The objective of this research was to accelerate the composting process of solid waste generated in the agroindustry of the Amazon by inoculating composting beds with a solution of isolated native microorganisms on the surface of the CIPCA forests. The microorganisms identified in this work 2 fungi Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillum sp. And the bacteria Bacillus subtillis and Pseudomos fluorences. A biomass of microorganisms, with a concentration of 1 X 10 7 CFU*mL-1 per isolated microorganism, was applied and sprayed 4 L*m-1 3 of substrate to compost. The following variables were evaluated: temperature, humidity, pH, C/N texture and physical structure, organic matter, electrical conductivity and cation exchange capacity. The results indicated that the beds inoculated with the microbial solution reached the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of a mature compost with the difference of five weeks before the control bed. The response in these characteristics indicated that the inoculum solution significantly accelerates the composting process.
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Use of native microorganisms of the rhizophore of the amazon to accelerate the process of decomposition of organic agricultural residues
19 December 2017
in MOL2NET'17, Conference on Molecular, Biomed., Comput. & Network Science and Engineering, 3rd ed.
congress NATMODECO-02: Nat. Prod., Molec. Sci., Develop. Sust., Environ., Eco., and Econ. Congress, Puyo, Ecuador-Porto, Portugal, 2017.
Keywords: amazon, Pseudomos fluorences, agricultural, residues, microorganisms.