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Development of enzymatic biosensors to detect biocides disinfectants to strengthen self-monitoring in industry
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1  Laboratory of Fougeres, European Union Reference Laboratory (EU-RL) for Antimicrobial and Dye Residue Control in Food-Producing Animals, Bâtiment Bioagropolis-La Haute Marche-Javené, 35302 Fougères, France

Published: 17 May 2021 by MDPI in 8th International Symposium on Sensor Science session Chemical Sensors (registering DOI)

Biocides disinfectants are used in agro-food industries in order to limit the development of pathogens present in environment or on surfaces in contact with food for human or animal consumption. Biocides residues remaining on food surfaces may constitute a toxicological risk for the consumer. Very little feedback from the field on the rates of biocides residues in the industry exist due to a lack of simple, fast and responsive self-checking methods. The development of biosensors for the detection of biocides disinfectants represent a promising way to explore but most of this research remains limited.

Keywords: biocides disinfectants; enzymatic biosensors; optical; electrochemical; food products
