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Comparison and study of the composition, richness, abundance, diversity and dominance of the communities of the order Orthoptera ( Insecta)

The present work has as main objective to analyze and compare the diversity, richness and abundance of Orthoptera in different places, which was held in the center for research, postgraduate education and conservation of the Amazon (CIPCA), located in the Canton Arosemena Tola in the province of Napo. Where traps were placed in fall (pitfall) in different types of plots in a place under and high risk, respectively, in order to identify the families of Orthopteros who fall into these traps, to later compare the abundance in these plots in the months of April, July and September, taking into account the stations of these months. The results obtained are the total number of individuals corresponding to 897 by the two plots of high and low, with greater abundance who stand out are of the family Acrididae in April with a total of 537 individuals, followed by the month of September with 67 individuals of the family Gryllidae, at the same time in July with 21 individuals of the family Gryllidae.The richness of Orthopteros is confirmed with the rainy month(April) increases the amount of individuals, followed by the dry month(September) and finally the wet month (July) with a smaller number of individuals.

Keywords: Acrididae, gryllidae, Abundance, Traps of falls.