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  • 14 Reads
Light for life – Optical spectroscopy in clinical settings
Published: 21 March 2023 by MDPI in Holography Meets Advanced Manufacturing session Industry Applications

Diagnosing diseases in our bodies requires measurement of physiological biomarkers non-invasively. Assessing the biomarker levels is a key step in this process. Light allows for non-invasive assessment of the disease in the tissue.

In this talk, we discuss use of light for diagnosis with examples of research done in our group. We will focus on of two conditions – oral cancer and fetal hypoxia diagnosis. In one the case of oral cancer we look at the spatially localized diagnosis or cancer tissue in the oral cavity. In case of fetal hypoxia, we look at temporal change in physiological conditions for diagnosis. In both cases, we see the potential transformative impact of optical spectroscopy on clinical diagnosis.

  • Open access
  • 57 Reads
Imaging pitfalls and diagnostic inhibitions in various imaging modalities of head and neck region
Published: 19 April 2023 by MDPI in Holography Meets Advanced Manufacturing session Industry Applications

Head and neck is a complex area where imaging stands a major role in not only diagnosis but also in guided investigations, treatment planning and an extent to guided interventions. Starting from a simple digital orthopantamogram of the jaws and teeth to the complex 3D Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Eventhough the imaging modalities have paved way for more precise examination, assessment than it was a decade ago; it still needs slight renovation in aspect of artefacts and dimensional blurriness invading the diagnosis. This presentation throws light on few of the specific scenarios such as metal artefacts due to prosthetic crowns in CT, CBCT, MRI greatly hindering the radiological diagnosis and assessment of the extent of the lesion, posing critical challenges in surgical planning. In regard to software resolution and tools available, this presentation will cover the restrictions in handling image data, and processible tools that can be evolved for easy and efficient interpretation and modulation in orthognatic surgery, implant surgery, excision of malignancies in head and neck region.
