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Seed germination of Sicilian durum wheat landraces under the influence of different temperature regimes
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1  Council for research in agricolture and economis - research center for plant protection and certification

Published: 01 May 2021 by MDPI in The 1st International Electronic Conference on Agronomy session Posters (registering DOI)

Sicily, with its variable pedoclimatic conditions, represents an important source of biodiversity. In this context, over the past centuries, farmers have made a continuous selection that has led to the creation of numerous landraces.The aim of this study was to determinate how different temperature regimes affect seed germinating traits of four conventional varieties of durum wheat most cultivated in Sicily for seed production (Simeto, Core, Antalis and Orizzonte) and eight landraces (Bidì, Capeiti 8, Castiglione glabro, Faricello, Francesa, Perciasacchi, Timilia Reste Bianche e Timilia Reste Nere). Seeds were tested under 3 temperature regimes (10 °C, 20 °C and 30 °C). Experiments were laid out in a two factorial design using a complete randomize design (CRD) with four replications. Nine parameters were measured under laboratory condition: germination, shoot length, root length, roots number, seed vigor index, fresh shoot weight, fresh root weight, dry shoot weight, dry root weight. The data collected were examined using analysis of variance techniques (ANOVA) to identify significant differences among temperatures and genotypes. Duncan’s Multiple Range test was applied at 5% level of probability to compare the mean differences. Pearson’s correlation coefficient between different traits and the main factor was also computed.

Temperature, genotype and their interaction determined highly significative differences in all the germination traits studied. Raise in temperature has determined a specific increasing trend of value for Shoot Length, Seed Vigour Index, Fresh Shoot weight, Dry Shoot Weight and Dry Root Weight. The growth of the root system has decreased to the highest temperature. Correlation study among germination parameters showed a positive and highly significant correlation of Shoot Length with Seed Vigour Index and Fresh Shoot Weight in all temperature regime. No positive and significative correlation between Germination and Shoot length, Root length, Fresh Shoot Weight, Fresh Root Weight, Dry Shoot weight and Dry Root Weight has been shown. Our data indicate that Faricello, Perciasacchi and Timilia R.B show a good resistance to cold temperature and Bidì has a good growth rate of many germination traits that makes this landrace very attractive.

Keywords: durum wheat, landraces, germination traits, temperature
