Ensuring the security of data transmission in agrotechnical activities is crucial, especially when using advanced monitoring systems based on UAVs and AI methods. Traditional encryption methods face significant threats due to the emergence of quantum computing. This study explores the application of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) to secure data transmission in UAV-based geographic information systems (GISs) used for monitoring both forest fires and agricultural fields. By leveraging the BB84 protocol with polarization of weak coherent pulses, quantum keys are distributed between UAVs and ground stations, ensuring data integrity and security. The hardware requirements for integrating QKD in UAVs and ground stations include compact lasers, polarization modulators, microlenses, polarization filters, and single-photon detectors. Simulation results indicate that the key generation speeds are sufficient for real-time secure data transmission, even under the constraints of UAVs such as limited power and size. Furthermore, this study examines the influence of atmospheric conditions, geometric losses, and receiver characteristics on the communication range and stability. The proposed QKD method enhances the efficiency of data security in GISs for agricultural production monitoring. Future research will focus on practical implementation, optimization of the QKD system for UAVs, and integrating QKD with existing communication systems and data transfer protocols. This integration aims to provide robust support system for agrotechnical activities, leveraging advanced AI methods and monitoring systems to increase the efficiency and security of agricultural production.
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Application of Quantum Key Distribution to Enhance Data Security in Agrotechnical Monitoring Systems Using UAVs
03 December 2024
in The 5th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences
session Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
Keywords: Quantum Key Distribution; UAV; Data Security; Geographic Information Systems; Agrotechnical Monitoring; Agricultural Production; AI Methods
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