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Forest resources in Ecuadorian Amazon communities' feeding
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1  Universidad Estatal Amazónica (registering DOI)

With their cosmovision, indigenous peoples in Amazon territory develop subsistence farming systems, that preserve biodiversity, which is considered to be the result between culture and control of the territory by local communities, an autonomy expression, knowledge, identity and economy factors (Escobar, 2010; Arias et al. 2018). The objective in this study was to analyze de resources coming from forest for feeding Ecuadorian Amazon communities. It shows the calendar of products from plants collected for food in communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The seasonality of these foods and the need for conservation through agro-industrial processes is observed. It is presented the main marketable products for consumption in the Ecuadorian Amazon region. Bananas constitute the largest production, 80,710 Tm in hole the region, while in the province of Pastaza 21,320 Tm are harvested

Keywords: Forest resources, feeding, Ecuadorian Amazon communities
