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The shaping of the public opinion: social media between populism and convivialism. A comparative study of Austria, Sweden, and the UK
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1  University of Vienna
2  Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science


Social, political and economic features of Austria as well as Sweden and the United Kingdom show similarities such that they can be examined in parallel and compared. Cultural differences in these countries are transmitted in a variety of situation, but they do not necessarily refer to the same social distinctions. Moreover, our observation of common features among these three countries will target the rise of right-wing political parties, invoked by the “crises” from Middle East. Furthermore this study aims to observe the reaction of the citizens of these three countries respectively, the sympathizers as well as those who disagree with such populistic proclamations.  Such social and cultural issues arise attention and, at the same time call upon the empirical focus in anthropological studies. We are suggesting this parallel examination with regard to the anthropological science and its methods that will help to carry out our research.

This research will contribute results with a critical discourse analysis in combination with empirical research methods and analysis.

Keywords: Social Media, Populism, Public Opinion, Austria, Sweden, UK, Convivialism, Right Wing