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1st Coatings and Interfaces Web Conference

Part of the Coatings and Interfaces Conference series
15–29 March 2019
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The 1st Coatings and Interfaces Web Conference has now been closed. We hope you enjoyed this new concept and see it as a good venue for you to exchange your new research ideas. We thank you for your support by participating at the 1st of our web conferences.

Welcome from the Chairs

Welcome from the Chair of the 1st Coatings and Interfaces Web Conference

15–29 March 2019

Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to join the 1st Coatings and Interfaces Web Conference (CIWC) that will be hosted online by Sciforum (

Coatings and interfaces play a crucial role in current technology and have critical importance in addressing major societal challenges. Among them energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, pollution, critical raw materials, corrosion wear and erosion, food safety and health science are of outstanding importance. CIWC will present the state-of-the-art of coatings and of the interface science and technology related to these issues.

CIWC 2019 aims to promote and advance the exciting and rapidly changing field of surfaces, coatings and interfaces. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Coatings and surfaces for corrosion, wear and erosion mitigation;
  • Coatings and interfaces for energy applications;
  • Biocoating and biomaterial surfaces and interfaces;
  • Coating deposition and surface modification technologies;
  • Coatings, surfaces and interfaces for food safety and preservation;
  • Coatings, surfaces and interfaces for cultural heritage;
  • Advances in coatings and surface characterization.

CIWC 2019 will enable you to share and discuss your most recent research findings with the worldwide vibrant community of scientists and engineers in the field.

CWIC 2019 will make your presentation accessible to hundreds of researchers worldwide, with the active engagement of the audience in question and answer sessions and discussion groups that will take place online.

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the conference committee. The authors of accepted contributions will be invited to produce an extended abstract for the conference proceedings along with a slide presentation of their work. Following the conference, outstanding contributions will be invited to be submitted for publication in Coatings (

CWIC is a new and exciting experience for me that I believe that it is a taste of the future. CWIC will revolutionize dissemination in the field with a brand-new tool for sharing research in an online environment that will preserve the same standards and structure of traditional conferences, but will be more inclusive by breaking the cost and time barriers that prevent participation in remote events. ICTs are shaping our world, let’s make them change the way we communicate science!

We hope you will join us and present your work at CIWC 2019, and be part of this thriving online experience.

Kind regards,

Dr. Alessandro Lavacchi
Chair of the 1st Coatings and Interfaces Web Conference

Prof. Dr. Massimo Innocenti
Co-Chair of the 1st Coatings and Interfaces Web Conference

Dr. Alessandro Lavacchi is the Editor-in-Chief of Coatings, an international open access journal devoted to the materials science and applications of deposited materials. Dr. Lavacchi is a Research Scientist at the Italian National Research Council (ICCOM-CNR), where he also is the Head of the Electron Microscopy Facility. Dr. Lavacchi’s research focuses on electrochemistry and materials science with a special emphasis on energy-related surfaces and coatings science and engineering. He has co-authored more than 80 papers in leading international journals, as well as the monograph “Nanotechnology in Electrocatalysis for Energy,” edited by Springer.

Professor Massimo Innocenti is the Associate Editor of journal Coatings. His research activity is focused on nanomaterials obtainable by electrochemical processes, which are used in the field of electrocatalysis, energy and sensors. From 2013–2015 he was the elected member of the Executive Council of the interdivisional group Chemistry for Renewable Energy (EnerChem). In January 2016 he was re-elected as a member of the Executive Council of the interdivisional group Chemistry for Renewable Energy (EnerChem) for 2016–2018. From 2013–2016, he was an ESRF Review Committee member at the Synchrotron of Grenoble. From 2014–2015 he was the Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Metal Nanocatalysts in Green Synthesis and Energy Applications" for the journal Molecules. He has taken part in various research projects at the Synchotron of Grenoble and Trieste. Prof. Dr. Innocenti is a member of SCI (Italian Society of Chemistry). He has undertaken notable international collaborations with the universities of Ulm (Germany), Athens (Georgia, USA), S. Carlos (Brazil), and Krakow (Poland).

Call for Papers

The 1st Coatings and Interfaces Web Conference will be held from 15–29 March 2019. CIWC 2019 aims to promote and advance the exciting and rapidly changing field of surfaces, coatings and interfaces. All proceedings will be held online at

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Coatings and surfaces for corrosion, wear and erosion mitigation;
  • Coatings and interfaces for energy applications;
  • Biocoating and biomaterial surfaces and interfaces;
  • Coating deposition and surface modification technologies;
  • Coatings, surfaces and interfaces for food safety and preservation;
  • Coatings, surfaces and interfaces for cultural heritage;
  • Advances in coatings and surface characterization.

CIWC 2019 is a virtual conference sponsored by Coatings. Participation is free of charge for authors and attendees. Accepted papers will be gathered in the Proceedings of the conference. Selected extended versions of the papers will be published in Coatings with a discount of 20% on the Article Processing Charge (ISSN 2079-6412; Impact Factor: 2.350 (2017); CIWC 2019 offers you the opportunity to participate in this international, scholarly conference without having the concern or expenditure of travel—all you need is your computer and access to the Internet. We would like to invite you to “attend” this conference by presenting your latest work.

Abstracts (in English) should be submitted by 10 December 2018 online at For accepted abstracts, the proceedings paper can be submitted by 5 February 2019. The conference will be held from 15–29 March 2019.

Paper Submission Guidelines

For information on the procedure for submission, peer-review, revision and acceptance of conference proceedings papers, please refer to the section “Instructions for Authors”:

Conference Chairs

Istituto di Chimica dei Composti OrganoMetallici (ICCOM-CNR), Firenze, Italy


Department of Chemistry, Università di Firenze, Via della Lastruccia 3-13, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze, Italy


Conference Committee

Mechanical Engineering Department, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824, USA


Department of Coatings and Polymeric Materials, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58108, USA


Dental Materials Science, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong


Biomaterials Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "G. Natta", INSTM Local Unit Politecnico di Milano, 20131 Milano, Italy


A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119071 Moscow, Russia


Institute for Materials and Processes, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK


Instructions for Authors

Submissions should be made by authors online by registering with, and using the "New Submission" function once logged into the system.
  1. Scholars interested in participating in the conference can submit their abstract (about 200–300 words) online on this website until 10 December 2018.
  2. The Conference Committee will notify the acceptance of the abstract by 20 December 2018.
  3. In case of acceptance, authors will be asked to submit their manuscript, along with a presentation and optionally a video presentation of his/her paper (only PDF), until the submission deadline of 5 February 2019.
  4. The manuscripts and presentations will be available on for discussion and rating during the time of the conference from 15–29 March 2019.
  5. The open access journal Coatings will publish a Special Issue of the conference proceedings papers. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference. After the conference, the Conference Committee will recommend manuscripts that may be included for publication in this Special Issue.
Structure of Proceedings Paper
Manuscripts for the proceedings issue must have the following organization:
  • Title
  • Full author names
  • Affiliations (including full postal address) and authors' e-mail addresses
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • (Acknowledgements)
  • References
Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word or any other word processor and should be converted to PDF format before submission. The publication format will be PDF. The manuscript should be at least three pages (incl. figures, tables and references). There is no page limit on the length, although authors are asked to keep their papers as concise as possible.
Presentation Slides
Authors are encouraged to prepare a presentation in PowerPoint or similar software, to be displayed online along with the manuscript. Slides, if available, will be displayed directly on the website using the proprietary slide viewer. Slides can be prepared in exactly the same way as for any traditional conference where research results are presented. Slides should be converted to PDF format before submission so that our process can easily and automatically convert them for online display.
Video Presentations
Besides their active participation within the forum, authors are also encouraged to submit video presentations. If you are interested in submitting a video presentation, please contact the conference organizer at to find out more about the procedure. This is an unique way of presenting your paper and discussing it with peers from all over the world. Make a difference and join us for this project!
Presentation of Posters

Authors that wish to present a poster only, i.e. without proceedings paper, can do so in section F. Posters of this conference. Posters will be available on this conference website during and after the event. Like papers presented on the conference, participants will be able to ask questions and make comments about the posters. Posters that are submitted without paper will not be included in the proceedings of the conference.

Submisison of manuscripts
Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted online at by registering and logging in.

Accepted File Formats

  • MS Word: Manuscripts prepared in MS Word must be converted into a single file before submission. When preparing manuscripts in MS Word, the Coatings and Interfaces Web Conference Microsoft Word template file (see download below) must be used. Please do not insert any graphics (schemes, figures, etc.) into a movable frame which can superimpose the text and make the layout very difficult.
  • Coatings and Interfaces Web Conference Microsoft Word template.

Paper Format: A4 paper format, the printing area is 17.5 cm × 26.2 cm. The margins should be 1.75 cm on each side of the paper (top, bottom, left, and right sides).

  • Formatting/Style: Papers should be prepared following the style of Coatings. The full titles and the cited papers must be given. Reference numbers should be placed in square brackets [ ], and placed before the punctuation; for example, [1,2], [3] or [1–3], and all the references should be listed separately and as the last section at the end of the manuscript.
  • Author List and Affiliation Format: Authors' full first and last names must be given. Abbreviated middle names can be added. For papers written by various contributors a corresponding author must be designated. The PubMed/MEDLINE format is used for affiliations: complete street address information including city, zip code, state/province, country, and email address should be added. All authors who contributed significantly to the manuscript (including writing a section) should be listed on the first page of the manuscript, below the title of the article. Other parties, who provided only minor contributions, should be listed under Acknowledgments only. A minor contribution might be a discussion with the author, reading through the draft of the manuscript, or performing English corrections.
  • Figures, Schemes and Tables: Authors are encouraged to prepare figures and schemes in color. Full color graphics will be published free of charge. Figures and schemes must be numbered (Figure 1, Scheme I, Figure 2, Scheme II, etc.) and an explanatory title must be added. Tables should be inserted into the main text, and numbers and titles for all tables supplied. All table columns should have an explanatory heading. Please supply legends for all figures, schemes and tables. The legends should be prepared as a separate paragraph of the main text and placed in the main text before a table, a figure or a scheme.

For further inquiries please contact us at

Potential Conflicts of Interest

It is the authors' responsibility to identify and declare any personal circumstances or interests that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of clinical research. If there is no conflict, please state here "The authors declare no conflict of interest." This should be conveyed in a separate "Conflict of Interest" statement preceding the "Acknowledgments" and "References" sections at the end of the manuscript. Financial support for the study must be fully disclosed under "Acknowledgments" section.


MDPI, the publisher of the platform, is an open access publisher. We believe that authors should retain the copyright to their scholarly works. Hence, by submitting a Communication paper to this conference, you retain the copyright of your paper, but you grant MDPI the non-exclusive right to publish this paper online on the platform. This means you can easily submit your paper to any scientific journal at a later stage and transfer the copyright to its publisher (if required by that publisher).

List of accepted submissions (18)

Id Title Authors Presentation Video Poster PDF
sciforum-023409 Functionalization of PU Foams via Inorganic and Organic Coatings to Improve Cell and Tissue Interactions , , , , , N/A Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-022969 Properties of Bio-Materials Obtained from Milk Whey Proteins at Different pH Values and Plasticizer Concentrations , , N/A Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-022959 Coating of Sub-Micrometric Keratin Fibers on Titanium Substrates: A Successful Strategy for Stimulating Adhesion and Alignment of Fibroblasts and Reducing Bacterial Contamination , , , , , , , N/A Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-022921 Improving the health quality of fried falafel (Middle Eastern food) by using transglutaminase and/or pectin coating , , , N/A Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-022950 Implementation of superhydrophobic PS electrospun nano/microfibers for corrosion protection of aluminum substrates , , , , , , N/A N/A Show Abstract

List of Authors (89)

Event Awards

Best Paper Award Announcement

We are pleased to announce that the CIWC 2019 Best Paper Award was granted to :

for the paper entitled

Functionalization of PU Foams via Inorganic and Organic Coatings to Improve Cell and Tissue Interactions

The Awards
Best Paper Award

Number of Awards Available: 1

The Best Paper Award is given for the paper judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference.
Terms and Conditions:

Best Paper Award

As a sponsor, Coatings would like to award the best paper as elected by all the conference committee. The award will consist of 500 Swiss Francs. We look forward to posting your contributions.

Criteria for Evaluation of Best Paper Award 2019:

  • Full paper must be submitted to CIWC 2019;
  • Originality/Novelty of the paper;
  • Significance of Content;
  • Scientific Soundness;
  • Interest to the readers;
  • English language and style.
  • Each Evaluation Committee member will give an assessment for each applicant in terms of the criteria outlined above;
  • Total score for each presentation will be ranked, from highest to lowest;
  • If two or more authors get the same score, further evaluation will be carried out;
  • All decisions made by the Evaluation Committee are final.

Conference Schedule

  • Abstract Submission: 10 December 2018 06 January 2019
  • Acceptance Notification: 20 December 2018 11 January 2019
  • Full Paper Submission: 5 February 2019 15 February 2019
  • Conference Open: 15–29 March 2019


After Conference, you could choose to submit your papers to the Special Issue ( which is set up by Journal Coatings (ISSN 2079-6412; IF 2.350 (2017),, with a 20% discount on the APCs (article processing charges); you also could further extend your papers and submit it to other journals, this conference won’t retain the copyright of your submissions, for details please see the“copyright”statement at Instructions for Authors part.

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