The biodeterioration and blackening of vinyl glues before their expiration date of use was studied and shown to be of bacterial origin. Two bacterial isolates, responsible for this alteration were identified as sulfate-reducing bacteria. On the basis of biochemical properties and 16S rRNA gene sequencing, they were identified as Microbacterium oxydans and Alcaligenes faecalis. This is the first report dealing with Microbacterium as a vinyl glue deterioration causal agent. Blackening and deterioration were confirmed after glue artificial contamination using the two isolates. The sensitivity of the two contaminant bacteria to various triaryl butenes derivatives, compared to the commercial large used and large spectra biocide (Preventol D6), was assessed for artificially contaminated vinyl glue at different concentrations. Results showed that triaryl butenes have an interesting conservative potential. This was confirmed in vitro by tests demonstrating the activity of the triaryl butenes against glue contaminants. The water-soluble compound 1,1-bis-[4-(3-dimethylamoniumpropoxy)phenyl]-2-ferrocenyl-but-1-ene dichloride shows the most effective performance against glue spoilage and can be proposed as an ecological and economical alternative to traditional biocide formulations.
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The biodeterioration and blackening of vinyl glues: A new microbial cause and triaryl butene derivatives as new biocide
07 December 2018
in MOL2NET'18, Conference on Molecular, Biomed., Comput. & Network Science and Engineering, 4th ed.
congress NANOBIOMAT-04: Nanotechnology & Biomaterials Sci. Congress, Jackson & Fargo, USA, 2018
Keywords: sulfate-reducing bacteria; Microbacteria oxydans; Alcaligenes faecealis; biocide; triaryl butene