To meet the global demand of energy requires an alternative source preferably with less concern of climate change. Biochar production from agricultural biomass waste by pyrolysis, deals a unique solution for producing a useful source of green energy. Biochar is carbon rich product with high heating value which is comparable with our primary energy sources (fossils fuels). Biochar can be utilized for various purposes such as energy production, soil enhancement and etc. Biochar can be more suitable for steelmaking, in view of their chemical and thermo-chemical characteristics including low ash, higher heating values (HHV), high surface area, etc. Biochar also can be selectively utilised selectively for soil amelioration, C-sequestration, and waste water treatment, in view of the suitability of their characteristics (such as higher values of pH, mineral content and surface area, etc.) for meeting the requirements for a particular purpose. This study associates the characteristics of biochar produced by slow pyrolysis at 800 °C for two biomass residues: corn cob and coconut shell. These results can be used to establish ideal utilization means of biomass for energy and/or biochar production.
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Conversion of Solid Biomass into Biochar: Act as a Green, Eco-Friendly Energy Source and a Substitute of Fossils Fuel Inputs
11 September 2020
in The First World Energies Forum
session Energy Conversion Systems
(registering DOI)
Keywords: agricultural biomass waste materials; biochar; slow pyrolysis; heating value; surface area