The analogy of heterogenic ice nucleation in bulk immersion freezing of the atmospheric droplets with aerosol particle in it and freezing of moisture within the wet grounds was considered. For the experiment there were taken modeled sandy and kaolinite grounds with the weight wetness of about 25% and 90% and with the total mass of about 100 g and 80 g respectively. The samples were placed in the stainless steel or plastic dishes and were cooled down in the refrigerated chamber with ambient temperature of about -5°C. The ground samples’ temperatures were measured and recorded. The temperatures of the moment of ice nucleation in the grounds were determined. The performed experiments of the ground samples freezing indicated that ice nucleation in the considered experimental samples of sandy and kaolinite grounds happen at the temperatures of about -4°C (close to the ambient temperature of refrigerated chamber (-5°C)). This may be compared to the results of the heterogenic ice nucleation on the particles of sand and kaolinite immersed in the water droplet presented in the works (Marcolli et al., 2007, Pinti et al., 2012, Kaufmann et al., 2016).
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Experimental Tests of Peculiarity of Ice Nucleation on Different Materials
13 November 2020
in The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Atmospheric Sciences
session Aerosols
Keywords: aerosol particles; ice nucleation; ground freezing