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The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Mineral Science

1–15 March 2021

Mineral Deposits, Mineral Processing, Extractive Metallurgy, Crystallography, Mineral Exploration, Environmental mineralogy, Mineral geochemistry, clays, Engineered nanomaterials
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Best Paper Award Winners Annoucement

The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Mineral Science established the Best Paper Awards to acknowledge the support of the conference participants and to recognize their outstanding scientific accomplishments. Nominated candidates are selected by thecommittes based on the rigor of their science, the significance of their contribution to the field, and the originality of their work. The Best Paper Award winners are as follows:

Characterization, Classification, Dry High Intensity Magnetic Separation (DHIMS) and Re-Grinding Techniques to Improve the Mineral Performance of Sn-Ta-Nb Mineral Concentrate
Jennire Nava Rosario, Juan Menéndez Aguado, Teresa Llorens González

A Cautionary Note on Amphibole Geobarometry
José F. Molina, Aitor Cambeses, Juan A. Moreno, Irene Morales, Concepción Lázaro, Pilar Montero, Fernando Bea

Both winners should be strongly encouraged to publish their work as full papers in Minerals.


Paul Sylvester

Welcome from the Chair

You are cordially invited to participate in the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Mineral Science, sponsored by the MDPI open access journal Minerals. This was a new initiative in 2018 ( which affords researchers of mineral science opportunity for researchers of minerals science to present their research and exchange ideas with their colleagues. We take full advantage of the Internet, without the need to travel or commit participation expenses. The second conference will be organized around the following eight themes:

  • Session A: Mineral Processing and Metallurgy;

  • Session B: Mineral Deposit Genesis;

  • Session C: Environmental Mineralogy and Biomineralization;

  • Session D: Mineral Geochemistry and Geochronology;

  • Session E: Crystallography and Physical Chemistry of Minerals;

  • Session F: Mineral Exploration Methods;

  • Session G: Clays, Nanominerals and Engineered Nanomaterials;

  • Session H: Analysis and Visualization of Large Datasets in Mineralogy.

We are also open to other subject areas with thematic importance. This is a virtual conference held at is a platform developed and sponsored by MDPI to organize electronic conferences and provide our community with the necessary technical support to host digital conferences. Participation is free of charge—both for authors and attendees. Accepted papers will be gathered in the Proceedings of the conference. Selected extended versions of the papers will be published in the Special Issue of Minerals (ISSN 2075-163X; IF: 2.380) with a discount of 20% on the Article Processing Charge.

I look forward to the exciting discussions as well as new ideas and perspectives that will come out of this e-conference.

Prof. Dr. Paul Sylvester

Chair of the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Mineral Science
Editor-in-Chief, Minerals
Endowed Pevehouse Chair Professor, Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-1053, US

Conference Chairs

Endowed Pevehouse Chair, Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech University, USA

Paul Sylvester has been the Endowed Pevehouse Chair Professor of Geosciences at Texas Tech University since 2014. He has held previous research and teaching positions at NASA Johnson Space Center, The University of Chicago, Australian National University and Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada). His research interests are focused on mineral geochemistry and geochronology, particularly as applied to understanding sedimentary provenance, petrogenesis of igneous and metamorphic terranes, and crustal genesis and evolution. To support his research program, he has developed and operates a laser ablation – multicollector – magnetic sector – ICPMS laboratory at Texas Tech. Paul holds a BSc degree from Purdue University (Indiana, USA) and a PhD degree from Washington University in St. Louis (Missouri, USA). He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of America and Mineralogical Society of America.

Session Chairs

Prof. Dr. Saeed Chehreh Chelgani (Session A)

Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

Prof. Dr. Theodore J. Bornhorst (Session B)

Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University, USA

Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Voudouris (Session B)

Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Dr. Anna H. Kaksonen (Session C)

Land and Water, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Floreat, Australia

Prof. Dr. Nigel J. Cook (Session D)

School of Chemical Engineering, University of Adelaide, Australia

Prof. Dr. Huifang Xu (Session E)

Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA

Dr. Paul Alexandre (Session F)

Department of Geology, Brandon University, Canada

Dr. Martiya Sadeghi (Session F)

Department of Mineral Resources, Geological Survey of Sweden, Sweden

Prof. Dr. Manuel Pozo Rodríguez (Session G)

Department of Geology and Geochemistry, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain

Prof. Dr. Stephen Hillier (Session H)

The James Hutton Institute, UK

Advisory Committee

Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Research Keywords
reflection seismic method; seismic imaging; full-waveform inversion; seismic interferometry; seismic quantitative interpretation

Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI), Korea

Research Keywords
remote sensing; environment; satellite image processing; geological mapping; minerals; exploration geology; mining; exploration geophysics

Waseda University, Japan

Research Keywords
mineral processing; recycling; hydrometallurgy; chemical engineering; grinding; physical separation; mineral purification; powder simulation; solid analysis

Central South University, China

Research Keywords
flotation of oxide minerals; mineral crystal chemistry; flotation reagent molecular design; mineral/reagent/water interfacial science; waste treatment in minerals processing

University of the Basque Country, Spain

Research Keywords
silicates; clays; cement; mineral-water interface; diffusion; nanopores; molecular Dynamics; (kinetic) Monte Carlo

Universidad of Antofagasta, Chile

Research Keywords
modeling; design; optimization; uncertainty; flotation; heap leaching; tailing; seawater

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Research Keywords
mineral processing; minerals engineering; flotation; physicochemistry of surfaces; colloids systems; hydrophobicity; minerals; surface properties; extractive metallurgy; leaching

Akita University, Japan

Research Keywords
critical metals; deposit model; resource potential; unconventional resource source; rare earth elements; cobalt; nickel; graphite; lithium; galium; germanium; magnesite

Pannon Egyetem, Hungary

Research Keywords
preparation, structure elucidation and application of organo-clay nanocomplexes

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

Research Keywords
mineralogy; ore geology; crystal growth; crystal structure; powder diffraction; crystal morphology; sector zoning; twining; environmental mineralogy; geochemistry; databases

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, USA

Research Keywords
hydrometallurgy; metallurgical kinetics; solution chemistry; interfacial phenomena; electrometallurgy; nano/colloidal particles synthesis and applications

Invited Speakers

University of Calgary, Canada

Research Keywords
crystal structure; chemistry; mineralogy; crystallography; powder diffraction; single-crystal diffraction; electron microscopy

University of Granada, Spain

Research Keywords
magmatism; high-grade metamorphism; trace element and isotope geochemistry; mineral thermodynamics; thermobarometry

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany

Research Keywords
mineral processing; comminution and flotation processes; surface chemistry;pretreatment techniques; particle-bubble interactions

Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI), Korea

Research Keywords
remote sensing; environment; satellite image processing; geological mapping; minerals; exploration geology; mining; exploration geophysics

The University of New South Wales, Australia

Research Keywords
mineralogy; petrology; ore deposits; gemstones

University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA

Research Keywords
nano-mineralogy; mineral–water interactions; rock-forming minerals; transmission electron microscopy; electron diffraction; clay minerals; mineral surfaces; mineral defects

List of Videos from Invited Speakers

Fuzzy logic modeling for integrating the thematic layers derived from ASTER and WorldView-3 remote sensing satellite imagery: A Mineral exploration technique

by Prof. Dr. Amin Beiranvand Pour

related paper:

A Cautionary Note on Amphibole Geobarometry

by Prof. Dr. José F. Molina

related paper:

Hera: Evidence for Multiple Mineralisation Events and Remobilisation in a Sediment-Hosted Au-Ag-Pb-Zn Deposit, Central New South Wales Australia

related paper:

by Dr. Ian Graham

Zoning in Garnet-Group Minerals

by Dr. Sytle Antao

Modulated Structures, Microstructures and Subsolidus Phase Relations of Labradorite Feldspars

by Dr. Huifang Xu

related paper:

Fine, Coarse and Fine-Coarse Particle Flotation in Mineral Processing with a Particular Focus on the Technological Assessments

by Dr. Ahmad Hassanzadeh

related paper:

List of accepted submissions (47)

Id Title Authors Presentation Video Poster PDF
sciforum-034907 Feasibility of Bio-Mobilization of Rare Earth Elements from Bauxite Residual Red Mud

, ,

Submitted: 11 Sep 2020

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , N/A Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-035523 Preparation of Pollucite and Analcime Zeolites as a Method to Valorize Aluminum Saline Slags , , , , , , , N/A Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-036134 The Role of the Minerals in Komsomolsk Tin-ore District Slurry and Drainage Water's Formation, and their Negative Impact on the Ecosphere , , N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-036156 Ecandrewsite (ZnTiO3) in Amphibolite, Sierras de Córdoba, Argentina: A New Paragenetic Occurrence


Submitted: 07 Sep 2020

Abstract: Show Abstract
, Video Thumbnail Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-036437 Microthermometric Considerations for the Kanif (SE Birjand) and Basiran (SW Birjand) Manganese Prospects, Birjand, South-Khorasan, Eastern Iran.


Submitted: 26 Sep 2020

Abstract: Show Abstract
, N/A N/A Show Abstract

List of Videos from Authors


by Mahmut Camalan

related paper:

Instructions for Authors

Submissions should completed online by the authors online by registering with, and using the "Start New Submission" function once logged into system.
  1. Scholars interested in participating with the conference can submit their abstract (about 200-250 words) online on this website until 30 September 2020 15 January 2021.
  2. Based on the submitted abstract, the Conference Committee will conduct a pre-evaluation of whether a contribution from the authors of the abstract will be welcome for The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Mineral Science. All authors will be notified by 15 October 2020 31 January 2021 about the acceptance of their abstract.
  3. If the abstract is accepted for this conference, the author will be invited to prepare a full description of their work (max. 8 pages), optionally accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation /poster, until the submission deadline of 31 October 2020 15 February 2021.
  4. The conference proceedings papers and presentations will be available for discussion for discussion during the time of the conference 16–30 November 2020 1-15 March 2021.
  5. Accepted papers will be published in the journal Proceedings. After the conference, the authors are recommended to submit an extended version of the proceeding papers to the Minerals Special Issue with a 20% discount on the APC:
Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word or any other word processor and should be converted to the PDF format before submission. The publication format will be PDF. The manuscript should count at least 3 pages (including figures, tables and references).
Structure of Proceedings Papers
Manuscripts for the Proceedings issue must conform to the following organization:
  • Title
  • Full author names
  • Affiliations (including full postal address) and authors' e-mail addresses
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • (Acknowledgments)
  • References
Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word and should be converted to the PDF format before submission. The publication format will be PDF. There are no page limits on the length, although authors are requested to keep their papers as concise as possible.
Microsoft Word
Authors must use the Microsoft Word template to prepare their manuscript. Using the template file will substantially shorten the time to complete copy-editing and publication of accepted manuscripts. Manuscript prepared in MS Word must be converted into a single file before submission. Please do not insert any graphics (schemes, figures, etc.) into a movable frame which can superimpose the text and create difficulties related to layout.
Manuscript Preparation
  • Paper Format: A4 paper format, the printing area is 17.5 cm × 26.2 cm. The margins should be 1.75 cm on each side of the paper (top, bottom, and left and right sides).
  • Formatting / Style: Papers should be prepared following the style of the IECMS 2021 template. The full titles of the cited papers must be given. Reference numbers should be placed in square brackets [ ], and placed before the punctuation; for example [4] or [1-3], and all the references should be listed separately and as the last section at the end of the manuscript.
  • Authors List and Affiliation Format: Authors' full first and last names must be given. Abbreviated middle name can be added. For papers written by various contributors a corresponding author must be designated. The PubMed/MEDLINE format is used for affiliations: complete street address information including city, zip code, state/province, country, and email address should be added. All authors who contributed significantly to the manuscript (including writing a section) should be listed on the first page of the manuscript, below the title of the article. Other parties, who provided only minor contributions, should be listed under Acknowledgments only. A minor contribution might be a discussion with the author, reading through the draft of the manuscript, or performing English corrections.
  • Figures, Schemes and Tables: Authors are encouraged to prepare figures and schemes in color. Full color graphics will be published free of charge. Figure and schemes must be numbered (Figure 1, Scheme I, Figure 2, Scheme II, etc.) and an explanatory title must be added. Tables should be inserted into the main text, and numbers and titles for all tables supplied. All table columns should have an explanatory heading. Please supply legends for all figures, schemes and tables. The legends should be prepared as a separate paragraph of the main text and placed in the main text before a table, a figure or a scheme.
Presentation Slides
Authors are encouraged to prepare a presentation in PowerPoint or similar software, to be displayed online along with the manuscript. Slides, if available, will be directly displayed on the website using’s proprietary slides viewer. Slides can be prepared in exactly the same way as for any traditional conference where research results can be presented. Slides should be converted to the PDF format before submission so that they can easily and automatically be converted for online display.
Video Presentations
Authors are also encouraged to submit video presentations. If you are interested in submitting, please contact the conference organizer ( to get to learn more about the procedure.
Tips for authors: If you would like to prepare a video based on your PPT presentation, you may use the "record slide" function in the PowerPoint. The video will be uploaded to Youtube, as well as onto Sciforum. The video should be no longer than 20 minutes and be prepared in one of the following format:
  • .MOV
  • .MPEG4
  • .MP4
  • .AVI
  • .WMV
  • .FLV
The video should be submitted via email before 15 February 2021
Potential Conflicts of Interest
It is the authors' responsibility to identify and declare any personal circumstances or interests that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of clinical research. If there is no conflict, please state here "The authors declare no conflict of interest." This should be conveyed in a separate "Conflict of Interest" statement preceding the "Acknowledgments" and "References" sections at the end of the manuscript. Financial support for the study must be fully disclosed under "Acknowledgments" section. It is the authors' responsibility to identify and declare any personal circumstances or interests that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of clinical research.
MDPI, the publisher of the platform, is an open access publisher. We believe that authors should retain the copyright to their scholarly works. Hence, by submitting a Communication paper to this conference, you retain the copyright of your paper, but you grant MDPI the non-exclusive right to publish this paper online on the platform. This means you can easily submit your paper to any scientific journal at a later stage and transfer the copyright to its publisher (if required by that publisher).

Conference Secretariat

Mr. Francis Wu
Ms. Chloe Li


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