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Eco-friendly Extraction, Optimization and Characterization of Natural Curcuminoids †
1 , * 2 , 3
1  Université Ferhat Abbes Sétif-1, Faculté des Sciences, Laboratoire de Chimie-Ingénierie des Matériaux et Nanostructures, Algérie.
2  Université frères Mentouri-Constantine 1, Laboratoire d'Obtention de Substances Thérapeutiques (LOST), Campus Chasbet Ersas, 25000 Constantine, Algérie.
3  Université M’hamed Bougara Boumerdes, Faculté de technologie, Département de Génie des procédés, Algérie.


The introduction of new species in Algerian biodiversity is a crucial task in our environmental and economical politic, thus some spices of great interest as curcuma, saffron...are introduced by young start-ups as Algerian soil and climate are compatible with its culture; and in the framework of enhancement of such spices, the safe recovery of Curcumin in a keto-enol tautomeric form, a sensitive and versatile pro-oxidant and antioxidant propriety rarely reported, which improve its solubility and promote the effectiveness of Curcumin as natural anticancer agent, is reported. To attend our target, non-thermal and conventional solid-liquid extraction by cold maceration with several solvents’ systems and time depending is used, furthermore an optimization using Response Surface Method (RSM) is conducted, then obtained crud is separated using LC chromatography using ethyl acetate/hexane gradient, pure compounds were identified by TLC, MP, UV, IR, and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Experimental and optimized results reveled the best solvent and time: Acetone + shaking/6 h, for extracting maximum yield of 7.52% and 7.6% respectively. Besides, obtained Curcuminoids were selectively separated from crud using as supplementary treatment oleoresins solubility in Ether Petroleum propriety, pure Curcumin in tautomeric form was identified, and an improved total yield of purified Curcumin (2.53%) is obtained. This eco-friendly, economic and easy process improved Curcuminoids and Curcumin recovery, preservation and efficiency for further industrial applications: building bloc in drug design as anticarcinogen agent, derma-cosmetics, functional foods, nutraceutics, hemysynthesis, and natural dyes which make great profits of introduction of this spicy in Algerian soil and Biodiversity.

Keywords: Curcuma longa L. specie; Curcumin; extraction kinetics; RSM; structure analysis