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Triarylamine-N-oxides. I. The First Attempt of (4,4´,4´´- Trimethyl)triphenylamine-n-oxide Synthesis and direct Proof of its Formation
* 1 , 2 , 1
1  Slavich Company, 2 Mendeleev sq., Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl region, 152020, Russian Federation
2  N. S. Kurnakov Institute of Inorganic Chemistry RAS, 31 Leninsky Pr., Moscow, 117071, Russian Federation

Abstract: Triarylamine-N-oxides are mainly of interest to theoretical organic chemists. The first mention of triphenylamine-N-oxide (I) [1] was an erroneous one. In fact, in the original paper [2] I has not been described. In reference [3] the acetone solution of the I : UO2Cl2 1:1 complex was described without any experimental data for the above mentioned complex or for the ligand preparation. Up to the present time no synthetic procedure for triarylamine-N-oxide preparation were described. Their stability seems tobe much lower than the stability of other known amine-N-oxides. In our opinion, (4,4¢,4¢¢-trimethyl)- triphenylamine (II) forms a relatively stable (4,4¢,4¢¢-trimethyl)-triphenylamine-N-oxide (III).
Keywords: n/a
