Schools, Conferences, Workshops, Enrollment Free of Charge
[USEDAT Project Homepage]

USEDAT School & Workshop

USEDAT: USA-Europe Data Analysis Training School is a Multi-center Trans-Atlantic initiative offering hands-on training focused on both Introduction to Experimental Data Recording (NMR, MS, IR, 2DGE, EEG, TG/DTG, HTS/NGS, etc.) and/or posterior Computational Modelling, Simulation, and Data Analysis (Machine Learning, Complex Networks, etc.). We made emphasis on applications in Cheminformatics, Bioinformatics, Medicinal Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Systems Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology, Energy, Biomass, and Biofuels, etc. The program also promotes training and knowledge of ethical and legal regulatory issues (GDPR, REACH, OECD, FDA, etc.) about data use and data protection in chemistry and biomedical research.

The program is directed to researchers and students worldwide.
The initiative joins various sister summer schools, workshops, boot camps, hands-on training courses, and/or capstone courses of universities in United States and Europe. This includes courses and research workshops offered/chaired by professors of Miami Dade College (MDC), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), North Dakota State University (NDSU), Jackson State University (JSU), Tulane University New Orleans, Saint Thomas University (STU), and West Coast University (WCU) Miami, in United States and courses/workshops organized by professors / researchers of University of Coruña (UDC) Spain, EMBL-EBI European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, CNAM, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science, Basque Country, Spain, and other European centers. Please see, download, and share our [USEDAT Flyer] and/or read our editorial paper [USEDAT Editorial.pdf].

Reference: USEDAT: USA-Europe Data Analysis Training Worldwide Program, 2019 ed. Jerzy Leszczynski, David Quesada, Eugene Muratov, Matthew M. Montemore, James Robert Green, Suhbash C. Basak, Bakhtiyor Rasulev, Cristian R Munteanu, Alejandro Pazos, Yasset Perez-Riverol, Gloria Castellano, Maité Sylla, Daniel J.V.A. Do Santos, Natália D. S. Cordeiro, Bairong Shen, Pedro L. Fernandes, Esther Lete, Nuria Sotomayor, Sonia Arrasate, Aliuska Duardo, Humbert Gonzalez-Diaz.
MOL2NET-05, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, ISSN: 2624-5078, MDPI SciForum, Basel, Switzerland, 2019, (1), 1-5, doi: 10.3390/mol2net-05-06254.

USEDAT Program & Workshop Participation

The professors and students interested on USEDAT are welcome to submit their research works to be published in USEDAT School Workshop and/or in any other of the MOL2NET workshops associated to the school. For in-site participation contact the coordinators of the different courses or the general coordinator. For participation in the workshops, click submit to send the title and abstract of your communication. After that, wait to receive after approval email. Next, write your communication using the following [USEDAT Template.doc] file to write your communications, after that save a .pdf file and upload. Almost all schools have workshops published by the MOL2NET Conference series (see details at follows). The professors, researchers, and students interested on this workshop are also welcome to participate in the international network of courses offered by USEDAT program. The students of the program can visit one or more of the universities to receive personalized training. It may include introduction to experimental techniques (NMR, EEG, MS, HPLC, 2DGE, etc.) for data acquisition. However, the main focus is on computational algorithms (ML, AI, ANN, SVM, LDA, Deep Learning, SQL, Python, etc.) for data analysis and computational modelling and simulation in Chemistry (All), Biotechnology Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, etc. See all benefits for students and professors bellow.

USEDAT Program Enrollment

Enrollment is free of cost (no fees) for USEDAT hands-on training courses, this include training of Summer school students, training/tutoring of PhD, MSc, and Degree students, training of visiting professors, post-doctoral researchers, sabbatical professors, etc. However, USEDAT students/professors obtain financial support to cover indirect costs (traveling, insurance, living, and other indirect costs) from institutions like MSCA Europe Commission, EMBL-EBI United Kingdom, FCT Portugal, NSF China, COLCIENCIAS Colombia, SENESCYT Ecuador, CONACYT, DELFIN Program México, and PANELFIT H2020 Europe Commision Projects, etc.

USEDAT School vs. Regular University Courses

USEDAT hands-on training courses, per se, are free of cost. USEDAT training courses are equivalent to summer schools, boot camps, and other forms of complementary teaching. The USEDAT school courses involve hands-on personalized training, seminars, participation in workshops, visit to different centers, PhD, MSc students dissertation tutoring, etc. However, USEDAT training courses must not to be confused with regular teaching courses of university. USEDAT training courses serve as an introduction or introductory gate to some regular PhD, MSc, Capstone courses, of universities of Europe and USA. We help you to contact professors of these programs associated with us.
More specifically, USEDAT do not levies charges to students for tutoring/supervision of PhD, MSc, Degree students dissertation, thesis, or final project. However, students of regular PhD, MSc, Capstone university courses have have to pay enrollment tuition fees. These courses have their own admission process. If you decide to enroll in some of these courses related to our school please be aware of this difference. Please, see more details in our pages at [USEDAT Researchgate] and [USEDAT Facebook] social networks. If you are interested to enroll in one of the courses do not hesitate to contact directly Prof. Humbert Gonzalez-Diaz, (USEDAT Coordinator), IKERBASQUE Prof., University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU) at:

USEDAT Lecturers and Collaborating Professors

People listed as collaborators and/or collaborating professors of the USEDAT school project are those who have: [i] acted as lecturer or coordinator of one of the courses; [ii] Acted as chairperson of one of the workshops, [iii] offered institutional and/or hosting support, [iv] acted as tutor and/or have sent at least one student to participate in courses of other centers.

USEDAT Professors/Collaborators [North America]:
Prof. David Quesada (Dir. Dept. Mathematics)i,ii,iii,iv, Miami Dade College (MDC), USA.
Prof. Jerzy Leszczynski i,ii,iii,iv, Dir. Interdisc. Cent. for Nanotoxicity (ICN), Jackson State University (JSU), USA.
Prof. Eugene Muratov i,ii, Eshelman School of Pharm., Univ. of North Carolina (UNC), Chapell Hill, USA.
Assist. Prof. Matthew M. Montemore i,iii,iv, Chem. & Biomol. Eng., Tulane University, New Orleans, USA.
Prof. James Robert Green i,ii,iii,iv, Dept. of Systems and Comput. Eng., Carleton University, Canada.
Dr. Suhbash C. Basak, Natural Resources Research Institute, Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth, MN, USA.
Prof. Terace Fletcher i,ii,iii,iv, Northeast Lakeview College, University of Texas, San Antonio, TX, USA.

Prof. Maykel Cruz-Monteagudo i,ii,iii,iv, West Coast University (WCU), Miami, USA.
Prof. Bakhtiyor Rasulev i,ii,iii,iv, North Dakota Sate University (NDSU), USA.
Dr. Shameer Khader ii, Dept. Medical Informatics, Northwell Health, NY, USA.
Prof. Óscar Rivera, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, Houston Community College, Houston, TX, USA. i,ii,iii,iv

USEDAT Professors/Collaborators [Europe]:

Prof. Humbert Gonzalez-Diaz (USEDAT Coord.)i,ii,iii,iv , Prof. Sonia Arrasate i,ii,iii,iv, Prof. Esther Lete (PhD Coord.)i,ii,iii,
Prof. Nuria Sotomayor (MSc Coord.)i,ii,iii, Prof. Fernando Plazaola (Dean)iii, Prof. Ma. Isabel Moreno (Dir. Dept.)ii,iii,
Dr. Aliuska Duardo (Fac. Law)i,ii,iii,iv, Univ. of The Basque Country
(UPV/EHU), Leioa, Basque Country, Spain.
Prof. Cristian R Munteanu i,ii,iii,iv, Prof. Alejandro Pazos i,ii,iii,iv, University of Coruña (UDC), Coruña, Spain.
Prof. Christoph Kaleta ii,iii,iv, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU), Germany.

Dr. Yasset Perez-Riverol i,ii, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Assoc. Prof. Maité Sylla ii , Assoc. Prof. Najla Fourati ii , Assoc. Prof. Chouki Zerrouki ii , CNAM, París, France.
Dr. Irina Moreira i,ii,iii,iv, Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC), Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal;
Prof. Gloria Castellano i,ii,iv , (Dept. Dir.) Dept. Exp. Sci. and Mathematics, Catholic Univ. of Valencia (UCV), Spain.
Prof. Francisco Torrens i,ii,iv , Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol), University of Valencia (UV), Valencia, Spain.
Prof. Natália D. S. Cordeiro i,ii,iii,iv, REQUIMTE Theor. Chem. Net., University of Porto (UPORTO), Portugal.
Prof. Pedro L. Fernandes i,ii,iii,iv, Bioinformatics Training Coordinator, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia (IGC), Portugal.
Dr. Daniel J.V.A. Do Santos iv , Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon (ULISBOA), Portugal.

USEDAT Professors/Collaborators [Other Regions]:
Prof. Bairong Shen i,ii,iii,iv, Exec. Dir., Inst. for Systems Genetics, West-China Hospital, Sichuan University (SCU), China.

Prof. Amaury Pérez Martínezii,iii, Amazon State Univ. (UEA), Ecuador.
Prof. Eduardo Tejera i,ii,iii,iv, Prof. Yunierkis Perez Castillo i,ii,iii,iv (Bio-Cheminformatics Group), Prof. Vinicio Armijos iii,iv,
MSc. Emilia Vasquez i,ii,iii,iv (Biotechnology), Universidad de Las Americas (UDLA), Quito, Ecuador.
Prof. Marcus T Scotti i,ii,iii, Dir. Cheminformatics Lab., Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), Brazil.
Dr. Shaoxun Tang iii,iv, Centre of Reg. Agro-Ecology, National Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
Prof. Esvieta Tenorio-Borroto i,ii,iii,iv , Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM), Mexico.
Prof. Boris Mederos iii,iv, Dept. Phys. and Mathematics, Univ. Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ), México.
Prof. Piedad Gañan iii,iv, Dr. Robin Zuluaga iii,iv, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Bogotá, Colombia.
Prof. Ma. Del Rayo Camacho Corona iii,iv, Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UNL), México.
Prof. Ashok. K. Dubey ii, Drug Discov. Lab., Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi, India.
Prof. Kunal Roy ii, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.

USEDAT Worldwide Hands-on Training Programs
USEDAT hand-on training programs included several courses from many institutions worldwide. Courses are oriented to train the students in specific topics by working on a personalized research topic. In these projects the students perform a review and/or carry out an specific research involving use of ML, AI, Data Analysis and other techniques applied to an specific problem in Chemistry (All Branches), Biomedical Engineering, Medical Sciences, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Materials Sciences, etc. Some of the hand-on training courses are:
[North America]:
USEDAT ICN NSF-CREST Computational Nanotoxicity, Jackson, USA.
Interdisciplinary Center for Nanotoxicity (ICN), Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Jackson State University (JSU), USA.
Topics: Nanotoxicity, Cheminformatics, Data Analysis
Coordinator: Prof. Jerzy Leszczynski (Director)
USEDAT SRI MDC-STU Summer Research Institute, Miami, USA.
Summer Research Institute (SRI), Miami Dade College (MDC), Saint Thomas University (STU).
Students Contact with Researchers from NASA, University of Miami, Florida International University (FIU).
Coordinator: Prof. David Quesada, Chair of Dept. of Mathematics, MDC, Wolfson Campus,

Last Workshop:
Current Workshop:
Contact Email:
USEDAT CHEMINFO UNC Training, Chapel Hill, USA.
USEDAT CHEMINFO Workshop and Training of UNC Chapell Hill
Laboratory for Molecular Modeling, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy,
University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill , North Carolina 27599 , United States.
Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Eugene Muratov, Ph.D., Email:
USEDAT TULANE Hands-on Training, New Orleans, USA.
Topics: Machine Learning, Computational Chemistry, Cheminformatics
Coordinator: Assist. Prof. Matthew M. Montemore, Chemical and
Biomolecular Engineering, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA.
USEDAT WCU Capstone Course, Miami, USA.
WCUCW: West Coast University Capstone Workshop, Campus Miami,
Coordinators: Prof. Terace Fletcher and Prof. Maykel Cruz-Monteagudo.
USEDAT UPV/EHU Training School, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.
Coords: Prof. Humbert Gonzalez-Diaz (IKERBASQUE Prof.), Prof. Sonia Arrasate,
Topics: Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Complex Networks, Systems Biology
Computational Nanosciences, Workshop:

Contact Email:
USEDAT EMBL-EBI Training course, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
EMBL-EBI Training Course in Proteomics and Bioinformatics
Coord: Dr. Yasset Pérez-Riverol, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
USEDAT Gulbenkian Institute of Science, Lisbon, Portugal.
Gulbenkian Training Program in Bioinformatics (GTPB)
Prof. Pedro L. Fernandez, Inst. Gulbenkian de Ciencia (IGC),


USEDAT RNASA-IMEDIR UDC Summer School, Coruña, Spain.
IWMEDIC, Rnsa-Imedir, University of Coruña (UDC), Spain.
Coordinators: Prof. Alejandro Pazos, Director Dept. of Computation,
Prof. Cristian Munteanu, Dept. of Comput., FIC, UDC
Last Workshop:
Current Workshop:

USEDAT IWIMSM-03: Iberoamerican Workshop, Valencia, Spain.
Iberoamericana Interdisc. Métodos, Model. y Simul. Workshop
Coordinators: Prof. Gloria Castellano, Email:
Dir. Dept. Exp. Sciences and Mathematics, Catholic University of Valencia (UCV), Valencia, Spain.
Prof. Francisco Torrens, Email:
Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol), University of Valencia (UV), Valencia, Spain.
Last Workshop:
Current Workshop:

USEDAT EJIBCE: Structural Computational Biology Training, Portugal, 2019.
Coodinator: Dr. Irina Moreira, E-mail:
Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC), Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
Last Workshop:
Current Workshop:

USEDAT LAWSCI PANELFIT Summer School, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.
LAWSCI PANELFIT H2020 Project Summer School of Chair of Law and Human Genome, UPV/EHU, Leioa, Bilbao, Spain.
Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on Ethical and Legal Issues Regarding ICT Data Protection, 2019-2020.
Coordinator: PhD.
Aliuska Duardo. H2020 PANELFIT European Project Manager
MOOC Registration:
Last Workshop:

USEDAT Schools Topics

The topics of the courses vary with the school but overall they are related to three main areas and their overlapping fields involving the technical, legal, and ethic aspects of experimental measurement, collection, storing, retrieval, analysis, and in general use of data:

(0) Experimental methods (NMR, IR, HPLC, MS, EEG, 2DGE, etc.) used in Chemistry, Physics, Nanotechnology, Medicine, etc. to record data susceptible of posterior processing with data analysis techniques

(1) Computational Sciences, ICTs, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Mathematics, Physics tools for Data Analysis and Modelling in science.

(2) Applications of the previous methods to Cheminformatics, Chemistry (All Areas), Nanotechnology, Materials Sciences, Biophysics, Bioinformatics, OMICs, Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Systems Biology, Complex Networks, and Social Networks.

(3) Legal, Regulatory, and Bioethics issues in Machine Learning Applications and/or Bio-molecular sciences, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in research, Patenting of Drugs, Genome, Materials, and Copyright protection of Scientific software.

Benefits for Students

(0) Receiving training in Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cheminformatics, Complex Networks, etc.
(1) Development of a Personalized Research Project to study Experimental Results of Student Thesis and/or Public Data sets.
(2) Publication of papers in a JCR-Indexed Journals, projects results are submitted to publication at the end of the course.
(3) Publication of communications in MOL2NET Workshops in Miami Dade College, Univ. of Minnesota, NCU Chapell-Hill, USA; CNAM, Paris, France; UDC Coruña, Spain, etc.
(4) Exploration of possible MSc/PhD topics for MSc/Degree Students.

USEDAT Students Academic Profile

Profs., Researchers, Graduated, and undergraduate students from Physics (Applied), Chemistry (All areas), Biology, Medicine, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Nanosciences, Polymer and Material Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Computational Sciences, etc.

USEDAT School Courses Duration

Duration varies in different universities. Typical duration is: Sabbatical Profs., Post-Doc, and PhD Students (1 moth and upto 1 year), MSc Students (upto 2 months), Degree of Students (upto 4 months), Undergraduated and Capstone Course Students (variable), Delfin Program Students (1-2 months).

USEDAT Attendance Certificates

- USEDAT UNC, MDC, WCU, UFPB, UDC, etc. Attendance Certificate, signed by school coordinators
- MOL2NET Conference Workshops Attendance Cert, signed by chairperson.
- UPV/EHU ZTF-FCT Faculty Research Stay Attendance Cert. signed by dean.
- UPV/EHU Dept. Research Stay Attendance Letter, signed by dept. directors.
- CONACYT Internship Certificate (Delfin program students), signed by coord.

USEDAT Professors Benefits

(0) Teach/Sent out their students to be trained in Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cheminformatics, Complex Networks, and Statistics, in aborad universities in USA and/or Europe.
(1) Development of a Personalized Research Project to study Experimental Results of experimental projects in multiple areas.
(2) Publication of papers in a JCR-Indexed Journals, projects results are submitted to publication at the end of the course.
(3) Publication of communications in MOL2NET Workshops in Miami Dade College, Univ. of Minnesota, NCU Chapell-Hill, USA; CNAM, Paris, France; UDC Coruña, Spain, etc.
(4) Exploration of possible co-direction (co-supervising) of MSc/PhD Thesis in UPV/EHU or UDC universities for professors from abroad who sent students to the school . Including thesis dissertation only in UDC/UPV/EHU or co-tutelle thesis with double dissertation and title.

USEDAT Assoc. Conf. and Workshops
All students are invited to publish (open access and free of cost) their own short review papers and research communications with the results of their personal summer school training projects in different workshops in USA, Spain, Portugal, France, Brazil, etc. of the conference: MOL2NET, International Conference Series, MDPI SciForum, ISSN: 2624-5078, Basel, Switzerland, 2019.
USEDAT Steering Committee
Prof. Jerzy Leszczynski (Presidential Distinguished Fellow)
Director CREST Interdisciplinary Center for Nanotoxicity (ICN),
Jackson State University (JSU), Jackson, USA.
Assoc. Prof. Eugene Muratov
Laboratory for Molecular Modeling, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy,
University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill , North Carolina 27599 , United States.
Prof. David Quesada
Director of Dept. of Mathematics,
Miami Dade Colege (MDC), Miami, FL, USA.
Prof. Cristian Robert Munteanu
Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of Dept of Computation
Faculty of Computer Sciences,
University of Coruña (UDC), Coruña, Spain.
Prof. Alejandro Pazos,
Ph.D., M.D., Chair Prof. of Dept of Computation
Faculty of Computer Sciences,
University of Coruña (UDC), Coruña, Spain.

Prof. Maykel Cruz-Monteagudo,
Education Specialist, West Coast University, Miami Campus, FL, USA.

Prof. Terace Fletcher, NLC Page
Northeast Lakeview College (NLC), Alamo Colleges, University of Texas, San Antonio, TX, USA.

Prof. Sonia Arrasate
Department of Organic Chemistry II,
University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Leioa, Sarriena w/n, Bizkaia.

Dr. Aliuska Duardo-Sanchez
Ph.D. Legal Informatics, Chair in Law & The Human Genome Research Group,
Faculty of Law, University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU, Leioa (Bilbao),
Biscay, PANELFIT H2020, Project Manager & EDC Board Coordinator, Europe Commission.

USEDAT Chairperson

Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, IKERBASQUE Professor, ORCID iD icon, Email:
(1) Department of Organic Chemistry II, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Spain.
(2) IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science , 48011, Bilbao, Biscay, Spain.

USEDAT Sponsors

Institutions or projects that have sponsored at least one of our profs, students, or workshops: IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science (, CHAIN European Commission project, SPRI Basque Government Elkartek Petronor Project KK-219/0037, MDPI Switzerland, NASA STEM-SPACE Grant P03C1160161, MSCA Europe Commission, FCT Portugal, NSF China, COLCIENCIAS Colombia, SENESCYT Ecuador, CONACYT, DELFIN Program México, and PANELFIT H2020 Europe Commission Project:

PUBLONS Referee Training

As part of the MOL2NET 2020 Conference and the USEDAT (US-EU Data Analysis Training Program) we invite all students/researchers worldwide to get enrolled online and free of cost on the Publons Academy Peer Review Training Course for JCR Journals reviewers. You can become a PUBLONS certified journal referee in areas like Chemistry, Cheminformatics, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engineering, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Complex Networks, .. etc. The link to register (free of cost) is: [Publons Academy]. You can also follow our training program page on MOL2NET-Publons @ Researchgate. We invite you to contact selected tutors and students of our Referees Training program to request their tutorship, clarify doubts, and/or simply ask their opinions about the program. Please, see at follows some of our students enrolled or already graduated. We posted a picture and a link to their Publons profile to making contact easier.

Contact: Prof. Humbert Gonzalez-Diaz, Publons link: A-6785-2012,


USEDAT LAWSCI PANELFIT Summer School, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.

PANELFIT MOOC Data Protection Training

Ethical and Legal Issues Regarding ICT Data Protection

MOL2NET-2020, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, ISSN: 2624-5078, MDPI SciForum, Basel, Switzerland, 2020, is open!!! This year, we are promoting a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) about ICTs, Data Analysis, and GDPR Data Protection Legislation. The main organizer of this course is PANELFIT H2020 European Union project, grant agreement No 788039. You are welcome to register (FREE), watch some videos, and asnwer some questions to complete it. It is open the registration period for the free online course: Ethical and Legal issues regarding ICT Data Protection. This course is offered within the framework of the PANELFIT H2020 Project by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, with the help of the Partners and especially of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA). The specific objective of this course is to train citizens on basic ethical and legal issues related to the protection of personal data, in accordance with the new European Data Protection Regulation and complementary regulations. This MOOC is also a complementary training for PhD/MSc and Deg students of #Computational_Sciences, #Data_Analysis, #Machine_Learning, #Cheminformatics, #Bioinformatics, #Law and #Legal_Sciences, #Medicine and #Biomedical_Research, .... etc. The course is also directed to all the students of the USEDAT: USA-EU Data Analysis Training Program, .

Conference Chairs

Dept. of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU, Leioa, 48940, Greater Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. Website

Dept. of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU, Leioa, 48940, Greater Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.

List of Authors (313)

Sponsors and Partners

IJMS (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Complex Networks, Bio-Molecular Systems, and Machine Learning. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 5.924. Topics: Chemoinformatics, Bioinformatics, QSAR/QSPR Models, Molecular descriptors, Graph Theory, Complex Networks, Protein Interaction Networks, Metabolic Networks, Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Deep Learning, Software development, Guest Editor: Prof. Humbert G. Díaz, Email:, Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, and Basque Center for Biophysics, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation for Science, 48011 Bilbao, Biscay, Spain. Submissions until: 2022-Feb-28.
FBBBERC (Program): Basque Excellence Research Centres (BERC), FBB - Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia, Date: 2018-2021.
PANELFIT (Project): Participatory Approaches to a New Ethical and Legal Framework for ICT, European Commission, H2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant Agreement ID: 788039, Chair in Law and Human Genome, University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Date: 2018-Oct - 2022-Apr.
CHAIN (Project): Computational prediction of eco-friendly alternative building-blocks for fuel blends in Petro-chemistry with PTML models, Basque Government, (ELKARTEK) Petronor (KK-2019/00037), Dates: 2019-2020.
CARDICAM (Project): Integrated Platform for the Discovery of Calmodulinopathies Treatment Drug Candidates, Basque Government. ELKARTEK 2020. (ELKARTEK20/52), Basque Agency for Business Development (SPRI), Date: 2020 - 2022.
CHSYNTH (Project): New synthetic and cheminformatic tools for the construction and diversification of drug-like heterocycles. C-H activation and Machine Learning approaches. MICIIN (PID2019-104148GB-I00), Date: 2020 - 2022.

MOL2NET Academy-Industry Committee

MOL2NET Academy-Industry Advisory Committee

CEO, CIO, R&D Directors, Officers, Consultants, Researchers from
SME, Industry, Funding Institutions, Technological Centers
MOL2NET conference is specially interesting on promoting academy-industry collaboration. This may in turn increase society returns by means of translational research in chemistry, nanotechnology, biotechnology, bench-to-bed investigation in medicinal sciences and biomedical engineering, etc. Consequently, we have created this committee of scientific directors of university departments and technological centers along with CEO, CIO, and R&D directors from SME and Technological Companies. We also welcome industry consultants, policy makers, SME-Industry funding institutions staf, and all people related to Acadmy-Industry collaboration work. We specially welcome new members to join us. Please, do not hesitate to contact the chairperson to propose a collaboration by yourself or appoint some colleague.
The scope of the committee is broad but somehow focused on experimental and computational research applied to Biomolecular industry and sciences: Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Nanotechnology, Materials Sciences, Biotechnology, Biofuel Production, Environmental Sciences, Neurosciences, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Imaging, and related topics. Applications of Computational Sciences, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Big Data anlysis, Chemoinformatics, Bioinformatics, Complex Networks Analysis, on research and industry focused on the previous areas are also welcome. Last, all topics related to Bioethics, Regulatory Affairs, Data Protection, Patenting, Copyright, etc. on industry and research in these areas is of our interest as well. Both experts on experimental and/or compatutional applications on these industrial research areas are wellcome.
Prof. Fernando P. Cossío, (IKERBASQUE Foundation President), Prof. Dept. of Organic Chemistry I, University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Donostia - San Sebastián Campus, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain.
Dr. Allen B. Reitz, Ph.D., ALS Biopharma CEO (Founder ), FCCDC CEO Fox Chase Chemical Diversity Center, Inc., Moore Fellow in the Management of Technology, Penn Engineering, Adjunct Professor at Drexel University College of Medicine, Doylestown, PA, USA.

Prof. Jerzy Leszczynski, USA Presidential Distinguished Fellow, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry Interdisciplinary Center for Nanotoxicity (ICN), Jackson State University (JSU), USA.
Prof. Jesús Jimenez-Barbero, IKERBASQUE Professor, Scientific Director of Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences (CICBiogune), Biscay, Dept. of Organic Chemistry II, UPV/EHU, Leioa, Basque Country, Spain.
Prof. Iban Ubarretxena, IKERBASQUE Professor, BIOFISIKA, Basque Center for Biophysics, Biscay Biophysics Foundation (BBF), Scientific Director, CSIC-UPVEHU, Basque Country, Spain.

Prof. María Isabel Loza, CiMUS, Vice-Director , Department of Pharmacology, University of Santiago de Compostela USC, Galicia, Spain.

Dr. Gonzalo Hernandez Herrero, FAES FARMA, Director of Research, Develop. and Innov., Leioa, Greater Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.
Dr Ignacio Sancho-Martínez,
FAES FARMA, Chief Scientific Officer, Leioa, Greater Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.

Dr. Tatiana Suarez Cortes, FAES FARMA
, Head of Research, Development and Innovation Promotion.
R&D+i Department, Leioa, Greater Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.
Dr. Elías Unzueta Etxeita, Chief Innovation Officer (CIO), Petronor Innovación S.L., Muskiz, Greater Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.
Prof. Alejandro Pazos, Ph.D., M.D., Chair and Director of Department of Computer Sciences, University of Coruña (UDC), Coruña, Spain. IKERDATA S.L. UDC-UPVEHU, ZITEK, President of Scientific Advisory Board, Coruña, Galicia / Leioa, Basque Country, Spain.Prof. José María Pitarke , UPV/EHU, Dir. of Nanomaterials Cooperative Research Center (CICNanoGune), San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain.

Ph.D. Yolanda de Miguel , Dir. Nanotechnology Cluster, TECNALIA, Zamudio, Greater Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.

Prof. Luis M Liz-Marzán, IKERBASQUE Professor, Scientific Director of Center for Cooperative Research in Biomaterials (CICbiomaGUNE), Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain.

Prof. María José Sanz Sánchez, IKERBASQUE Prof.
, Scientific Director, Email address:
Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3), UPVEHU, Leioa, Basque Country, Spain.
Prof. Enrique Solano, IKERBASQUE Prof., CEO, Kipu Quantum, Munich; CEO, Quanvia, Bilbao, Dept. of Physical Chemistry, Univ. of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, 48080 Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.

Prof. Eddy Sotelo. Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry. Univ. Santiago de Compostela. Co-founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Celtarys Research SL New Fluorescent Tools for Pharma and Bio Research, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain.

MSc. Gorka Artola, Chief Innovation and Tech-Transfer Officer, OTRI, University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque Country, Spain.
Telf. + 946012108, Email:
MOL2NET Academy-Industry Committee Secretary

Prof. Sonia Arrasate IKERDATA S.L. UDC-UPVEHU, ZITEK, Co-Founder and Scientific Advisory Board Member, Leioa, Basque Country, Spain. Email:

MOL2NET Academy-Industry Committee Regulatory Affairs Chairperson

Dr. Aliuska Duardo Sanchez (Ph.D. Legal Informatics), Chair in Law & The Human Genome Research Group, Faculty of Law, UPV/EHU, Leioa (Bilbao), Biscay, PANELFIT H2020, Project Manager & EDC Board Coordinator, Europe Commission. IKERDATA S.L. UDC-UPVEHU, ZITEK, Co-Founder and Regulatory Affairs Consultant of Scientific Advisory Board, Leioa, Basque Country, Spain.

MOL2NET Academy-Industry Steering Chairman

Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, IKERBASQUE Professor,, (1) Dept. of Organic Chemistry & Inorganic Chemistry, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Spain. (2) BIOFISIKA, Basque Center for Biophysics, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Spain. (3) IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science , 48011, Bilbao, Biscay, Spain. (4) IKERDATA S.L. UDC-UPVEHU, ZITEK, Co-Founder and Member of Scientific Advisory Board, Leioa, Basque Country, Spain.
