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The 1st International Electronic Conference on Metabolomics

Part of the International Electronic Conference on Metabolism and Metabolomics series
1–30 November 2016
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Welcome from the Chair

Welcome from the Chair of the 1st International Electronic Conference of Metabolomics (IECM-1)

Metabolites (, a peer-reviewed, scientific
journal, edited by MDPI AG, is proud to be the organizer and sponsor of this first International Electronic Conference on Metabolomics. Contributions dealing with any discipline promoting metabolism and metabolomics will be considered.

The conference will be held online ( from 1–30 November 2016, enabling you to present your latest research to the scientific community and to have the opportunity to participate in fruitful exchanges with academic and industrial groups from around the world. Participation, as an author or a visitor, is ABSOLUTELY FREE of charge (simply create an account on the home page). Proceedings from the conference (abstracts) will be published after the event in the online open access journal, Metabolites.

On behalf of our active scientific committee and dynamic editorial staff, we warmly invite you to join us at this first International Electronic Conference on Metabolomics and we look forward to posting your contribution.

Sincerely yours,
A/Prof. Peter J Meikle
Chair of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Metabolomics
Editor-in-chief of Metabolites (ISSN 2218-1989)
NHMRC Senior Research Fellow Program Head, Metabolism
Head, Metabolomics Laboratory
Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute
75 Commercial Road, Melbourne VIC 3004, Australia

A/Prof Peter Meikle is a NHMRC Senior Research Fellow, Program leader for Metabolism and Head of the Metabolomics Laboratory within Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute. He is Editor-in-Chief of Metabolites and holds affiliate positions at the University of Melbourne, Monash University and the University of Sydney. The Metabolomics Laboratory has a focus on the dyslipidemia and altered lipid metabolism associated with obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease and its relationship to the pathogenesis of these disease states. This work is leading to new approaches to early diagnosis and risk assessment as well as the development of new lipid modulating therapies for chronic disease.

Call for Papers

The 1st International Electronic Conference on Metabolomics will be held from 1–30 November 2016 online. The objective of this event is to bring researchers working in the field onto a common platform where they can present and discuss their recent research without the need to travel. The Conference will cover a wide range of topics in metabolomics.A non exhaustive list of that will be considered comprises:
  • Section A
    Metabolomics in Human Diseases: Clinical applications of metabolomics,including but not limited to: understanding metabolic diseases, biomarker discovery,inborn errors of metabolism,heart disease,and cancer metabolism/metabolomics
  • Section B
    Applications of Metabolomics in Agriculture and Industry: Plant metabolomics, microbial metabolomics,nutritional metabolomics, plant-pathogen interaction metabolomics, identification of toxins and pollutants, effects of genetic and environmental perturbations on metabolite levels and fluxes
  • Section C
    Analytic Techniques in Metabolomics: Progress in methods for biological sample preparation, metabolite identification, structure elucidation and quantification, advances in metabolomic data processing, analysis and curation
  • Section D
    Metabolomics Modeling: Experimental and computational advances in the analysis of metabolic flux; metabolic processes analysis and modelling; quantitative metabolomics application in metabolism modelling; computational modelling of metabolic networks; computational analysis of the effects of genetic and nutritional modification on cell metabolism and growth.
The 1st International Electronic Conference on Metabolomics is free of charge for contributors and visitors. Authors are invited to submit the abstract by 15 September 2016 and acceptance of the abstract will be decided by 30 September 2016. Author(s) will be then asked to present their work in the form of a slide show (or a video)by 20 October 2016 (see Instructions for Authors). All accepted submissions will be displayed on the internet for discussion, at , from 1 to 30 November 2016.Proceedings from the conference (abstract) will be published after the event in the online open access journal, Metabolites. Authors are also welcome to submit the extended version of their work for consideration and publication in a special issue of this journal. 20% discount is offered for all the authors participating in this conference. The scientific committee will consider all presentations and invite authors of the most outstanding work presented at the conference to publish free of charge in the Metabolites Special Issue.We hope you are interested in participating in this online conference and look forward to receiving your contributions.

Conference Chairs

Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute


Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors
Submissions should be done by the authors online by registering with, and using the "Start New Submission" function once logged into system.

Researchers interested in attending the conference must submit the abstract, on this website and no later than 25 September 2016.

After the abstract is accepted by the Scientific Committee by 30 September 2016, the authors will be invited to prepare a full description of their work preferably under the form of a PowerPoint presentation, and to upload it before 20 October 2016 to ensure final check.

The presentations will be accessible on during the conference time.

Authors are encouraged to prepare a power point presentation using the template provided by the Conference. Slides will be displayed directly in the website using's proprietary slides viewer. They can be prepared in the same way as for any traditional conference where research results can be presented. Slides should be converted to the PDF format before submission so that our process can easily and automatically convert them for online displaying.

International Electronic Conference on Metabolomics PPT template file

The following organization is recommended for your presentation:
  • Title,Full author names,Affiliations, email address of the corresponding author, Logo of the institution
  • Graphical Abstract
  • Abstract (max 200 words) and 3-5 Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Acknowledgements, funding

MDPI AG, the publisher of the platform, is an open access publisher. We believe that authors should retain the copyright to their research works. Hence, by submitting a contribution to this conference, the authors retain the copyright of their contribution, but they grant MDPI AG the non-exclusive right to publish this contribution online on the platform. This means the authors can easily submit their contribution to any scientific journal at a later stage and transfer the copyright to its publisher (if required by that publisher).

List of accepted submissions (18)

Id Title Authors Poster PDF
sciforum-007908 Clinical Metabolomics: Analytical Tool for Drug Development.

Submitted: 27 Jun 2016

Abstract: Show Abstract
Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-008386 Interstitial Cystitis-Associated Urinary Metabolites Identified by Mass-Spectrometry Based Metabolomics Analysis

Submitted: 30 Aug 2016

Abstract: Show Abstract
Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-008507 Application of a metabolomic multiplatform to investigate Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis

Submitted: 29 Aug 2016

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-008508 Metabolomic fingerprinting of serum samples by direct infusion mass spectrometry

Submitted: 29 Aug 2016

Abstract: Show Abstract
Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-008517 Increasing arginine production in Corynebacterium glutamicum by rational strain design in combination with metabolomics and proteomics , , , , , , Poster PDF Show Abstract

Sponsors and Partners


Contact Information

Ms. Jely He

Metabolites Editorial Office

Conference Schedule

  • Deadline for Abstract Submission: 15 September 2016 25 September 2016
  • Notification of Acceptance: 30 September 2016
  • PowerPoint Presentation Submission: 20 October 2016

Conference Organizers

Chair of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Metabolomics

Dr. Peter Meikle
Metabolomics Laboratory, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute,
Melbourne, Victoria 3004, Australia

Editor-in-Chief of Metabolites

Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Dr. Daniel Raftery, University of Washington, USA
Dr. Miroslava Cuperlovic-Culf, National Research Council of Canada, Canada
Prof. Dr. James Cox, University of Utah, USA
Dr. Katja Dettmer, University of Regensburg, Germany
Dr. Adrian S. Culf, Sussex Research Laboratories, Canada

Organizing Committee

Dr. Shu-Kun Lin, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland
Ms. Jely He, MDPI Branch Office, Wuhan

Contact Information

Ms. Jely He
jely.he@mdpi.comMetabolites Editorial Office