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AskoR, A R Package for Easy RNASeq Data Analysis
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1  IGEPP, INRAE, Institut Agro, Univ Rennes, 35653, Le Rheu, France
Academic Editor: Erin Scully


For facilitating the process of transcriptomics data, and to guarantee the reproducibility of
our analyses, we developed AskoR, which is a R library for performing a suite of statistical analysis and graphical output from gene expression data obtained by sequencing (RNA-Seq). From raw counts, it makes it possible to filter and normalize the data, to check the consistency of the samples, and to carry out differential expression tests, GO terms enrichments, and clusters of co-expression, with a large number of figures in the output. AskoR can be downloaded and used in your favorite R environment or directly accessible through a Galaxy portal like the one which is hosted by the BioInformatics Platform for the Agroecosystems Arthropods (BIPAA).

Keywords: BioInformatics Platform for Agroecosystems Arthropods; RNA-Seq; differential expression; clustering; Gene Ontology enrichment