The objective of the research was to characterize the anaerobic digestion process of a biodigester that works with pig manure in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The study was carried out for eight weeks in the Center for Research, Postgraduate and Conservation of the Amazon, belonging to the Universidad Estatal Amazónica. The research stages focused on the quantification of the substrates production present in porcine sections, physicochemical and microbiological parameters characterization of the anaerobic digestion process and operational parameters determination. 51.41 L per day of waste and water mixtures were generated, the physicochemical characteristics of the input mixtures (Wastewater process+ Manure) and output (Digestate + Biogas) were quantified and compared. The main results show that there is a decrease in organic loads during the anaerobic process, but even the values of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and secondary nutrients are low compared with other similar studies. In conclusion, the application of anaerobic digestion practices and technologies can reduce the organic loads coming from anthropogenic activity residues but it is necessary to control the feeding and physicochemical parameters of the process so that the discharges comply with the maximum permissible limits for fresh water discharges and agricultural, according to environmental national regulations.
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The Pig Manure Anaerobic Digestion. A tubular biodigester characterization in the Ecuadorian Amazon
29 November 2018
in MOL2NET'18, Conference on Molecular, Biomed., Comput. & Network Science and Engineering, 4th ed.
congress MODEC-03: Workshop on Natural Products and Agro-Industrial Procesess in Amazon, UEA, Puyo, Ecuador, 2018
Keywords: Organic matter; nutrients; anaerobic digestion; contamination; digester; digestate; biogas.