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The 1st International Online Conference on Buildings

Advances in Building Planning, Design, Construction, and Operation

24–26 October 2023

green buildings, architecture and building design, building and facility management, Construction Management, Building Materials, Energy and Buildings, Building Operations, Building Physics, Building structures
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On behalf of the conference organizing committee of The 1st International Online Conference on Buildings (IOCBD 2023), we would like to express our appreciation to all of the participants for their contributions. From all accounts, the meeting was a success.

Certificate of Attendance :here.

Conference Winners Announcement

To acknowledge the support of the conference esteemed authors and recognize their outstanding scientific accomplishments, we are pleased to announce that the conference will provide one Best Paper Award and one Best Presentation Award.

Best Paper Award
Author: Max Spaan and Yewande S. Abraham
ID: sciforum-079752
Title: Barriers and Enablers to Affordable Housing Construction: Insights from Construction Industry Professionals †

Best Presentation Award
Authors: Chinnu S Kumar and Pooja Nigam
ID: sciforum-078556
Title: Place making and Sustainable Urbanism: Strategies for Creating Liveable and Resilient Cities

Welcome from the Chair

Dear Colleagues,

The first International Online Conference of Buildings with a focus on, “Advances in building structures, materials, repair/renovation, energy, environment, systems, architecture, urban planning, and construction management”, will be held from 24–26 October 2023. The main purpose of the conference is to promote the use of the recent advances in all building-related issues, address challenging problems, share the latest scientific innovations, and shape the future of building-related technologies and processes.

This conference is an excellent opportunity for building researchers and scientists to interact with each other, communicate with colleagues, learn from each other, share ideas and experiences, jointly solve problems, and suggest alternative solutions for a better future in the building industry. A distinct advantage of this virtual international conference is that the participants are not required to travel and can simply attend the conference regardless of their location. Participants do not need to seek financial support for travel, nor do they need to leave the comfort of their home, office, and/or family to book a trip and, consequently, adjust to the corresponding time zone.

In the virtual conference setting, while the presenters can deliver live and pre-recorded presentations simultaneously, the participants can contribute to the discussion and provide feedback orally and/or using the “Chat” and “Reaction” functions.

The main topics of this conference cover:
1. Building structures;
2. Building materials;
3. Building repair and renovation;
4. Energy consumption in building construction and operation;
5. The environmental impacts of buildings;
6. Buildings’ physics and building systems;
7. Architecture and building design;
8. Tall and super tall buildings;
9. Urban planning;
10. Building construction management;
11. Computer applications and digitization in building processes.

All accepted abstracts will be published on the conference’s website. Participants are expected to submit an abstract of 200 to 300 words and should refer to the abstract preparation guidelines at "Instructions for Authors".

After the conference, the participants may submit a full paper to MDPI’s Buildings journal. After the review process, the authors of the accepted papers will receive a 20% discount on the APC before the paper is published in Buildings.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I welcome your attendance to the first International Online Conference of Buildings on, “Advances in building structures, materials, repair/renovation, energy, environment, systems, architecture, urban planning, and construction management”.

Conference Chair:
Prof. Dr. David Arditi
Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

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IOCBD 2023 Program

24 October 2023 (Tuesday)
S1. Buildings Structures

CEST (Central
Summer Time
- UTC+2)
CST Asia
Standard Time
- UTC+8)
Speaker Title
9:30 - 9:35 15:30 - 15:35 Welcome from the session chair - Dr. José Melo and Prof. Dr. Humberto Varum
9:35 - 10:05 15:35 - 16:05 Invited Speaker
Maria Teresa De Risi
Seismic retrofit of Italian pre-‘70 RC buildings by solving shear failures
10:05 - 10:20 15:05 - 16:20 Arash Akbari Hamed Comparison of two novel HBS and SC-PC-FD steel beam–column connections
10:20 - 10:35 16:20 - 16:35 Phu-Anh-Huy Pham Responses of slender RC columns under cyclic loads considering the effect of high axial compression load†
10:35- 10:50 16:35 - 16:50 Break
10:50 - 11:05 16:50 - 17:05 Didem Gunes Yilmaz Light Steel Frame Structures: A Study on Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Needs and Their Potential Use
11:05 - 11:20 17:05 - 17:20 Iolanda-Gabriela Craifaleanu Dynamic Characterization of Multi-Storey Reinforced Concrete Buildings Dating from Different Periods: Recent Results from an Ongoing Large-Scale Seismic Instrumentation Program of Public Buildings in Romania
11:20 - 11:35 17:20 - 17:35 Stella Mlasi Developing a framework for Innovation in House Construction: An Exploratory Study of Emerging Techniques and Practices
11:35- 11:50 17:35 - 17:50 Paraskevi K. Askouni The Non-Linear Behavior Of Mixed Reinforced Concrete-Steel Frames Under Strong Earthquakes
Poster Session
CEST (Central
Summer Time
- UTC+2)
CST Asia
Standard Time
- UTC+8)
Speaker Title
14:55-15:00 20:55-21:00 Welcome from the conference chair - Prof. Dr. David Arditi
15:00-17:00 21:00-23:00 Poster Session The Poster Sessions will take place in Zoom break-out rooms.
The list of names and titles are the posters can be found here.
25 October 2023 (Wednesday)
S2. Architectural Design, Urban Science, and Real Estate

CEST (Central
Summer Time
- UTC+2)
CST Asia
Standard Time
- UTC+8)
Speaker Title
9:30 - 9:35 15:30 - 15:35 Welcome from session chairs - Prof. Dr. Derek Clements-Croome and Dr. Yangang Xing
9:35 - 10:05 15:35 - 16:05 Invited Speaker
Prof. Dr. Derek Clements-Croome and
Dr. Yangang Xing
Biophilic Design for health and wellbeing
10:05 - 10:20 15:05 - 16:20 Cyphanah Arshad Khan Designs for subjective well-being: Exploring inclusive architecture through the diversification of theatre spaces
10:20 - 10:35 16:20 - 16:35 Hasan Cavka An analysis of visitors’ perception of shopping malls
10:35- 10:50 16:35 - 16:50 Break
10:50 - 11:05 16:50 - 17:05 Weihan Rong Design Styles and Restoration of Traditional Residential Buildings in Northern China
11:05 - 11:20 17:05 - 17:20 Chinnu S Kumar Place making and Sustainable Urbanism: Strategies for Creating Liveable and Resilient Cities
11:20 - 11:35 17:20 - 17:35 Nishat Afshan An Investigation of Parameters Affecting Affordable Housing Location Choice
S3. Building Materials, and Repair & Renovation

CEST (Central
Summer Time
- UTC+2)
CST Asia
Standard Time
- UTC+8)
Speaker Title
14:00-14:05 20:00-20:05 Welcome from the session chair - Dr. Antonio Formisano
14:05 - 14:35 20:05-20:35 Invited Speaker
Dr. Antonio Formisano
Hemp-based systems as new building products and seismic retrofit interventions of existing buildings
14:35 - 15:05 20:35-21:05 Invited Speaker
Francesco Clementi

Exploiting Artificial Intelligence to Build Realistic Numerical Models: A Digital Twin application in Structural Health Monitoring

15:05 - 15:20 21:05-21:20 Sabine Upnere Reduced order models for basalt fiber concrete supplemented with oil shale ash
15:25- 15:35 21:20-21:35 Break
15:35 - 15:50 21:35-21:50 Alessandro Gandolfi Efficacy of FRP hooping in masonry domes: A simple numerical approach
16:05 - 16:20 22:05-22:20 Giovanna Longobardi Aluminium Alloy Light Exoskeletons For Seismic–Energy Retrofit of Masonry Building Aggregates: A Case Study
16:20 - 16:35 22:20-22:35 Alicia Zaragoza-Benzal Study of the Water-Resistant Properties of New Eco-Friendly Gypsum Composites with the Addition of Single-Use Plastic Waste

26 October 2023 (Thursday)
S4. Building Energy, Physics, Environment, and Systems

CEST (Central
Summer Time
- UTC+2)
CST Asia
Standard Time
- UTC+8)
Speaker Title
9:30 - 9:35 15:30 - 15:35 Welcome from the committee- Dr. Benedetto Nastasi
9:35 - 10:05 15:35 - 16:05 Invited Speaker
Prof. Dr. Benedetto Nastasi
Hydrogen in buildings energy transition
10:05 - 10:20 15:05 - 16:20 Elena Lucchi Energy and Climatic Performances of Modern Architecture: A Complete Overview of Building Physics Implications
10:20 - 10:35 16:20 - 16:35 Hafiz Muchti Kurniawan The Effect of Concentration Variation of Additive Silver Nanoparticle Solution on the Anti-Bacterial Ability of High Albedo Paints as a Climate Change Mitigation Action
10:35 - 10:50 16:35 - 16:50 Break
10:50 - 11:20 16:50-17:20 Invited Speaker
Dr. Alessandro Cannavale
Novel chromogenic devices for energy efficiency and visual comfort
11:20 - 11:35 17:20 - 17:35 Ligia Moga Leveraging Infrared Thermography for Building Envelope Performance Evaluation: Insights from the THERMOG Project
11:35 - 11:50 17:35 - 17:50 Eusébio Conceição Design, Environment, Energy and Comfort in Buildings Equipped with a PMV-Controled HVAC System
11:50 - 12:05 17:50 - 16:05 Hilmy Allamsyah Identification of Natural Lighting Quality on Several Developing Types of Subsidy Houses

S5. Construction Management, and Computers & Digitization

CEST (Central
Summer Time
- UTC+2)
CST Asia
Standard Time
- UTC+8)
Speaker Title
14:00-14:05 20:00-20:05 Welcome from the conference chair - Prof. Dr. David Arditi
14:05 - 14:35 20:05-20:35 Invited Speaker
Dr. Juneseok Yang
Factors that Affect Delay Analysis in Construction Projects.
14:35 - 14:50 20:35-20:50 Ana Silva Emotional Maintenance: A digital model to support maintenance decisions in buildings’ coatings
14:50 - 15:05 21:50-21:05 Hosam Al-Siah Exploring the Potentials of AI Tools in the Construction Industry
15:05- 15:20 21:05-21:20 Break
15:20 - 15:35 21:20-22:35 Daniela Tavano Interoperability Between BIM and GIS and Real Estate Valuation: A “Digitized” Procedure to Support the Cost Approach Application
15:35 - 15:50 21:35-21:50 Parham Pazari Enhancing Tower Crane Safety: A Computer Vision and Deep Learning Approach
15:50 - 16:05 21:50-22:05 Mohammed Mawlana Investigating the Benefits of Using Implicit Averaging in Construction Simulation Optimization Models

IOCBD 2023 – Recordings

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Book of Abstracts

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Conference Chair

Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

Dr. David Arditi is currently a Professor of Civil and Architectural Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology. He is the founder and Director of the Construction Engineering and Management Program and of the Engineering Management Program at Illinois Tech. Professor Arditi’s area of expertise covers all aspects of construction project management, engineering, and support. Dr. Arditi and his research associates have published close to 400 research papers in refereed national and international journals and in peer reviewed conference proceedings. Their papers received over 12,000 citations and an h-index of 64. He is currently serving on the editorial board of 11 journals in the field of construction project management and is Editor-in-Chief of /Buildings/. Dr. Arditi is an active member of several professional societies including CMAA, ASCE, AACE, and PMI. He was elected to the College of Fellows of CMAA in 2013.

Session chairs

Prof. Dr. Lucio Soibelman

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Southern California, USA

Professor Soibelman obtained his Bachelor and Masters Degrees from the Civil Engineering Department of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. He worked as a construction manager for 10 years before moving in 1993 to the US where he obtained in 1998 his PhD in Civil Engineering Systems from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In 1998 he started as an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. In 2004 he moved as an Associate Professor to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and in 2008 was promoted to Professor. In January 2012 he joined the University of Southern California as the Chair of the Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. During the last 25 years he focused his research on advanced data acquisition, management, visualization, and mining for construction and operations of advanced infrastructure systems. He published over 150 books, book chapters, journal papers, conference articles, and reports and performed research with funding from NSF (NSF career award and several other NSF grants), NASA, DOE, US Army, NIST, IBM, Bosch, IDOT, RedZone Robotics among many others funding agencies. He is the former chief editor of the American Society of Civil Engineers Computing in Civil Engineering Journal. In 2010 he received the ASCE Computing in Civil Engineering Award, in 2011 he received the FIATECH Outstanding Researcher Celebration of Engineering & Technology Innovation, or CETI, Award, in 2013 he was elected an ASCE fellow, in 2016 he was appointed as USC Viterbi Dean Professor, received the ASCE Construction Institute Construction Management Award, and received the ASCE Richard R. Torrens Award in recognition of his contributions as chief editor of the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. In 2019 he was elected as a member of the US National Academy of Construction. His areas of interest are: Use of information technology for economic development, information tec

Prof. Dr. Bjorn Birgisson

School of Environmental, Civil, Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering, University of Georgia, USA

Dr. Bjorn Birgisson, is a professor and the Chair of the School of Environmental, Civil, Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Georgia and the former J.L. “Corky Frank/Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC Chair in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M University. He is a Foreign Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and a Fellow of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). He has published over 240 technical papers focused on transportation infrastructure, construction materials, additive materials for infrastructure, civil systems-of-systems and resilience. He has served as either a Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator of over 58 million dollars in research funding during his academic career. His projects have included infrastructure analysis and design, material design and optimization, field evaluation and nondestructive testing, traffic characterization, impact of automated and platoon trucks on infrastructure, coupled human-physical infrastructure system resilience to flooding and other systemic stressors, and the integration of urban systems to generally provide better outcomes for people. Prior to this, he served as the inaugural director of the new Center for Infrastructure Renewal at Texas A&M University; Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean for the School of Engineering and Applied Science and Professor of Transport Science at Aston University from January 2014 to August, 2016 and the vice president for research at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden between 2009 and 2014.

Prof. Dr. Humberto Varum

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal

Humberto Varum is Full Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal. He is Integrated Member of CONSTRUCT research unit: Institute of R&D in Structures and Construction. He has been Seconded National Expert to the ELSA laboratory, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Italy, in the period July 2009 to August 2010. Since May 2015, he his member of the directorate body of the Construction Institute from the University of Porto. He is Member of the National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), since 2009, and Expert Member of the ICOMOS’s International Scientific Committee of Earthen Architectural Heritage (ISCEAH). He has participated to post-earthquake field reconnaissance missions, in particular to L’Aquila (Italy, 2009), Lorca (Spain, 2011), Emilia-Romagna (Italy, 2012), Gorkha (Nepal, 2015) and Puebla (Mexico, 2017). His main research interests include: assessment, strengthening and repair of structures, earthquake engineering, historic constructions conservation and strengthening.

Prof. Dr. Shi-Jie Cao

School of Architecture, Southeast University, China

Dr. Shi-Jie Cao is a full Professor and the director of ' Center for Intelligent Built Environment, CIBE' at School of Architecture, Southeast University; a Visiting Professor of Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE), University of Surrey, UK. He was awarded the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (China). He is now serving as Deputy Editor for international journal of Indoor and Built Environment, Associate Editor of Sustainable Cities and Society(Special Issue), Journal of Cleaner Production, Buildings, e-Prime, Editorial Board of Safety Science etc. He is now the President of International Society of Built Environment (ISBE), Member of ISIAQ, Committee Members of Chinese Society for Environmental Science, China innovation alliance for HVAC etc. He has published more than 70 SCI papers (H index:30; H10 index:55); 9 papers have been awarded as ESI articles); awarded as World’s Top 2% Scientists in both 2020 and 2021 in built environment design. He has won the First Prize of China Award for Science and Technology in Construction in 2021(initiated by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in China). He has been granted by governmental funding more than 10 times, e.g., NSFC. He has been always interested and active in international collaboration, such as Harvard (Health Initiatives), Surrey (GCRF for CArE-Cities and CArE-Homes), Tampere (TFK for ARCH4FUTURE) etc. He is now the co-editor of ‘Handbook of Ventilation Design in Built Environment’ invited by IET in UK. He has been served as committee member for international conferences more than 20 times, such as Indoor Air, ISHVAC, IAQVEC etc. He serves as reviewers for more than 80 international journals and assessor/panel members for International Funding Agencies, such as NSFC, RGC (Hongkong) , UKRI, EPSRC, Polish National Science Center (NSC) etc.

Prof. Dr. Derek Clements-Croome

School of the Built Environment, University of Reading, UK

Derek Clements-Croome worked in the building design and contracting industry before entering university life. He has founded and directed courses including a BSc in building environmental engineering at Loughborough University in 1970 and an interdisciplinary MSc in Intelligent Buildings at Reading University in 1996 covering design and management of intelligent buildings. He has also worked in architecture and building engineering at the university of Bath (1978-1988). His research is documented in his publications. He now offers strategic advice to clients, designers and facilities managers on attaining and managing healthy and sustainable environments in buildings of all types. He researches, writes and lectures on these issues for companies and wider audiences nationally and internationally in China, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Poland and Finland particularly. Some of his books have been published in Chinese and Russian. He edits and founded the Intelligent Buildings International Journal published by Taylor and Francis and is a Coordinator of CIB Commission W098 Intelligent and Responsive Buildings. Derek is also a Commissioner for Hammersmith and Fulham and Haringey, BEE for CABE arm of Design Council, Fellow of the BRE Academy and Fellow of Royal Society of Medicine.

Dr. José Melo

CONSTRUCT-LESE, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Department of Civil Engineering - Structural Division, Portugal

José Melo is a post-doc researcher at CONSTRUCT-LESE, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal since 2017. He received his civil engineering degree, master's degree in civil engineering and PhD in civil engineering from University of Aveiro, in 2008, 2009 and 2014, respectively. His research interests includes assessment and strengthening of existing building structures, structural testing and modelling, structural analysis methods and seismic engineering.

Dr. Yangang Xing

School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Dr. Yangang Xing, PhD is an Associate Professor in Sustainability and Building Services Engineering, at the School of Architecture, Design and Built Environment, Nottingham Trent University. His research focused on sustainable built environment, nature-based solutions, biophilic design, heritage, intelligent buildings, and healthy environment.

Scientific Committees

School of Built Environment, UNSW Sydney, Australia

Associate Professor Dr Samad Sepasgzoar is named the Top Researcher (Field Leader) in Australia, found by The Australian, and a Top 2% Researcher in the world computed, by Standard University. He is an academic editor (editorial board member) at Scientific Reports Nature and Associate Editor of Architectural Engineering ASCE (Decile 1). He is also a Top 1% Reviewer globally, an editor, editorial board member, or reviewer for 60 leading high-ranked journals, and a lead assessor for national research projects on innovation and smart technologies. He published over 200 peer-reviewed articles and received various international and national 'awards' annually.
Research Keywords
Digital Twin; Building Construction; BIM, Digital Transformation; Built Environment; Sustainability; Circular Economy.

DICCA - UniGE, Università degli Studi di Genova, Via Montallegro, Italy

Dr. Antonio Caggiano is Adj. Professor and Independent Researcher in Construction Technology and Structures at the DICCA Department - University of Genoa ( He obtained his PhD in 2014, with double titulation Uni-Salerno (Italy) - UNT (Tucuman-Argentina). He worked as an adjunct professor at the University of Buenos Aires (2014-2019) and was a researcher at the Argentine National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). In 2017, he moved to Germany, obtaining the prestigious postdoctoral fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, later becoming Group Leader (2019-2022) at TU Darmstadt (Germany). Since February 2022, he has been working at UniGE where he works on computational mechanics, multiscale modelling, energy efficiency, green components and sustainability in the building and construction materials sector.
Research Keywords
Sustainability in Construction and Building Materials; Recycling; Smart Materials; Smart Buildings; Energy-Saving; Green Buildings; Eco-Friendly Materials; Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings; Energy Efficiency; Energy Storage; Phase Change Materials; Renewable

Departments of Mathematics and Architecture, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA.

Dr. Nikos A. Salingaros is Professor of Mathematics and Architecture at the University of Texas at San Antonio, and is on the faculty of the Building Beauty Master’s Program. He has held guest professorships in Architecture at the Delft University of Technology, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Querétaro, Mexico, and Università di Roma III. An internationally recognized architectural theorist and urbanist, he is known for his original contributions applying Mathematics to Architecture. Salingaros helped to establish and further extend new disciplines such as Biophilia, Design Patterns, Complexity Theory, Neurogeometric design, the Fractal City, and the Network City. He won the 2019 Stockholm Culture Award for Architecture, and shared the 2018 Clem Labine Award for Traditional Architecture with Michael W. Mehaffy. The author of seven monographs and almost 200 research papers, he directs Ph.D. students in architecture and urbanism at many institutions worldwide. Salingaros worked with visionary architect and urbanist Christopher Alexander for twenty years in helping to edit Alexander’s four-volume book The Nature of Order. Mehaffy and Salingaros co-authored (together with other researchers) A New Pattern Language for Developing Regions (2019), an extension and update of the classic A Pattern Language (1977) by Christopher Alexander and colleagues, which has had a profound influence on software development. In the Planetizen surveys of “The 100 most important urban thinkers of all time”, Salingaros ranked 11th in 2009 and 26th in 2017.
Research Keywords
Architecture; biophilia; biophilic design; complexity; design; design patterns; fractals; network city; neurodesign

ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal

Paulo Santos [ORCID 0000-0002-0134-6762] is currently Associate Professor in Department of Civil Engineering of University of Coimbra, Portugal. He is an integrated member of Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE) research centre. The main actual scientific research fields are Thermal Behaviour, Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Sustainable Construction, with focus on the Lightweight Steel Framed (LSF) construction system. He is author of around 160 scientific publications. He has near 2,300 citations and 67,000 reads on Research Gate (Berlin), with an h-index of 23. He was supervisor and co-supervisor of 50 master and 3 doctoral theses already completed within his research topics. He participated in around 12 funded European and Portuguese research projects, and was the Principal Investigator of the Tyre4BuildIns research project. He was member of the scientific committee and/or organizer of several national and international scientific conferences. He reviewed, by request of the editors, as member of the journal scientific committee, 110 articles submitted to international journals (see Web of Science ID: B-2073-2010). He is an Editorial Board member of 14 international scientific journals, having already 143 verified editor records. He is member of TC14 – "Sustainability & Eco-efficiency of Steel Construction" of the “European Convention for Constructional Steelwork” – ECCS (2008, - ).
Research Keywords
Thermal behaviour; Energy efficiency; Buildings; Lightweight Steel Framed (LSF); Thermal bridges; Sustainable construction.

Institute of Highway Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Dr. Pengfei Liu is the Junior Professor (W1) in Modeling and Design of Functionalized Pavement Materials at the Institute of Highway Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Dr. Liu received his doctoral degree from RWTH Aachen University in 2017. His main research area is multiscale modelling and characterization of pavement materials. He has published more than 100 SCI papers as well as 4 books. He serves as an academic editor for 5 technical journals and a reviewer for 63 SCI journals. Dr. Liu has been recognized with 2017 Excellent Self-Funded Student Scholarship of the Ministry of Education P. R. China. He won the RWTH Aachen – Tsinghua Senior Research Fellowships in 2019. And he received the Outstanding Associate Member Award from the Academy of Pavement Science and Engineering (APSE) in 2022.
Research Keywords
multiscale simulation; cyber-physical system; innovative material development

School of Engineering, Design and Built Environment, Western Sydney University, Australia

Dr. Jun Wang earned his Ph.D. from Curtin University, Australia in 2018. Prior to working at Western Sydney University, he was a Lecturer in construction management at Deakin University. In the last five years, his research has focused on using emerging technologies such as BIM, Digital Twin, Linked Data, and Blockchain to improve construction and operation performance across building, infrastructure, and oil and gas industries. He has published over 70 journal articles, 7 book chapters, and 18 conference papers, and has a Google Scholar h-index of 34 and 5082 total citations. In 2017, he was recognized as a top 10 BIM researcher worldwide. He has been a Chief Investigator in 3 Australian Research Council funded projects, 2 CRC-P grants, and 1 Innovation Connection grant.
Research Keywords
Building Information Modelling (BIM); Digital Engineering; Construction Automation; Digital Asset Management

Faculty of the Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Australia

Mat Santamouris is the President and Director General of the National Center of Energy CRES. He is Professor of Energy Physics at the University of Athens and visiting professor at the Metropolitan University of London, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Bolzano University and the Cyprus Institute. He has a Ph.D. degree from the University of Patras and a DEA from the Ecole Nationale Engineers Grenoble, France. He is the Director of the Laboratory of Building Energy Research, at the University of Athens. Editor in Chief of the Journal of Advances Building Energy Research, Associate Editor of the Solar Energy Journal and Energy and Buildings Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Solar Energy, Journal of Buildings and Environment, Journal of Sustainable Energy, Journal of Low Carbon Technologies, Journal of Open Construction and Building Technology, Sustainable Cities and Society, Journal of Physics and of the Journal of Ventilation Editor of the Series of Book on Buildings, Energy and Solar Technologies published by Earthscan Science Publishers in London. Editor and author of 12 international books on topics related to heat island, solar energy and energy conservation in buildings published by Earthscan in London. Chairman of the Cool Roof Council of Europe, Vice Chairman of the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Center, and Vice Chairman of the World Society for Sustainable Energy Technologies. Guest editor of ten special issues of various scientific journals. Coordinator of many international research programs and author of almost 184 scientific papers published in peer review international scientific journals.
Research Keywords
Buildings; mitigation; adaptation

CERIS, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Author of 76 papers in ISI-indexed Journals and 53 communications in international conferences and scientific meetings. Vice-Chair and member of the scientific committee of the 15th DBMC. Secretary of the CIB W080 commission, and member of ISO TC59 SC14 (International Organization for Standardization, Switzerland), as a participating member to act as liaison to CIB W080. Author of 2 International Books by Springer International Publishing. Responsible Investigator of the Research Project entitled "Buildings Envelope SLP-based Maintenance: reducing the risks and costs for owners". Member of the Research Project "Development and assessment of models for the durability and preventive conservation of historic plasterwork from the decorative elements of the Real Alcázar of Seville". Member of the Research Project "Inteligencia artificial al servicio de la gestión integral de inmuebles de conservación histórica en el sur de chile: la región de los ríos y la región de los Lagos". Member of the Research Project entitled "Service Life Prediction for a risk-based Building Management System (SLPforBMS).
Research Keywords
service life; maintenance; buildings; durability

School of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

PhD Summa cum Laude, he is an Assistant Professor in Smart Energy Systems for the Built Environment at the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. His research interests are in innovative energy systems from the building to urban scale, transition pathways to zero-carbon built environments, pioneering hydrogen applications, open data, and energy analytics. Dr. Benedetto Nastasi's Scopus Scientific Citations number is 2200 and his Hirsch index is 33. He has been ranked in the Top 2% Researchers worldwide in both "Building & Construction" and "Energy" fields by the Stanford University study in 2019, 2020 and 2021. He has been awarded as Best Young Investigator in Building Science 2022.
Research Keywords
Innovative building energy systems; Energy planning; open energy data; hydrogen

Department of Industrial Engineering, Univerisity of Naples “Federico II”, Italy

Pierfrancesco De Paola is currently a Professor of Property, Industrial and Corporate Valuations at University of Naples “Federico II” (Italy), building engineer and PhD in Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage achieved at the "Mediterranean" University of Reggio Calabria. Since 2006 he is member of Italian Society of Property Evaluation and Investment Decision (SIEV). Professor De Paola’s area of expertise covers all aspects of property, industrial and corporate valuations, with particular reference to urban and real estate economics, mass appraisal and econometric models, building costs and management, real estate investments, risk management, environmental economics. Prof. De Paola has published close to 100 research papers in refereed national and international journals and in peer reviewed conference proceedings. His papers received about 1,000 citations and an h-index of 21. He is currently serving on the editorial board of 3 journals in his fields of interest and is also an Associate Editor of /Valori e Valutazioni/ (“Real Estate Valuation” section), the latter is official journal of Italian Society of Property Evaluation and Investment Decision. Prof. De Paola is a one of the leading experts in Italy for appraisals and economic evaluations on ordinary and extraordinary properties, damage appraisals, cost appraisals, for civil and industrial buildings.
Research Keywords
Urban and real estate economics; property, industrial and corporate valuations; mass appraisal models; building costs; building transformations; real estate investments; economic valuation of real estate investment projects; building management; real esta

School of engineering, University of Waikato, NewZealand

Kris is currently a Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering at the University of Waikato (UoW). He obtained his PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Auckland and masters in Earthquake Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee). Before joining the UoW, he was a Lecturer at the University of Auckland. After the completion of his master’s degree, Kris spent one year working for Geodata Spa, one of the world’s leading engineering firms for underground structures. During this time, he specialized in tunnel portal design, steel construction, seismic design of steel structures, and the designing of underground structures.
Research Keywords
fire performance of cold-formed steel structures; application of artificial intelligence and machine learning for the structural prediction of cold-formed steel members; sustainability and life cycle analysis of structures; environmental models for life c

School of Engineering, Design and Built Environment, Western Sydney University, Australia

Professor Perera is the is Chair Professor of Built Environment and Construction Management and the Director of Centre for Smart Modern Construction (c4SMC) at Western Sydney University. He is a pioneer in the field of construction informatics and project management. He co-authored a research monograph, “Advances in Construction ICT and e-Business” (2017), “Cost Studies of Buildings” (2015) and “Contractual Procedures in the Construction Industry” (2017) published by Routledge. He has authored over 250 peer reviewed publications and his current research leads work in the areas of Blockchain and IoT, BIM, Digital Twin, offsite construction, construction business models and performance leading to Industry 4.0.
Research Keywords
Blockchain; Digital Twins; IoT; Carbon Estimating; Offsite construction

School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, China

Baojie is a Professor of Energy and Sustainable Built Environment at School of Architecture and Urban Planning, and the leader of the Centre for Climate-Resilient and Low-Carbon Cities, Chongqing University. Baojie is also the Research Fellow at Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability, Hiroshima University, Japan. Baojie He was a Postdoc Research Fellow, Research Associate, PhD researcher, at UNSW Sydney, Australia. Baojie is working on the technologies of Cool Cities and Communities and Net Zero Carbon Built Environment. Baojie has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers in high-ranking journals (e.g. Solar Energy, Energy and Buildings, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Sustainable Cities and Society, Building and Environment, Building Simulation, Science of the Total Environment) and delivered invited talks in reputable conferences. Baojie has a H-index of 40 (Scopus). Baojie has been involved in several large research projects on energy and built environment in Australia. Baojie has been invited to act Topic Editor-in-Chief, Leading Guest Editor, Associate Editor, Editorial Board Member, Conference Chair, Sessional Chair, Scientific Committee of a variety of reputable international journals and conferences. Baojie received the Highly Cited Researcher Award (Clarivate) in 2022, the Sustainability Young Investigator Award in 2022, the Green Talents Award (Germany) in 2021, and National Scholarship for Outstanding Self-Funded Foreign Students (China) in 2019. Baojie was ranked as one of the Single-year & Career 100,000 global scientists (2%) by the Mendeley in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Research Keywords
climate change; urban climate; urban ventilation; urban greening; green roof; veritical greening; urban climate change mitigation and adaption; sustainable urban planning and design; green buildings; cool cities and communities

Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture, School of Polytechnic and Basic Sciences, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy

Antonio Formisano is Associate Professor of Structural Design at the University of Naples Federico II. Licensed to the role of Full Professor since 2021, his research activity deals with historical and cultural heritage buildings, metal structures, seismic retrofitting, structural robustness and sustainability. He participated to several research projects and he was author of more 450 publications published in international journals and conference proceedings, where he participated as chairman and speaker. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation. He was and is involved in several standard committees on metal structures and cultural heritage. He received several awards in the fields of metal structures, innovation technologies and green materials and sustainability. His records on Scopus are as follows: Documents 231, Citations: 3143, H-index: 33 (updated on 30/01/23).
Research Keywords
Seismic vulnerability; Masonry buildings and constructions; Seismic retrofit; Steel and aluminium alloy structures; Exceptional actions; Sustainability

School of Graduate Studies, Lingnan University, China

Yung Yau is now teaching and researching at Lingnan University. Before he joined Lingnan University as a Professor of Urban Studies in August 2021, he had worked in the Buildings Department, The University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include anti-social behaviour, heritage conservation, building illegality, housing economics, governance of multi-owned properties, inclusive built environment and urban regeneration. He is a professional member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
Research Keywords
Building illegality; building control; building management; building rehabilitation; housing studies; green building economics; inclusive built environment; urban renewal and regeneration

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Dr Fang is a Senior Lecturer and ARC DECRA Fellow at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Technology Sydney (UTS). His research is focused on computational mechanics and optimisation of structures and materials, including phase field modelling of fracture, structural crashworthiness, energy absorption, engineering optimisation and machine learning-based design. He won the prestigious Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) from the Australian Research Council (ARC) in 2021 and Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from UTS in 2017. He obtained his PhD from the University of Sydney in 2016 and was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Structural Mechanics, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany in 2019. He has published >100 journal articles and received >4000 citations in Google Scholar.
Research Keywords
Computational mechanics; Computational optimisation; Crashworthiness; Energy absorption; Machine learning-based design; Phase-field fracture

Construction Management Department, University of Houston, USA

Dr. Ahmed Senouci is currently a Full Professor at the University of Houston. His research falls into three focal areas: 1) planning and scheduling, 2) infrastructure asset management, and 3) sustainable construction material. Dr. Senouci has over 30 years of professional experience in the areas of civil engineering and construction management. He has an extensive experience in optimization modeling, asset management, and sustainable construction material. Dr. Senouci has published over 140 technical research papers and has supervised/co-supervised over 40 MS projects and Ph.D. dissertations. He has received the Best Journal Paper Award from one of the most prestigious refereed journals in his field. Dr. graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a PhD degree in Civil Engineering in December 1991. After his graduation, Dr. Senouci worked as a Research Associate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Post-doctoral Fellow at Oregon State University. In 1995, He joined Qatar University (QU) and held faculty positions (Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor) in the Department of Civil Engineering for 20 years. In 2014, I joined the University of Houston as an Associate Professor and the Undergraduate Program Director for the CM program in the Department of Construction Management at the College of Technology.
Research Keywords
Sustainable Construction Materials; Construction Scheduling Optimization; Asset Management; Neural Networks; Dynamic Programming; Genetic Algorithms.

Department of Business Economics (ADO), Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain

Davide Settembre Blundo graduated in Natural Sciences (with a specialization in Mineralogy) from the University of Modena. He continued his studies at the U.N.E.D University of Madrid with a PhD in Physics of Materials. After a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and Communication 5, he continued his economic studies with a Master's degree Business International Management at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, which were then completed with a Master of Research (MRes) in Economics and Business at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid the PhD in Social Sciences & Business Organization at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, an institution with which he has collaborated as a Research Fellow since 2020. Also since 2018 he has been Innovation Program Manager at Gruppo Ceramiche Gresmalt (Italy), a company he joined in 2013 as Innovation Manager. From 2012 to 2013 he was Marketing Manager for the Italian market of Colorobbia Italia, a company for which from 2007 to 2012 he held the position of External Relations Manager and Commercial Manager of the mining division (2000-2008). He currently coordinates Research, Development and Innovation projects in the field of sustainability in manufacturing.
Research Keywords
Innovation Management; Sustainability Management; Commodity Sciences; Business Organization; Manufacturing; Industry 4.0; Circular Economy; Cultural Heritage Management

Bern University of Applied Sciences, IHTA, Switzerland

Senior Scientist with PhD in physics (ETH Zurich) and long-time practice in building physics, having the focus on heat and mass transfer in building materials at ambient and fire temperatures using experimental and numerical methods. The profile includes national & international network in research institutes, industry & public agencies. Fluent: German, English, French, Farsi, Azeri. Editor: "Buildings" Editorial board: "Advances in Building Energy Research"
Research Keywords
Heat Transfer; Numerical Simulation; Thermal Conductivity; Heat Capacity; Reaction to fire; Thermal insulations; Thermal Properties; Fire Resistance; Building Materials; Materials Testing; Heritage Conservation; Climatic monitoring; Hygro-thermal analysis

School of Management, Guangzhou University, China

Dr. Hongping Yuan is a Professor in the School of Management at Guangzhou University of China. Yuan was awarded his PhD by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HK PolyU) for his work on evaluating the effectiveness of construction and demolition waste management. Before taking the current role, he worked as a Professor in Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China. Yuan has been the PIs for more than ten competitive research projects. He is now a Vice-chairman of the Chinese Research Institute of Construction Management (CRIOCM) and serves as the director of the CRIOCM youth chapter. His main research areas focus on sustainable built environment and project management. He also serves as Associate Editor of International Journal of Construction Management (ESCI indexed) and Frontiers in Public Health (SCI). Yuan has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal papers which have been widely cited. Yuan has been listed in the World's Top 2% Scientist (2020-2022).
Research Keywords
Sustainable built environment; construction waste management; project management

Department of Built Environment, Birmingham City University, UK and Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Professor Edwards is currently rated as one of the world’s leading scientific experts in civil engineering and construction management (and was ‘rated in the top 2% of global scientists across all disciplines’ – cf. Stanford University/Elsevier) but his multidisciplinary research also spans business studies, mechanical engineering and information technology. He is a highly cited academic with over 13,000 citations in Google Scholar (as of Feb. 2023) and is a peer referee for over 80 scientific journals. Professor Edwards has been a regular consultant for branches of UK government including the Ministry of Defence, Health and Safety Executive, National Highways and the Home Office but also undertake consultancy work for international governments, defence agencies (e.g., the US Pentagon) and multinational businesses (e.g. Caterpillar, Costain, JCB and Rio Tinto). He is a prolific scientific author (with almost 500 peer reviewed journal paper published) and currently hold five Professorships internationally which reflects his international research profile. Professor Edwards has held several senior management and leadership positions ranging from Programme Leader, Director of Research Centres to Acting Associate Dean of Research (when employed in the Business School). He has also accrued a wealth of experience in module and programme development in the UK and internationally, as well as a breadth of experience in managing Trans-national Education (TNE) provisions, professional accreditation, financial management, dispute resolution and human resource management.
Research Keywords
Construction management, civil engineering, plant and machinery, industry 4.0, health and safety

Department of Solid Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology, Poland

Tomasz Sadowski received his Ph.D. from Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (Polish Academy of Sciences) in 1985. He is permanently employed at Lublin University of Technology (Poland), now in full professor position. He worked as a visiting professor at University of Illinois at Chicago (USA), Technical University of Munich (Germany), Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), Martin-Luther University Halle-Saale (Germany), University of Wales Swansea (UK), Polytechnic Marche Ancona (Italy) and others. He received in 2005 within 5th Framework Programme of European Union Individual Marie Curie Fellowship for Transfer of Knowledge to University of Wales. He published 266 papers (Scopus) and was organizer or co-organiser of many international conferences and scientific courses in Centre for Mechanical Sciences in Udine (Italy). In 2016 he received Doctor Honoris Causa from Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania. He co-ordinated 4 European Union projects within 5FP, 6FP and 7FP. T.Sadowski current research activities include: continuum damage mechanics of materials and structures; modelling of ceramic polycrystalline materials; modelling of composites: ceramic and polymer matrix, polymer foams, wood and plywood; fracture mechanics of materials under mechanical loading and thermal shock; plates with damage and sandwich structures; experimental testing of materials and structures under: static, cyclic, thermal and impact loading.
Research Keywords
Multiscale modelling of composites, Damage and fracture mechanics of materials, Experimental mechanics, Sandwich structures, Joining of structural elements

Tenured, Department of Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University, Canada

Dr. Stathopoulos obtained his Civil Engineering Diploma from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and his M.E.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario (1979). He has been awarded with two Honorary Doctorates in 2011 by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) and in 2015 by Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands). He is a tenured professor in the Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering at Concordia University in Canada. He is also serving as a Distinguished Professor in Building Physics in Urban Physics and Wind Engineering at Technical University of Eindhoven in the Netherlands (since 2015), Visiting Professor "111 Talents" Project of Beijing Jiatong University and Chongqing University in China (since 2014), and served as a Guest Professor in Global Center of Excellence (GCOE): New Frontier of Education and Research in Wind Engineering, at Tokyo Polytechnic University in Japan (2008 to 2013). Dr. Stathopoulos has been appointed Editor of the Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, as well as an Editorial Board member of several prestigious journals in his field. Prof. Stathopoulos is an expert in the field of wind engineering with reputational contributions for more than 45 years, particularly for the development of regulatory provisions for building design in wind codes and standards. He received several awards/prizes, he was invited/keynote speaker for dozens of national and international conferences, and he delivered numerous lectures on Wind Engineering across the world.
Research Keywords
Wind Engineering, Wind Effects on Buildings, Building Aerodynamics, Urban wind environments, Computational Wind Engineering

Department of Project and Construction Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (BarcelonaTech), Spain Group of Construction Research and Innovation (GRIC), Spain

I graduated as a Civil Engineer in 2009 by the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Immediately afterwards, I enrolled the doctoral program of the UPC in the Construction and Building Department, developing part of my research at the Delft University of Technology. In 2013 I graduated as doctor with mention cum laude and extraordinary prize for the best doctoral thesis. Since 2012 I have published 51 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, most of which in first quartile journals according to the JCR ranking (with an h-index of 21 and 1260 total citations according to Scopus) and supervised 4 PhD thesis (plus 4 additional PhD currently on-going). I have published 1 book and 3 chapters of a book (all with ISBN) and I have presented 25 works in National or International Congresses. I have been member of the research group in 9 different R+D+I projects funded in competitive tenders either by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness or the Ministry of Science and Innovation (the lasts ones as co-IP). Besides the R+D+i projects funded in competitive tenders by public bodies, I have also participated in a large number technology transfer project with private companies, providing advanced scientific and technological solutions for singular topics. Additionally, in 2013 I participated in the foundation of the spin-off Smart Engineering within the UPC.
Research Keywords
Building and Infrastructures; Construction and Building Materials; Sustainable, Resilient and Circular build environment; Decision-making in the build environment.

Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Marco Di Ludovico’s research mainly focuses on theoretical and experimental work on of: non-linear behavior of structures, strengthening of PC girders, RC and masonry structures with composite materials (e.g., Fiber-Reinforced Polymers, Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix, Composite Reinforced Mortar, and Fibre Reinforced Mortar), pseudo static, pseudo dynamic and dynamic tests on full scale structural members, in – situ testing, health monitoring systems, fragility curves on existing structures, post-earthquake damage and performance loss, reparability of existing structures, expected seismic losses, innovative methodologies and technologies for knowledge, management restoration and protection of Cultural Heritage. He is committee member in drafting design codes, specifications, and guidelines. He is editorial board member of four international journals.
Research Keywords
mainetance/repair/retrofit; high-performance solutions; advanced materials and techniques mitigation of seismic risk

Vice President (Research and Innovation), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Research Keywords
Aerosol and gaseous contaminant transport in indoor environments, Solar and waste heat driven cooling and refrigeration system, Passive radiative cooling, Nanofluid heat transfer, Bio inspired heat transfer & Fire dynamics and combustion

Invited Speakers

Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture University of Naples Federico II via Claudio 21, Italy

Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture, School of Polytechnic and Basic Sciences, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy

Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy

Department of Sciences in Civil Engineering and Architecture, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

School of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment, Nottingham Trent University, UK


The registration fee includes attendance to all conference sessions.

When registering as an "Academic", please register with your academic email address, as this will accelerate the registration process. If you are registering several people under the same registration, please do not use the same email address for each person, but their individual university email addresses. Thank you for your understanding.

Participation to the conference is considered final only once the registration fees have been paid. The number of participants is limited: once the number of paid registrations reaches the maximum number of participants, unpaid registrations will be cancelled.

Please note that, in order to finalize the scientific program in due time, at least one registration by any of the authors, denoted as Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation and publication of any accepted abstract. Covering Author registration deadline is 30 September 2023. Your abstract will be withdrawn if your registration is not complete by this date.

Finally, only registered authors will be able to apply for the Conference Awards, and the 20% discount on the publication fees for the Buildings Special Issue.

Early Bird
Until 10th September 2023
Until 19th October 2023
Supported documents
Academic 30.00 CHF 50.00 CHF
Non-Academic 50.00 CHF 60.00 CHF
Author/Reviewers of Buildings Journal 30.00 CHF 40.00 CHF
Affiliated Society with Buildings Journal 20.00 CHF 30.00 CHF
Topical Advisory Panel Members/Review Board/Guest Editors of Buildings Journal, Student, Developing Countries 20.00 CHF 30.00 CHF Scanned copy or photograph of your current student ID is required.
Chairs, Session Chairs, Invited Speakers, Committee Members of the Conference Free Free
MDPI Guest Free Free MDPI Guest Invitation Email
Cancellation policy

Cancellation of paid registration is possible under the terms listed below:

> 2 weeks before the conference Full refund
< 2 weeks before the conference No refund


We will endeavour to present the program advertised. However, MDPI and its partners reserve the right to alter or cancel, without prior notice, arrangements, timetables, plans, or other items relating directly or indirectly to the 1st International Online Conference on Buildings. MDPI and its partners are not liable for any loss or inconvenience caused as a result of such cancellation.

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Photographs and/or video will be taken during the conference

By taking part in this event you grant the event organisers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the conference’s aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications.

Payment methods

Wire transfer, Credit card

Currencies accepted by this event

Swiss francs (CHF) ,  Euros (EUR) ,  US dollars (USD) and Singapore dollars (SGD)

Instructions for Authors

Procedure for Submission
Create an account on Sciforum if you do not have one, then click on New Submission on the upper-right corner of the window or click on Submit Abstract on the conference website.
  1. Scholars interested in participating in the conference can submit their abstracts (from about 200 to 300 words) online on this website until 26 June 2023 26 July 2023.
  2. After submission, your abstracts will be assessed. You will be notified by 24 July 2023 11 August 2023 in a separate email about whether your contribution has been accepted for a poster presentation or an oral presentation via the platform Zoom. If you do not want to give an oral/poster presentation, you can also submit a manuscript (short proceedings paper, 3–6 pages) by 20 September 2023. Authors will receive a notification about the acceptance of their submission by 10 October 2023.
  3. The manuscripts and posters will be available on for discussion and rating during the time of the conference on 24–26 October 2023.
  4. All submissions will be reviewed using the powerful text comparison tool iThenticate. This procedure aims to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism. Submissions will then be peer-reviewed by conference committees based on originality/novelty, quality of presentation, scientific soundness, interest to the readers, overall merit and English level. After the conference, all submissions will be published on, and only the proceeding paper (3-6 pages) will be published in the MDPI Engineering Proceedings journal (ISSN 2673-4591 Indexed in Scopus)
    Note: Publication of proceedings paper is free of charge.
    Before publication, the journal will check the plagiarism issue again. Submissions with a lack of novelty will not be published in the journal.
  5. All abstracts accepted for presentation will be collected in a book of abstracts, which will be published on the website after the conference.
About Poster Presentation:
Please send your Poster follow the poster instructions:
Note: We only accept live presentations.
· Should include the title, authors, contact details and main research findings, as well as tables, figures and graphs where necessary.
· File format: PDF (.pdf).
· Size in pixel: 1,080 width x 1,536 height–portrait orientation.
· Size in cm: 38.1 width x 54.2 height–portrait orientation.
· Font size: ≥16.
Examples of successful submissions can be viewed here at the following links: (1), (2), (3)

About Oral Presentation
The slot for the oral presentation is 15 mins. We would advise that your presentation lasts for a maximum of 10-12 mins to leave at least 3 mins for the Q&A. All presentations must be sent to the conference secretariat before 20 September 2023.
Note: We only accept live presentations.

About Proceedings Paper
Proceedings papers must be prepared in MS Word using the Engineering Proceedings template (Download) and should be converted to PDF format before submission. The manuscript should have at least three pages (incl. figures, tables, and references) and should not exceed six pages. Carefully read the rules outlined in the ‘Instructions for Authors’ on the journal website and ensure that your manuscript submission adheres to these guidelines.
Manuscripts for the proceedings papers must have the following organization:
  • Title.
  • Full author names.
  • Affiliations (including full postal address) and authors' e-mail addresses.
  • Abstract.
  • Keywords.
  • Introduction.
  • Methods.
  • Results and Discussion.
  • Conclusions.
  • Acknowledgements.
  • References.
Detailed Requirements of Authors
  1. Please note the submitting author will receive all correspondence about the abstract. Thus, the submitting author’s details are supposed to be the same as those of the presenting author.
  2. The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the contents of the abstract.
  3. The presenting author must be listed as the first author. If you are considered for the journal Buildings, the author positions can be changed.
Publication Opportunities
Participants of this conference are cordially invited to contribute with a full manuscript to our Special Issue in the Journal Buildings (ISSN: 2075-5309, IF 3.324) with a 20% discount on the APC.

If it is the case, the authors are asked to disclose that their work is an extended version of the IOCBD 2023 conference paper in their cover letter. Expanded and high-quality papers from the conference can be articles if they fulfill the following requirements:
(1) Submitted papers should be extended to the size of conference paper with at least 50% extension of new results. All submitted papers will undergo MDPI standard peer-review procedure. Accepted papers will be published in open-access format in Buildings and collected together on the Special Issue website.
(2) The conference paper should be cited and noted on the first page of the paper.

List of accepted submissions (60)

Id Title Authors Presentation Video Poster PDF
sciforum-075332 Rooftop PV Energy Potential Based on Housing Design in Brunei National Housing Planning , , N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-078387 Identification of Natural Lighting Quality on Several Developing Types of Subsidy Houses

, ,

Submitted: 26 Jul 2023

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , N/A Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-078198 Effect of the Scaling Methodology on the Seismic Response of RC Buildings

, ,

Submitted: 25 Jul 2023

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-081224 Potential of Different Forms of Recycled Plastic as Construction Material—A Review


Submitted: 21 Sep 2023

Abstract: Show Abstract
, N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-081217 On the performance of steel buildings with skewed beams against the progressive collapse , , N/A N/A Show Abstract

Event Awards

To acknowledge the support of the conference esteemed authors and recognize their outstanding scientific accomplishments, we are pleased to announce that the conference will provide one Best Paper Award and one Best Presentation Award.

The Awards
Best Paper Award - 500 CHF

Number of Awards Available: 1

Buildings would like to grant an award for the best paper as elected by the conference committee.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Proceedings paper (3–6 pages) must be submitted to IOCBD 2023;
  • Originality/Novelty of the paper;
  • Significance of Content;
  • Scientific Soundness;
  • Interest to the readers;
  • English language and style.
Best Presentation Award - 500 CHF

Number of Awards Available: 1

Buildings would like to grant an award for the best presentation at the conference as determined by a jury. Poster/Oral Presentations will be considered for this award.

Presentations should have the following information:

  • Title (with authors and affiliations)
  • Introduction/Objectives/Aims
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments
  • Contact information

Conference Secretariat

Ms. Angel Wang
Mr. David Hu
Ms. Alethea Liu

For inquiries regarding submissions and sponsorship opportunities, please feel free to contact us.

Sponsors and Partners


Media Partners
