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Cyclooligosaccharide modification applying microwaves. The case of β-cyclodextrin esterification
* 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 3 , 1
1  Department of Carbohydrate Technology; Agricultural University in Krakow; ul. Balicka 122, PL-30-149 Krakow; Poland
2  Department of Engineering and Machinery for Food Industry; Agricultural University in Krakow; ul. Balicka 122, PL-30-149 Krakow; Poland
3  Institute of Leather Industry, Cracow Branch; ul. Zakopianska 9; PL-30-418 Krakow; Poland

Abstract: Some preliminary studies on microwave-assisted chemical modification of cyclodextrins are presented. As a chemical linkage agent a citric acid was applied. The esterification reaction of cyclodextrin with polycarboxylic acid was controlled by means of HPLC as well as a spectroscopic method for product complexation ability.
Keywords: cyclodextrin, citric acid, esterification, microwaves
