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Breeding development of Amazon killifish Anablepsoides sp from Pastaza basin high lands, with Panagrellus redivivus live food, in captivity
* 1 , 1 , 1 , 2
1  Universidad Estatal Amazónica: Puyo, Pastaza, EC. Departamento de Ciencias de la Vida
2  Universidad Estatal Amazónica: Puyo, Pastaza, EC


The study was carried out on the local Amazon killifish from Pastaza basin high lands, genus Anablepsoides sp. in Ecuador. This specie is part of foothills freshwater ecosystems and due its attractiveness have, a potential for ornamental aquaculture, as an income option to small farmers. Actually does not known the demographic specie status in the wild. The aim of this initiative was to analyze the breeding development of Anablepsoides sp, with oat micro worms (Panagrellus redivivus) as live food source, in aquarium captivity.

Methodologically five individuals were catch in the wild environment, in a Puyo river stream next to the Union Base community. The animals were maintained in a biotope aquarium, for 18 weeks, at 23,5°C, pH 7,3, with micro worms unique food supply, verifying their comfort and adaptability in these conditions. Biometrics measurements were realized and sexual maturity and behavioral observations were systematized trough ethogram for to descript their courtship process for breed.

Results show that the Amazon killifish was adapted to the artificial biotope conditions, reflects for their individual size increase as standard length (SL) 4,40 ±0,55mm and total length (TL) 5,60±0,89. Was observed that the male is bigger in around SL 11,5mm and TL 15,50mm than the females, with maximums sizes in male SL 44mm and TL 52mm while females have SL 34mm and TL 39mm. The ethogram show that this is a diurnal specie. In the group analyzed, was identify a unique male that spends a lot of energy in the females persecution. Two females had an ambiguous behavior persecuting other females as male competition. Only one female had a spawning event and hatch two fry in captivity.

The live food supply with P. redivivus thanks to their nutritional contents contribute adequately to the Anablepsoides sp, increasing their size and facilitating a breeding event, supporting their captivity life cycle adaptation.

Keywords: Aneblepsoides sp, live food, biotopes, captivity, ethogram
