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The 3rd World Sustainability Forum

Part of the World Sustainability Forum series
1–30 Nov 2013
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Call for Papers

Research concerned with sustainability and sustainable development is progressing fast. Simultaneously, activities within industry, government and academia are becoming more globalized. Successful research requires interaction with multiple partners around the world. We are facing an obvious need for new types of communication within our scientific community. electronic conferences provide a platform for fast exchange of the latest research findings, as well as a possibility for global meetings with no limitations related to traveling.

The World Sustainability Forum 2013 (WSF-2013) will cover timely research topics concerned with sustainability and sustainable development. The conference will include nine topical sessions focusing on:

1. Environmental Sustainability (Section A).

2. Corporate Sustainability Strategy and Economic Sustainability (Section B).

3. Social Values for a Sustainable Economy (Section C).

4. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources (Section D).

5. Sustainable Urban Development (Section E).

6. Sustainable Development Policy, Practice and Education (Section F).

7. Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Innovation (Section G).

8. Sustainable Agriculture and Sustainable Management of Land and Biodiversity (Section H)

9. Related Topics (Section I)

This inter- and multi-disciplinary conference aims to examine, explore and critically engage with issues related to recent insights and advances in these topics. In particular, the conference will encourage both theoretical and practical debates surrounding environmental, economical and social contexts for those who want to go beyond the buzzword.

The conference will be completely free of charge, both to attend and for authors to publish and is sponsored by MDPI and the scientific journal Sustainability. Selected papers will be published in the journal Sustainability.
The 3rd World Sustainability Forum Conference will be held at, a platform developed by MDPI to organize electronic conferences for scholars.

Please submit your abstract with max 2500 character (in English) by September 16, 2013. Abstracts should be submitted online at All submissions will be reviewed by our scientific committee. For accepted abstracts, a full draft paper should be submitted by October 13, 2013.

Paper Submission Guidelines

For information about the procedure for submission, peer-review, revision and acceptance of conference proceedings papers, please refer to the section "Instruction for authors":

Conference Chairs

[Not defined]










Instructions for Authors

Submissions should be done by the authors online by registering with, and using the "New Submission" function once logged into system.

1. Scholars interested in participating with the conference can submit their abstract (about 200-300 words covering the areas of manuscripts for the proceedings issue) online on this website until 16 September 2013.2. The Conference Committee will pre-evaluate, based on the submitted abstract, whether a contribution from the authors of the abstract will be welcome for 3rd World Sustainability Forum.

All authors will be notified by 27 September 2013 about the acceptance of their abstract.

3. If the abstract is accepted for this conference, the author is asked to submit his manuscript, optionally along with a PowerPoint and/or video presentation of his/her paper, until the submission deadline of 13 October 2013.

4. The manuscripts and presentations will be available on for discussion and rating during the time of the conference 1 – 30 November 2013.

5. The Open Access Journal Sustainability will publish the proceedings of the conference as a Special Issue. After the conference, the Conference Committee will select manuscripts that may be included for publication in this Special Issue.
Proceedings Paper
Manuscripts for the proceedings issue must have the following organization:

First page:
Full author names
Affiliations (including full postal address) and authors' e-mail addresses
Results and Discussion

Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word or any other word processor and should be converted to the PDF format before submission. The publication format will be PDF. The manuscript should count at least 3 pages (incl. figures, tables and references). There is no page limit on the length, although authors are asked to keep their papers as concise as possible.
Presentation Slides
Authors are encouraged to prepare a presentation in PowerPoint or similar software, to be displayed online along with the Manuscript. Slides, if available, will be displayed directly in the website using's proprietary slides viewer. Slides can be prepared in exactly the same way as for any traditional conference where research results can be presented. Slides should be converted to the PDF format before submission so that our process can easily and automatically convert them for online displaying.
Video Presentations
Besides their active participation within the forum, authors are also encouraged to submit video presentations. If you are interested in submitting, please contact the conference organizer – to get to know more about the procedure. This is an unique way of presenting your paper and discuss it with peers from all over the world. Make a difference and join us for this project!
Submission of Manuscripts
Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted online at by registering and logging in to this website.

Accepted File Formats:

MS Word: Manuscript prepared in MS Word must be converted into a single file before submission. When preparing manuscripts in MS Word, the World Sustainability Forum Microsoft Word template file must be used. Please do not insert any graphics (schemes, figures, etc.) into a movable frame which can superimpose the text and make the layout very difficult.

LaTeX: ensure to send a copy of your manuscript as a PDF file also, if you decided to use LaTeX. When preparing manuscripts in LaTeX, please use the MDPI LaTeX template files.

Manuscript Preparation

Paper Format: A4 paper format, the printing area is 17.5 cm x 26.2 cm. The margins should be 1.75 cm on each side of the paper (top, bottom, left, and right sides).

Formatting / Style: The paper style of the Journal Sustainability should be followed. You may download a template file to prepare your paper. The full titles and the cited papers must be given. Reference numbers should be placed in square brackets [ ], and placed before the punctuation; for example [4] or [1-3], and all the references should be listed separately and as the last section at the end of the manuscript.

Authors List and Affiliation Format: Authors' full first and last names must be given. Abbreviated middle name can be added. For papers written by various contributors a corresponding author must be designated. The PubMed/MEDLINE format is used for affiliations: complete street address information including city, zip code, state/province, country, and email address should be added. All authors who contributed significantly to the manuscript (including writing a section) should be listed on the first page of the manuscript, below the title of the article. Other parties, who provided only minor contributions, should be listed under Acknowledgments only. A minor contribution might be a discussion with the author, reading through the draft of the manuscript, or performing English corrections.

Figures, Schemes and Tables: Authors are encouraged to prepare figures and schemes in color. Full color graphics will be published free of charge. Figure and schemes must be numbered (Figure 1, Scheme I, Figure 2, Scheme II, etc.) and a explanatory title must be added. Tables should be inserted into the main text, and numbers and titles for all tables supplied. All table columns should have an explanatory heading. Please supply legends for all figures, schemes and tables. The legends should be prepared as a separate paragraph of the main text and placed in the main text before a table, a figure or a scheme.

Potential Conflicts of Interest

It is the authors' responsibility to identify and declare any personal circumstances or interests that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of clinical research. If there is no conflict, please state here "The authors declare no conflict of interest." This should be conveyed in a separate "Conflict of Interest" statement preceding the "Acknowledgments" and "References" sections at the end of the manuscript. Financial support for the study must be fully disclosed under "Acknowledgments" section. It is the authors' responsibility to identify and declare any personal circumstances or interests that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of clinical research. If there is no conflict, please state here "The authors declare no conflict of interest." This should be conveyed in a separate "Conflict of Interest" statement preceding the "Acknowledgments" and "References" sections at the end of the manuscript. Financial support for the study must be fully disclosed under "Acknowledgments" section.
MDPI AG, the publisher of the platform, is an open access publisher. We believe that authors should retain the copyright to their scholarly works. Hence, by submitting a Communication paper to this conference, you retain the copyright of your paper, but you grant MDPI AG the non-exclusive right to publish this paper online on the platform. This means you can easily submit your paper to any scientific journal at a later stage and transfer the copyright to its publisher (if required by that publisher).

List of accepted submissions (51)

Id Title Authors Poster PDF
sciforum-003253 Fragmenting a Metropolis: Sustainable Suburban Communities from Resettlement Ghettoes to Gated Utopias

Submitted: 23 Sep 2013

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-001234 Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Understand the Complexity of the Linkages between Urbanization, Phosphorus Flows and Eutrophication

Submitted: 01 Aug 2013

Abstract: Show Abstract
Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-001236 Some Aspects of Sustainable Energy Conversion During Transient Processes in Electric Power Systems Comprising Generator Circuit Breakers , , , , N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-001243 New Heat Transfer Fluids (HTFs) for Solar Thermal Applications , , , , Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-001247 Energy and Exergy Analyses of a New Combined Cycle for Producing Electricity and Desalinated Water Using Geothermal Energy

, ,

Submitted: 03 Aug 2013

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , Poster PDF Show Abstract

List of Authors (92)

Sponsors and Partners

Media Partners

Proceedings & Editors

Conference Chair

Marc A. Rosen

Section Chairs

Michael J. Heckenberger
Christopher Koroneos
Jesus Martinez-Frias
Daniele Riccio
Miklas Scholz
Henning Madsen
Vladimir Strezov
Production Editors
Julio A. Seijas
M. Pilar Vázquez Tato

CD-ROM edition

ISBN: 978-3-906980-42-3
Published in 2014 by MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
©2014 by MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

Rates for CD-ROM archive edition

CHF 100 before the conference
CHF 150 after the conference
CHF 250 per year for non-participants and for institutions

Please place the order by e-mail: Billing

Chair of the 3rd World Sustainability Forum

Prof. Dr. Marc A. Rosen

University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Canada
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Sustainability

Scientific Advisory Committee

Dr. Philip Bay, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia
Prof. Dr. Matthias Finkbeiner, Technical Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Dr Michael J. Heckenberger, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
Dr. Jorge Herkovits, National Council of Science and Technology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dr. Stefan Hirschberger, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Dr. Meg Holden, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
Dr. Monzur A. Imteaz, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Christopher Koroneos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Prof. Dr. Gürkan Kumbaroglu, Department of Industrial Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Bebek-Istanbul, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Rattan Lal, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
Prof. Dr. Henning Madsen, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Prof. Dr. Robert W. Marans, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Prof. Dr. Jesús Martínez Frías, CSIC-UCM, Madrid, Spain
Dr. Gonzalo Pajares, University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Dr. Pallav Purohit, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria
Prof. Dr. Daniele Riccio, University of Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy
Prof. Dr. Marc Rosen, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa ON, Canada
Prof. Dr . Miklas Scholz, University of Salford, England, United Kingdom & Editor-in-Chief of the journal of Water
Dr. Delyse Springett, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Dr. Vladimir Strezov, Macquarie University, Sydney NSW, Australia
Prof. Dr. John Parm Ulhøi, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark

Organizing Committee

Dr. Shu-Kun Lin, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland
Ms Samanta La Russa, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland

List of Keynotes & Videos

Energy Research for Sustainability

This video contains a Keynote Presentation for the 3nd World Sustainability Forum, prepared by our Chairman Prof. Dr. Marc Rosen from the Institute of Technology of the University of Ontario, Canada.

Sustainable Food Systems in the 21st Century

This video is an addendum to the paper "Sustainable Food Systems in the 21st Century - Considering the Natural Capital Embodied in Israeli Meat Consumption " submitted to section A: Environmental Sustainability by Shira Z Dickler.