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Sensors in support of multi-criteria human comfort-driven structural glass design in buildings
1  University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture, Trieste, Italy
Academic Editor: Nunzio Cennamo (registering DOI)

Civil engineering design and industry are continuously evolving with the support of advancements in technology. Digital tools are able to assist designers in solving several issues with more accuracy and minimized efforts. In parallel, maximization of human comfort is a target for various design procedures, where mathematical models and standardized protocols are conventionally used to optimize well-being of customers. Major challenges and troubles can indeed derive, structurally speaking, from human reactions, which are related to a multitude of aspects, and may further enforced by slender / transparent glass components. The so-called “emotional architecture” and its nervous feelings are intrinsic part of the issue, and hence the mutual interaction of objective and subjective parameters can make complex the building design optimization.

This paper presents some recent studies in which human comfort for glass structures occupants is quantitatively measured, to support an optimal multi-criteria human comfort-driven design. Major efforts are derived from pilot remote experiments based on micro-facial expression analysis and remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) optical measure of heart rate. Further, multiple sensors are used in in-field experiments to capture kinematic and biometric parameters for customers when moving in structural glass environments of building scenarios.

Keywords: Glass structures; sensors; structural design; human reactions; biometric parameters; experiments
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