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Ideas generation for new aquaculture products (Sea Bream and Prawns) developing using Focus Group by different participants profiles
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1  i-Food Group, Instituto Universitario de Ingenieria de Alimentos-FoodUPV, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain
Academic Editor: Manuel Viuda-Martos


Nowadays, people are expressing great concern about having a healthy diet. Aquaculture products are considered healthy and from a safe source. Likewise, there is reported low consumption of these processed products. In this context, the objective of this study was to generate a list of ideas for new aquaculture products based on two species: sea bream and prawns. To carry out this work, a qualitative study was conducted using the "Focus group" technique. Two sessions were held, with a total of 20 participants with different profiles: 1. Consumers (n=10), 2. Chefs (n=5), 3. Researchers in food science and technology (n=5). Correspondence analysis was carried out to establish relationships between the variables: participants´ profiles and aquaculture products proposed.

During the discussion sessions, the following topics were addressed: 1. Survey on the consumption of aquaculture products; 2. Exploration of recent launches of new food products; 3. Brainstorming new products for sea bream and prawns; 4. Grouping ideas by product technologies: fresh, dehydrated, canned, marinated, and fermented; 5. Analysis of all concepts. The Correspondence analysis for sea bream shows that consumers generate ideas more focused on fresh products, while chefs and researchers develop ideas related to processed products. For prawns, ideas about dehydrated products have been mentioned in all profiles.

With the obtained results, an experimental design will be conducted as part of a questionnaire aimed at global consumers to assess the acceptability of these new aquaculture products.

Keywords: Focus group; new products; sea bream; Prawns; participants profiles