The emerging development of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) software receivers has opened new opportunities in diverse operations. However, Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) concatenated signal reception is one prevalent deterioration factor causing positioning errors in urban scenarios. To enhance integrity and reliability through Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) techniques in urban environments, distinguishing between Line-of-Sight (LOS) and NLOS signals facilitates the exclusion of NLOS channels: this is challenging due to uncertain signal reflections/refractions from diverse obstruction conditions in the built environment. Moreover, NLOS features show similarity to multipath effects like scattering and diffraction which brings difficulty in identifying the NLOS type. Recent work exploited NLOS detections with multi-correlator outputs using neural networks that outperform using signal strength techniques for NLOS detection. This paper proposes a novel neural network approach designed to recognise and learn spatial features among early, late, and prompt correlator outputs, differentiating between correlations, and also by memorising temporal features to acquire propagation information. Specifically, the spatial features of correlator IQ streams are derived from convolutional layers incorporated with concatenations, to formulate associate models like early-minus-late discrimination. A Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), i.e. Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) is integrated to obtain comprehensive temporal features; hereby, a softmax classifier is appended in the last layer to distinguish between NLOS and LOS signals. By simulating synthetic datasets generated by a Spirent simulator and captured by a software-defined radio (SDR), the correlator outputs are acquired during the scalar tracking stage. The product of the proposed network demonstrates high performance in terms of accuracy, time consumption and sensitivity, affirming the efficiency of utilising early-stage correlations for NLOS detection. Moreover, an impact analysis of varying the sliding window length on NLOS discrimination underscores the need to fine-tune the parameter, as well as balancing accuracy, operation complexity and sensitivity.
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NLOS Signal Detection From Early Late Prompt Correlators Using Convolutional LSTM Network
31 October 2024
in European Navigation Conference 2024
topic Algorithms and Methods
Keywords: NLOS detection; early late prompt correlator; convolutional LSTM; GNSS; software GNSS