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Dielectric properties of ZnO/ZnNb2O6 composite for energy storage applications
18 June 2020
in MOL2NET'20, Conference on Molecular, Biomed., Comput. & Network Science and Engineering, 6th ed.
congress NANOBIOMATJND-06: JSU-NDSU Nanotech. & BioMaterials Workshop, Jackson & Fargo, USA, 2020
(registering DOI)
Using the solid-state method, we were synthesized ZnO/ZnNb2O6 composite. The elaborated composite was characterized by X-ray diffraction and impedance spectroscopy. The XRD patterns show the co-existence of a hexagonal ZnO and an orthorhombic ZnNb2O6 structures. Then, the dielectrically properties were investigated at room temperature in a wide range of frequencies (from 20 Hz to 1MHz). Moreover, the composite nyquist curve revealed the contribution of grain and grain-boundaries. Indeed, theoretical fit exhibits high resistance, capacitive behavior, high permittivity and low loss factor. So this composite is a good candidate for super capacitor for energy storage application.
Keywords: composite, permittivity, loss factor, energy storage