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The rise of philosophy of information in China
1  Tianqi Wu, Hui Jin

Abstract: 80 years of the 20th century, a wave to problems of information go on philosophy discuss surged on the Chinese academics circles, emerged a large number of discuss, papers and several monographs of the issue associated with the philosophy of Information. The text "Outline of philosophy Information Theory "(1985) by Mr. Wu Kun published and publication of the book "Introduction of Philosophy Information Theory "(1987) has become a symbol that the philosophy of information formal established in China. Mr. Wu Kun stress in particular that as the philosophy of information set out of a whole new existence area split mode, that from fundamentally changed the specific way of expression of philosophical problems of basic, so, philosophy of Information is a kind of metaphilosophy Or a maximum of philosophy. Philosophy of Information achieved the first fundamental turn of human philosophy, and thus leads to omnibearing fundamental changes of human philosophy.
Keywords: philosophy of Information, China, the basic theory
