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Modeling of Tomato Genotypes Stress-Tolerance by Comprehensive Assessment on Selective Media In Vitro
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1  Institute of Vegetables and Melon Growing National Academy of Agricultural Science of Ukraine


Global climate change has a negative impact on tomato production all around the world. This leads to annual losses of this crop due to disease and extreme weather conditions by 12-30%. To increase the supply of vegetables and expand the range of genotypes adaptive to biotic and abiotic environmental factors, it is necessary to use laboratory methods and methods of mathematical modeling. These techniques are needed to assess and select promising sources of resistance in the breeding.

The effectiveness of a complex rapid assessment of tissue culture in vitro in modified selective media MS (T. Murashigе, F. Skoog, 1962) was studied in terms of viability and biometric parameters of calli and regenerated plants of 10 tomato genotypes. A two-factor experiment was performed. The factor A - 18 variants of selective media, factor B - genotype. In each experimental variant, there were 20 numbers of explants in quadruplicate. The development of donor plants and the determination of the peroxidase level in their tissues were carried out after 21 days of cultivation. At the same time, the level of productivity and stability of the samples in soil conditions was studied.

The 64 studied parameters revealed 14 high degrees of correlation between the parameters of plants growing in selective media in vitro culture and the yield and resistance of tomatoes in soil conditions. These indicators were used to construct two variants of discriminant functions with the help of canonic discriminant analysis. This will make it possible to predict the level of stress resistance of tomato genotypes and simplify the assessment of a large number of genotypes by a set of traits in breeding practice.

Keywords: tomato, modelling, Solanum lycopersicum, screening, correlation, resistance
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