Observation of natural processes and their detailed study can improve forest management and introduce more effective and sustainable measures. Many damages are observed in forest stands because of climate change. As a result, the amount of deadwood in forests increases. The increase may be influenced by, among others, strong winds. Recently, the most significant storm passed through Poland in August 2017, damaging over 100,000 ha of forest. Fungi are estimated to be essential for life conditioning. For a better understanding of decomposition, it is reasonable to research the fungi inhabiting deadwood. The reference area was set aside in the damaged pine stand in Nowaszyce 52°63555N 17°62577E. No forest management or conservation measures are planned in this area. We collected 70 samples from 30 trees by the Pressler drill and ground them in a SPEXTM SamplePrepTM Freezer/MillTM cryogenic mill. Total DNA was isolated from the resulting dust using the A&A Biotechnology Bead-Beat Kit. A PCR reaction was performed based on the ITS1 region. The Illumina system sequenced obtained PCR products. The results demonstrate a high species diversity of the fungal communities colonising deadwood. Species belonging to Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Mucoromycota were identified. Ascomycota constituted the most significant proportion in all studied communities, and among them, the pathogen Lophodermium seditiosum Minter, Staley & Millar was the most numerous. Schizophyllum commune Fr., which can be both a saprotroph and a pathogen, was the most abundant of the Basidiomycota. The least numerous phylum was Mucoromycota, dominated by Umbelopsis isabellina (Oudem.) W. Gams that has attracted much interest among biotechnologists in recent years. This study is a prelude to the long-term observations of fungal community changes during the decomposition processes of deadwood.
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Fungal communities in pine deadwood
27 October 2022
in The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Forests — Exploring New Discoveries and New Directions in Forests
session Forest Ecology and Management
Keywords: deadwood, pinewood, fungi, Illumina