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Effectiveness of two different hydrophobic topcoats for increasing of durability of exterior coating systems on oak wood
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1  Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague


Top hydrophobic layer can increase durability of exterior coatings on wood. Two hydrophobic topcoats—synthetics and water-based acrylate resin with wax additives were researched as top layer on twenty-four different coating systems applied on oak wood in this experiment. Artificial accelerated weathering lasted six weeks. Changes of color, gloss, surface wetting were evaluated, and microscopic analyses of coated surfaces were done. The results have shown that top hydrophobic layer increases durability of tested coating systems in most cases. However, the effectiveness of the two researched hydrophobic topcoats was different depending on the specific tested coating systems.

Keywords: artificial weathering; durability; exterior coatings; hydrophobic topcoat; oak wood
Comments on this paper
Henry Hitt
My doctor recommended
I know that this coating system is used to relax the tone of the legs. Children often use special best work boots for plantar fasciitis. My doctor recommended that I come here and order the right shoes. I am sure that this can help you to correct this defect. This problem is due to several factors. The first is the ecology and fragility of the bones. The second is improper nutrition. This problem needs to be investigated globally.
Marko Petrič
I am sorry, but I could not understand this comment. Is it at all related to the paper or just a joke?

Marko Petrič
Applicability of the results
Nice work done. Interesting and useful!
Miloš Pánek
It is nice to read, especially from excellent researcher on this field, like you. Thanks.

Miloš Pánek

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