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  • 126 Reads
Comparing oxidative stability of two margarines with vegetable oils of equal composition in fatty acids.
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This work compares the oxidative stability of two margarines with vegetable oils of equal composition in both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. For this purpose, weighted averages of the composition of the oils are calculated and their induction times at 1200C were previously computed by QSPR. The results obtained from this calculation are compared to those obtained for equal weight of margarine in Rancimat at the same temperature. These results show that margarines have lower oxidative stability than oils with the same composition in fatty acids, which is explained by the fact that the presence of water in margarines generates hydrolysis reactions that speed up the oxidative process.

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  • 103 Reads
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This paper presents the sizing of a treatment plant for domestic wastewater generated in the urban planning zone of the Cooperativa de la Pequeña Empresa de Pastaza LTDA, located in Puyo, Ecuador. The population served will be 291 inhabitants and the average flow is 1.48 L/s. The most suitable option for the plant’s secondary treatment was selected using the prioritisation matrix methodology. The complete treatment proposal is composed of input, sieving and desanding, two parallel septic tanks, a trickling filter, a secondary decanter and finally a disinfection process of two 12GPM ultraviolet light lamps at the outlet of the secondary decanter. There is also an area for drying the sludge after it has been digested in the septic tank. The calculated cost of the plant was $57,032.88USD and it would occupy an area of 86m2.

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  • 98 Reads
Proposal for the treatment of sludge generated at the Tereré WTP in the city of Tena by means of a physical-chemical and microbiological characterisation
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The Tereré wastewater treatment plant located in the city of Tena in the Ecuadorian Amazon region treats urban liquid inflows by means of a membrane bioreactor, which has an organic load removal efficiency of 98%. Within the treatment plant, sewage sludge is generated, which goes through a drying process and is disposed of at a landfill site. In this project, the sludge’s physical-chemical and microbiological characteristics were determined using three samples where nine parameters were analysed (pH, %Humidity, %N, %OM, %P, C/N, Faecal Coliforms, Salmonella spp. and Heavy metals). The results highlight the presence of a large amount of pathogens (faecal coliforms, Salmonella spp.), for which two treatment proposals were established, consisting of alkaline stabilisation and composting, where the latter presents greater viability due to its low investment costs and simple operation technique. In addition, the city council will be able to utilise and commercialise the compost bags that will be obtained from the treatment.

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  • 93 Reads
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This research was carried out at the Amazon Research, Postgraduate and Conservation Center (CIPCA) Poultry Program, of the Amazon State University, Ecuador and aimed to “Evaluate the productive behavior and quality of quail egg (Coturnix coturnix japan) on stage of posture”, for which 72 quail were used, with 69 days (week 10) of age; Each experimental unit (cages) housed 18 quails, in which the variables of posture percentage, egg weight, egg mass, food consumption, food conversion and water consumption as productive indicators were evaluated. For egg quality, 72 eggs were evaluated for 6 weeks, which were measured weekly for shape index, yolk index, egg whites index and Unit Haugh. A Fully Randomized Design (DCA) with four replications was used. The statistical analysis applied was an ANOVA and for the differences the test of Tukey means comparisons was used, at a statistical significance (p <0.05). The productive indicators did not show significant differences for p <0.05 per week, however, among the cages, except for food and water consumption. The ratio of feed conversion and egg mass to percentage of posture was higher at weeks 10, 13 and 15. The quality manifest form indexes from 76.05 to 80%, indicating that they are elliptical and can be accepted in the market. The yolk index and Haugh expressed good quality and freshness of the egg with 0.42 and 81.6% respectively. The quality of the eggs in the different weeks is very good, favoring the commercialization process, when it creates added value to quail products.

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  • 92 Reads
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The objective of the study was to carry out a chemical characterization and to quantify the fatty acid profile of Sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) to be used as raw material, in the elaboration of diets for animal use. The research was developed with samples of the seed meal with and without the Sacha inchi capsule, acquired from the unused waste for export from the “Huamboya” collection center, located in the Amazon province of Morona Santiago in Ecuador. The determination of the chemical composition was analyzed the nutrients of: dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM); crude protein (CP); crude fiber (FB); grease; Nitrogen-free extracts (ELN); gross energy (EB) in the laboratory of the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIAP). The fatty acid profile (Saturated; Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated) was determined in the Laboratory of Analisis de Alimentos AVVE S.A., through the liquid chromatography / PDA technique. Sacha inchi seed flour with and without capsule from crops in the Huamboya canton, Morona Santiago Province, has an adequate protein for the swine species, as well as the fiber, fat and energy content are acceptable, to be used in The preparation of diets for Creole pigs in the growth and final fattening stage, in addition to the flour from the Sacha inchi seed with and without capsule, are an important source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, mainly α-linolenic acid (C18: 3 ω - 3) and linoleic acid (C18: 2 ω-6), which could provide beneficial effects due to their nutritional qualities and nutritional value, to be considered in the inclusion of diets for animal feed.

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  • 97 Reads
Polyphenols into an “orito” banana fermented drink (Musa acuminata)
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The aim of the present work was to evaluate the content of total phenols in a fermented orito banana (Musa acuminata AA) pulp drink. A central compound experimental design with nine treatments was carried out in the elaboration of an orito banana pulp fermented beverage. Total antioxidant activity was evaluated by means of Folin Ciocalteu, obtaining a higher content of polyphenols in T0 (4.888 mg/L) and T3 (4.616 mg/L) treatments, after eight days of fermentation. In conclusion, in the fermented beverage, T0 treatment at 70ºC and & 0.6% citric acid concentration, as well as T3 treatment at 60ºC & 0.9% citric acid concentration, preserved the organoleptic characteristics from orito banana, no enzymatic browning was visualized in the subsequent operations.

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  • 117 Reads
Forest resources in Ecuadorian Amazon communities' feeding

With their cosmovision, indigenous peoples in Amazon territory develop subsistence farming systems, that preserve biodiversity, which is considered to be the result between culture and control of the territory by local communities, an autonomy expression, knowledge, identity and economy factors (Escobar, 2010; Arias et al. 2018). The objective in this study was to analyze de resources coming from forest for feeding Ecuadorian Amazon communities. It shows the calendar of products from plants collected for food in communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The seasonality of these foods and the need for conservation through agro-industrial processes is observed. It is presented the main marketable products for consumption in the Ecuadorian Amazon region. Bananas constitute the largest production, 80,710 Tm in hole the region, while in the province of Pastaza 21,320 Tm are harvested

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  • 93 Reads
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The purpose of this research was to carry out a retrospective analysis of the external and internal egg quality and its relationship with coloration, in the municipal markets of the Pastaza canton. The results of 247 creole eggs were analyzed, to which the indicators were measured: weight, height and width of the egg, shell thickness, shape index, yolk index, albumen index and Haugh units. An exploratory transectional or cross-sectional design was used and the data were processed in the statistical package SPSS version 22. The results indicate that there is a variation of the yolk diameter between the egg colors; the light brown and green coloration showed the highest values ​​with 4.4 ± 0.30 and 4.3 ± 0.27cm respectively. The yolk index was higher in the light brown and green colored eggs, however, only the green color corresponds to the highest quality standards. The analysis of the Haugh units showed 80.4%, which expresses very good quality for the marketing process and durability of the product; while the white and light brown eggs showed values ​​between 77.63 and 70.72% respectively. The indicators height and diameter of the yolk and height and diameter of the albumen were higher for the green color, favoring the indices of yolk and white or albumen, which is why it is manifested in the Haugh Units by presenting very good quality. A logical relation of the internal and external quality is not expressed for the green color, unlike the other colorations.

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  • 144 Reads
NAA-NAAG metabolism imbalance associated neuronal damage and socio-communicative impairment correlation in ASD.

Background: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopment disorder characterized by socio-communicative impairments as one of the core symptoms. Autistic symptoms may be seen in the first year of life, they vary in severity from mild to severe, and in a few instances, they may improve over time, even without treatment. The neuropeptide N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate (NAAG) modulates glutamate release which has been proposed as a key mechanism underlying symptoms of ASD. NAAG provides one of the components of the proton magnetic resonance spectrum (1H-MRS) in humans. The signal of NAAG, however, largely overlaps with its precursor and degrading product N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) that by itself does not act in glutamatergic neurotransmission. Previously, we described the altered N-Acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate levels found in cingulated cortices by 1H-MRS in individuals with ASD that suggested neuronal damage. Taken together, the findings of this study support our hypothesis and a role for NAA-NAAG imbalance and impairments in the Social-communication skills in autism, which lead the next step in our investigation to correlate imbalances neurochemistry linked to cingulated cortices in social and communicational skills in the autism spectrum disorders.

Aim: To study the imbalance of NAA-NAAG metabolism role in the cingulated cortices correlated with the AQ domains social skills and communication associated with ASD severity using 1H-MRS.

Methods: We quantified NAAG and NAA separately from the 1H-MRS signal in 22 patients with ASD and 44 healthy comparison subjects, matched for age, gender on a 3.0 Tesla MR scanner. Autism quotients (AQ) scores were assessed. Statistic one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni correction was applied. Furthermore, the Pearson correlation hallmarks the goal.

Results: The results of the Pearson correlation were represented graphically, where it was observed that there is no correlation between the Socio-communicative skills and the NAA/NAAG ratio in the ACC (r = -0.43, P = .005) in the ASD group (Fig.1). However, when was stratified ASD plus TD groups as AQ1, AQ2, AQ3, and AQ4, there was within groups differences (AQ1, AQ2, AQ3, and AQ4) of NAA/NAAG ratio; was increased significantly (P = .05) in AQ3 (Fig. 2) and, decreased in AQ4. Comparably, there was no differences of (NAAG, NAA, or NAA/NAAG) concentrations in the PCC, but a positive linear correlation with communication (r = .55, P = .049) was observed. In addition, in both ACC and PCC, the AQ2, AQ3, and AQ4 groups maintain a different correlation pattern than the AQ1 group, both in social skills and communication showing the severity level change within AQ domains.

These results make us suggest the relation of the deficit socio-communicational with the enlarged relative grey matter volumes (rGMV) of the auditory network in ASD adults; in accordance with that described by (Watanabe & Rees, 2016); who demonstrated the relation of the deficits associated with the severity of autistic socio-communicational core symptom. Since NAA is considered a marker of neurons, these results provide stronger support for neuron loss in the posterior cingulated cortex than volume measurements by MRI alone.

Conclusion: We conclude that the concentrations of NAAG and NAA act differently in ASD. The opportunity to measure NAAG in subjects with ASD creates a new and promising approach for intensified research on the glutamatergic systems and on the effects of novel drug candidates.

  • Open access
  • 90 Reads
Dry matter accumulation by organs of the Chinese potato plant (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schtt) according to planting distance in Ecuadorian Amazon conditions.
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The accumulation of dry matter per organ of the Chinese potato plant (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schtt) local white variety was determined in three moments of crop development, using three planting distances (1.0m x 0.40m, 1.0m x 0.60m and 1.0mx 0.80 m) in the conditions of the Ecuadorian Amazon, evidencing the physiological development of the crop. A factorial design in blocks was used completely at random, forming 9 plots of 30 m2, where the study factor was the planting distance representing the treatments. For data collection, five plants were randomly selected in perfect intraspecific competition. The variables were evaluated at 60, 120 and 180 days after planting. The analysis of double variance was carried out, using the Tukey test at a probability level of 95%. The highest values of dry matter accumulation by plant organs were obtained in the plantation distance of 1.0 m x 0.80m.
