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  • 60 Reads
Foundations of an Information Based Psychology

The science of psychology has become fragmented due to its multiple roots, diverse methodologies and premises. Using simple information related notions like input and output, combined with recursive systems’ view a powerful theory is presented, based on what classic psychology notions like self, consciousness or emotions are re-defined and are brought to a common ground. If accepted by the research community, the approach could also grow into a unifying thinking frame for social sciences (sociology, history, political sciences, economics etc.). In addition to cognitive science’s efforts it aims to integrate our knowledge about both cognition and groups, personality, genders etc.

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  • 88 Reads
Knowledge processing as structure transformation

As big enterprises and consumers communicate, collaborate and conduct commerce almost at the speed of light using voice, data and video, information explosion (a term first used in 1941, according to the Oxford English Dictionary) has created a need for its accumulation, processing and integration to create “knowledge.” Knowledge processing, in turn, allows us to use the information to make strategic decisions and improve the efficiency of the processes involved. Therefore, knowledge processing systems, their theory and practice are receiving renewed focus. These systems include processes and activities such as cognition, knowledge production, learning, knowledge acquisition, reasoning, management and application. In this paper we discuss how knowledge processing can be viewed as manipulation of various knowledge structures and their transformation. We argue that efficient organization of knowledge processing has to be based on structure transformations of data represented in a symbolic form.


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Lessons from Biology: Genes, Neurons, Neocortex and the New Computing Model for Cognitive Information Technologies

In this paper we analyze our current understanding of genes, neurons and the neocortex and draw a parallel to current implementations of cognitive computing in Silicon. We argue that current information technologies have evolved from the original stored program control architecture implementing the Turing machines which allowed us to model, configure, monitor and control any physical system using a Universal Turing Machine model. However, large scale of distributed computations and their tolerance requirement to fluctuations have created new challenges. We suggest that a new agent based computing model extension to the current Turing machine meets this challenge and provides a path to cognitive self-learning and self-managing systems.


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  • 36 Reads
Why Transdisciplinary Framework is Necessary for Information Studies?

As information is a central unifying concept in science playing a crucial role in many disciplines, scholars have a propensity to go beyond Shannon’s classical information theory and develop a unified theory of information (UTI). There is a faith among them that many hard problems involving purpose, function, meaning, consciousness and value can be solved, or be broken through in some aspect at least, with UTI.There are three strategies to develop UTI: pan-informationalism, methodological reductionism and transdisciplinary approach.

In this paper, I will argue against pan-informationalism and methodological reductionism and argue that transdisciplinary approach is much more promising. The difficulty to solve those hard problems is that the properties involved are hard to be incorporated into scientific theories, while a satisfied theory of information should explain these properties on the one hand and be consistent with those relevant scientific theories on the other hand. The problem of pan-informationalism is that it actually does not explain information except taking information a priori. In other words, it just names the difficulty rather than solves it. The problem of reductionism is that it leaves something out while this is what we want to explain.

Transdisciplinary approach takes every level and dimension seriously. Although each level and dimension cannot be reduced to others, it can converse to other levels and dimensions. Such conversion is not transformation in mathematical sense, which actually is a kind of reduction, but a perspective conversion like Gestalt switch. Specifically, information as a complex phenomenon comes across physical, individual and inter subjective level of the world; it has three dimensions: physical, referential and normative. Roughly, these levels and dimensions are one-to-one correspondence. A good way to study information should corporate these levels and dimensions into a coherent framework without taking information as the most primary or leaving something important out. Søren Brier’s cybersemiotics and Terrence Deacon’s model of nested hierarchy of information are such good transdisciplinary frameworks. These frameworks provides an ecology for information.

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  • 61 Reads
Extending Information Theory to Model Developmental Dysfunction

A combination of directed homotopy topological and Morse theoretic methods can significantly extend control and information theories, permitting deeper understanding of ‘developmental' pathologies afflicting a broad spectrum of biological, psychological, socioeconomic, machine, and hybrid processes across different time scales and levels of organization. Such pathologies emerge as phase transitions driven by synergistic forms of environmental insult under stochastic circumstances, causing `comorbid condensations' through groupoid symmetry breaking. The resulting statistical models should be useful for the analysis of experimental and observational data in many fields.

More explicitly, developmental process -- ontology -- is ubiquitous across vast biological, social, economic, and machine realms. Rosen (2012) characterizes this as ‘...anticipatory behavior at all levels of... organization'. Maturana and Varela (1980) see cognition permeating biology. Atlan and Cohen (1998) invoke a ‘cognitive paradigm' for the immune system that generalizes to wound healing, blood pressure regulation, neural dynamics, and so on (Wallace 2012). West-Eberhard (2003; 2005) sees ontology as a matter of ‘choice' at developmental branch points. Traffic flow involves repeated ‘ontological' choices by atomistic vehicles at road junctions, as well as during ordinary passage in heavy traffic (Wallace 2016a Ch.9). Indeed, machine cognition quite generally requires repeated choice of response to environmental cues (Wallace 2016a). A firm responding to market pressures must, at least annually, reconfigure product lines and marketing strategies, also a cognitive process (e.g., Wallace 2015 and references therein). Democratic state actors confronted by changing patterns of threat and affordance must, at least during elections, repeatedly choose among the different patterns of response made available by the contending parties and candidates. Active warfare involves constantly repeated choice at all levels of organization leading up to, and during, combat operations.

All developmental phenomena are, however, subject to patterns of failure and dysfunction. These range from neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and schizophrenia (Wallace 2016b) to collapse of vehicle flow in traffic jams (Kerner and Klenov 2009), and catastrophes of governance like Brexit, or the US occupation of Iraq. Here, we attempt to extend results from information and control theories to statistical tools useful in understanding developmental failure.

The underlying model of development is that a system begins at some initial ‘phenotype' So confronting a branch point Co leading to two (or more) possible subsequent ‘phenotypes' S1 and S2, where new branch points C1 and C2 will be confronted, and at which choices must again be made, and so on.

Two of the three essential components of this model are intrinsically linked.

The first component is that of directed homotopy, in the sense of Grandis (2009) and Fajstrup et al. (2016). That is, there are equivalence classes of paths leading from ‘phenotype' S_{n} to S_{n+1}, as defined by the branch conditions C_{n}. A group structure -- the so-called ‘fundamental group' -- is imposed on a geometric object by convolution of loops within it that can be reduced without crossing a hole (e.g., Hatcher 2001). An algebraic topology of directed homotopy can be constructed from the composition of paths that constitutes a groupoid (Weinstein 1996), an object in which a product need not be defined between every possible object, here the equivalence classes of possible linear paths. As Weinstein (1996) emphasizes, almost every interesting equivalence relation on a space B arises in a natural way as the orbit equivalence relation of some groupoid G over that space. Instead of dealing directly with the orbit quotient space B/G$as an object in the category of sets and mappings, one should consider instead the groupoid G itself as an object in the category of groupoids and homotopy classes of morphisms. An exactly similar perspective involves use of the homotopy and homology groups of algebraic topology to characterize complicated geometric objects (Hatcher 2001).

The second component is recognition that choice at developmental branch points involves active selection of one possible subsequent path from a larger number that may be available. This is often done, in the sense of Atlan and Cohen (1998), by comparison of ‘sensory' data with an internalized -- learned or inherited -- picture of the world, and upon that comparison, an active choice of response is made from a larger number of those possible. Rosen (2012) invokes `anticipatory models' for such processes. Following the Atlan/Cohen model, choice involves reduction in uncertainty, and reduction in uncertainty implies the existence of an information source that we will call `dual' to the underlying cognitive process. Wallace (2012) provides a somewhat more formal treatment.

What is clear is that the dual information source or sources associated with developmental process must be deeply coupled with the underlying groupoid symmetries characterizing development. As development proceeds, the groupoid symmetry becomes systematically richer.

As Feynman (1996) argues, information is not ‘entropy', rather it can be viewed as a form of free energy. Indeed, Feynman (1996), following Bennett, constructs an idealized machine that turns the information within a message into useful work.

Second, groupoids are almost groups, and it becomes possible to apply Landau's symmetry breaking/making arguments to the dual information sources characterizing developmental process (Pettini 2007). In that theory, phase transitions are recognized in terms of sudden shifts in the underlying group symmetries available to the system at different temperatures. High temperatures, with the greatest available energies, have the greatest possible symmetries. Symmetry breaking occurs in terms of the sudden nonzero value of some `order parameter' like magnetization at a sufficiently low critical temperature.

For a road network, for example, the `order parameter' would be the number of road turnoffs blocked by a traffic jam. The temperature analog is an inverse function of the linear vehicle density (Kerner and Klenov 2009; Wallace 2016a).

The third component of the model looks in detail at the embedding regulatory apparatus that must operate at each branch point to actively choose a path to the desired ‘phenotype'. This requires exploration of the intimate connection between control and information theories represented by the Data Rate Theorem (Nair et al. 2007).

In a sense, the underlying argument is by abduction from recent advances in evolutionary theory: West-Eberhard (2003, 2005) sees development as a key, but often poorly appreciated, element of evolutionary process, in that a new input, whether it comes from a genome, like a mutation or from the external environment, like a temperature change, a pathogen, or a parental opinion, has a developmental effect only if the preexisting phenotype can respond. A novel input causes a reorganization of the phenotype, a `developmental recombination' in which phenotypic traits are expressed in new or distinctive combinations during ontogeny, or undergo correlated quantitative changes in dimensions. Developmental recombination can result in evolutionary divergence at all levels of organization.

Most importantly, perhaps, West-Eberhard characterizes individual development as a series of branching pathways. Each branch point is a developmental decision, a switch point, governed by some regulatory apparatus, and each switch point defines a modular trait. Developmental recombination implies the origin or deletion of a branch and a new or lost modular trait. The novel regulatory response and the novel trait originate simultaneously, and their origins are inseparable events: there cannot be a change in the phenotype without an altered developmental pathway.

Thus, there are strong arguments for the great evolutionary potential of environmentally induced novelties. An environmental factor can affect numerous individuals, whereas a mutation initially can affect only one, a perspective having implications, not only for evolutionary economics, but across a full spectrum of ubiquitous `developmental' phenomena: even traffic streams `evolve' under changing selection pressures, and, indeed, such pressures act at every level of biological, social, or economic organization, as well as across rapidly expanding realms of machine cognition.

That is, just as the Atlan/Cohen ‘cognitive paradigm' for the immune system generalizes across many different systems (Wallace 2012), so too does the West-Eberhard model of development: repeated branching under the control of an embedding regulatory apparatus responding to environmental cues is widely observed. Here, we apply a control theory formalism via the Data Rate Theorem, and using information theory, invoke the dual information source necessarily associated with regulatory cognition. The intent is to examine developmental disorders, in a large sense, over a spectrum that ranges from cellular to socioeconomic and emerging machine levels of organization, and across time scales from those of biological evolution to extremely rapid machine response.

The main focus is on exploring the influence of environmental insult on developmental dysfunction, where insult itself is measured by a projected scalar `tangent space' defined in terms of the invariants of a complicated `fog-of-war matrix' representing interacting environmental factors. The synergism between control and information theories via the Data Rate Theorem, and the extensions using topological and `free energy' Morse Theory methods, provide a new theoretical window into the dynamics of many developmental processes, via the construction of statistical models that, like more familiar regression procedures, can be applied to a broad range of experimental and observational data.


Atlan, H., I. Cohen, 1998, Immune information, self-organization and meaning, International Immunology, 10:711-717.

Fajstrup, L., E. Goubault, A. Mourgues, S. Mimram, M. Raussen, 2016, Directed Algebraic Topology and Concurrency, Springer, New York.

Feynman, R., 1996, Feynman Lectures on Computation, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.

Grandis, M., 2009, Directed Algebraic Topology: Models of Non-Reversible Worlds, Cambridge University Press, New York.

Hatcher, A., 2001, Algebraic Topology, Cambridge University Press, New York.

Kerner, B., S. Klenov, 2009, Phase transitions in traffic flow on multilane roads, Physics Reviews E, 80:056101.

Maturana, H., F. Varela, 1980, Autopoiesis and Cognition, Reidel, Netherlands.

Nair, G. et al., 2007, Feedback control under data rate constraints: an overview, Proceedings of the IEEE, 95:108-137.

Pettini, M., 2007, Geometry and Topology in Hamiltonian Dynamics, Springer, New York.

Rosen, R., 2012, Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical, Mathematical, and Methodological Foundations, Second Edition, Springer, New York.

Wallace, R., 2012, Consciousness, crosstalk, and the mereological fallacy: an evolutionary perspective, Physics of Life Reviews, 9:426-453.

Wallace, R., 2015, An Ecosystem Approach to Economic Stabilization: Escaping the neoliberal wilderness, Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics, New York.

Wallace, R., 2016a, Information Theory Models of Instabilities in Critical Systems, Vol. 7 of the World Scientific Series in Information Studies, Singapore.

Wallace, R., 2016b, Environmental induction of neurodevelopmental disorders, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, doi 10.1007/s11538-016-0226-5.

Wallace, R., 2016c, Subtle noise structures as control signals in high-order biocognition, Physics Letters A, 380:726-729.

Weinstein, A., 1996, Groupoids: unifying internal and external symmetry, Notices of the American Mathematical Association, 43:744-752.

West-Eberhard, M., 2003, Developmental Plasticity and Evolution, Oxford University Press, New York.

West-Eberhard, M., 2005, Developmental plasticity and the origin of species differences, PNAS, 102:6543-6549.

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  • 55 Reads
Narrative realities and optimal entropy

This talk will focus on cognitive processes between conscious and subconscious in order to present a slightly different definition of narrative. Rather than simply accepting that narrative is a conscious selection of stories subject to bias, I will argue that biases are the primary structure of narrative and that their success is explained in painfully simple terms.

  • Open access
  • 73 Reads
Research on Mathematical Dialectical Logic for Intelligent Information Processing

Information ecology requires the support of intelligent information processing, while the latter requires the support of mathematical dialectical logic. This paper introduces the research status and prospect of mathematical dialectical logic for intelligent information processing, including: 1. several basic assumptions (axioms) about information and intelligence; 2. based on mathematical formal logic, gradually liberalizing the constraints to stablish the research compendium of mathematical dialectical logic theory system; 3. according to the forming mechanism of various uncertainties, the principles and methods of defining and generating the complete operator cluster of mathematical dialectical logic on propositional level, establishing the complete operator library of intelligent information processing; 4. two application methods of the operator library in intelligent information processing; 5. prospects.

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  • 16 Reads
Factor neural network and information ecology

Factor space aims to describe the mathematical foundation of information science. Ecology is a new important branch of information science, factor neural network can be employed for information ecology.

Everything is the unity of the quality and quantity, quality refers the attributes of things. There are qualitative root, called factor. The first example of factor is the gene, called Mendel-factor in the beginning, Factor is the generalization of gene. Gene is the key that opens the door of biological information; factor is the key that opens the door of information and cognition science.

The human brain had the characteristic of factors, the sensory nerves of human brain is stratified according to characteristics; the phantom of knowledge in the brain is not empty, but was immobilized by synapses and synaptic tumor memory. Different people have different knowledge structure, which left a different form of memory, we can call the activity or ecology of brain cells. It is the material background of information ecology.

Data is the carrier of information; once data put in a factor space, the data shows its semantic information automatically. Factor space is the living space of data and the plate of information ecology.

A factorial neural network is a neural network simulating human brain, which simulates the knowledge generation and memory organization of human being. It is more close to information ecology. We will introduce the basic principle of factorial neural network related ecology in the paper.

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  • 42 Reads
Good: Relaxation between Order and Disorder—— A critique of an absurd ethics simply using the size of entropy as criterion

The moral principle that Mr. Floridi merely judges the Good and Evil with the amount of entropy is based on the simplicity and unipolar way of thinking. If practicing in accordance with his principle of Goodness that absolutely excluding entropy, then, in the field of nature and biology can only lead to the end of the dynamic changes, in the field of human mind and scientific development can only lead to rigid and stagnant, in the social field can only lead to fascist autocratic centralization system. The orderly and disorderly development of things have those limits, entropy and entropy increase is not absolute "Evil", information and entropy reduction is not absolutely "Good". In the evolution of universe and things embodied in it, there is no evil of eternal entropy increase, and no good of eternal entropy reduction. When the evolution of the whole entropy increases to a certain extent, it will naturally turn into the evolution of the whole entropy reduction; and vice versa, when the evolution of the whole entropy decreases to a certain limit, it will naturally turn into the whole Entropy increase in the evolution process. A reasonable ethical principle should reconcile opposing factors, such as information and entropy, orderly and disorder, integrity and reducibility, certainty and non-determinism, determinism and non-determinism, purpose and randomness, inevitability and contingency, and maintain a reasonable tension between these opposing factors. A reasonable conclusion can only be: Good - relaxation between order and disorder. In addition, the entropy theory (whether it is physical entropy or information entropy) that Floridi borrowed corresponding to order and disorder, and it only deals with grammatical information. The problem of information directly related to ethics and value is mainly in semantics and pragmatics, rather than simply in its grammar, and it is impossible to derive it simply and directly from the size of this formalized entropy. The lagging way of thinking, the deviation of the entropy and the understanding of information theory, led to Mr. Floridi's information ethical framework hardly to support his ambition to establish macro-ethics. In the same way, his information ethics is also very difficult to be the philosophical foundation of his commitment to the construction of human ecological civilization. In fact, as early as the 20th century, 90 years, Chinese scholars have put forward a general philosophy of value transcended the human-centered narrow position in the name of the natural ontology. This philosophy of value is not only compatible with natural values and human values, but also compatible with material values and information values. It is the value and ethical paradigm putted forward by such a philosophy of value laid the foundation for the construction of human information ecological civilization and the general philosophical basis of sustainable development theory and practice.

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  • 35 Reads
Principles of General Ecology
  • Principles of General Ecology

Mark Burgin

University of California, Los Angeles, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095


The term ecology (Ökologie in German) was coined in 1866 by the German scientist Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) from two Greek words oikos, which means house, or more generally, habitat or place of living and logos, which was used in ancient Greece denoting such concepts as order, meaning, foundation or mind (Odum, 2004). Haeckel’s initiative instigated an approach, where European botanists investigated plant communities related to definite territories and their interdependencies, giving rise to the science of ecology, which was dealing not only with plants but also with other living beings.

In the contemporary science, ecology is a holistic study of living systems in relation to their environment by explicating patterns of, processes in and relationships between these systems.

At the same time, ecology as a whole contains such subdisciplines as plant ecology and animal ecology.

Plant ecology studies the distribution and abundance of plants, the effects of environmental factors upon the abundance of plants, and the interactions among and between plants and other organisms (Weaver and Clements, 1938).

Animal ecology is the scientific study of animals and how they related to and interact with each other, as well as with their environment, determining the distribution and abundance of organisms.

Together these two areas form natural ecology, whereas researchers also created other ecological fields. One of them is human ecology, which is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary study of the relationships between humans and their natural, social, and technological environments involving a variety of disciplines: geography, sociology, psychology, anthropology, zoology, epidemiology, public health, home economics, and natural ecology, among others (Young, 1974).

While ecology has traditionally dealt only with natural systems, the new field of industrial ecology studies industrial products as part of larger systems and processes including industrial behavior and biogeochemical cycles as a part of a system and aiming at reduction of the environmental impacts of production, consumption, and disposal.

Chinese scientist Yixin Zhong initiated information ecology (Zhong, 1988; 2017). This discipline is essentially important for information studies as a holistic approach to the existence and functioning of information processing systems, as well as for better understanding of information processes in all spheres of reality. If ecology of plants studies structures and processes in systems of plants, information ecology studies structures and processes in organizations of information processing systems and formations.

One more ecological area is ecology of mind suggested by Bateson (Bateson, 1973).

Researchers also study knowledge ecology (Bray, 2007; Shrivastava, 1998), which is an approach to knowledge management aimed at fostering the dynamic evolution of knowledge interactions between systems to advance decision-making and innovation by means of enhanced evolutionary networks of collaboration. In contrast to purely instructional management, which attempts either to manage or direct outcomes, knowledge ecosystems advocate that knowledge strategies should focus more on enabling flexible self-organization and self-improvement in response to changing environments.

In addition, American anarchist and libertarian socialist author Murray Bookchin introduced social ecology as a critical study of society (Bookchin, 2005).

Existence of different ecological disciplines needs a common foundation and presented in this work general ecology provides such a unifying foundation for all ecological studies.

The concept of ecosystem proposed by the English ecologist Arthur Tansley is central for different ecological disciplines. That is why we start our exposition with defining this concept in the most general context. To this, we describe how the global structure of the world affects the organization of ecosystems.

The large-scale structure of the world is represented by the Existential Triad (Burgin, 2012), which is given in Figure 2.


                                                                                                   World of Structures

                                                                                                  |                               |

                                                                                                |                                   |

                                                                         Physical World ---------------------  Mental World


Figure 2. The Existential Triad of the World


The three worlds from the Existential Triad are not separate realities: they interact and intersect. Individual mentality is based on the brain, which is a material thing, while in the opinion of many physicists mentality influences physical world (cf., for example, (Herbert, 1987)). At the same time, our knowledge of the physical world largely depends on interaction between mental and material worlds.

Note that not only people but also all information processing systems have their mentality. Let us look at a computer. The content of the computer’s memory can be naturally treated as the mentality of this computer. For instance, the operating system is a part of the mentality of the computer.

The global structure of the world induces three types of ecosystems:

  • Physical ecosystem includes physical systems and processes as its elements and components
  • Mental ecosystem includes mental systems and processes as its elements and components
  • Structural ecosystem includes physical systems and processes as its elements and components

When all three components of the world stratification are combined in one system, we have a total ecosystem.

An ecosystem is delineated by three parameters:

  • A region in the space, i.e., it is assumed that all elements and components of an ecological system belong to a definite region in the space
  • The primary types of its elements/components, i.e., it is determined what elements and components of given ecological system are considered the most important from the point of view of ecological studies
  • The basic types of connections between its elements/components including processes as dynamic connections, i.e., it is determined what connections, ties and processes in given ecological system are considered the most important from the point of view of ecological studies

For instance, in a natural ecosystem, living organisms form the primary type of elements and a chosen area on the Earth shapes the region in the space. In this context, a natural ecosystem is composed of the dynamically interacting parts including all living organisms in a given area, which interact with each other and with their non-living environment.

In an information ecosystem, information processing systems form the primary type of elements and a chosen area on the Earth (may be the whole Earth) shapes the region in the space in which information processing systems are interacting with each other, and also with their environments. In addition, studies of information ecosystems concentrates on information processes going in the system.

Note that there are different kinds of information processing systems: technical information processing systems, living information processing systems, human information processing systems and so on.

Three grades of (types of) elements/components:

  • Primary or leading elements/components
  • Secondary or auxiliary elements/components
  • Tertiary or background elements/components

Ecological studies are aimed at understanding existence and functioning of the primary elements/components of ecosystems, as well as basic connections, ties and processes in these ecosystems.

A physical ecosystem contains parts, elements and components of three kinds:

  • Natural parts, elements and components, which include physical systems and processes in nature
  • Technological parts, elements and components, which include technological systems and processes
  • Social parts, elements and components, which include social systems and processes

In a physical ecosystem, it is possible to consider only physical processes or also to take into account mental and information processes.

A mental ecosystem contains parts, elements and components of three kinds:

  • Natural parts, elements and components, which include and comprise mentality and its components of living beings
  • Technological parts, elements and components, which include and comprise mentality and its components of technical devices
  • Social parts, elements and components, which include and comprise mentality and its components of groups, communities and societies of living beings and technical devices

In a mental ecosystem, it is possible to consider only mental processes or also to take into account information processes.

A structural ecosystem contains parts, elements and components of three kinds:

  • Natural parts, elements and components, which include structures of physical systems and processes
  • Technological parts, elements and components, which include structures of technological systems and processes
  • Social parts, elements and components, which include structures of social systems and processes 

The general ecology standpoint shows that it is possible to study information ecosystems either as physical ecosystems or as mental ecosystems or as structural ecosystems. It gives three perspectives at information ecosystems allowing researchers to obtain better knowledge and understanding of these systems. One more possibility is to study total information ecosystems combining all three perspectives in one model.


Bateson, G. Steps to an Ecology of Mind, Paladin, Frogmore, St. Albans, 1973

Bookchin, M. The Ecology of Freedom, AK Press, Stirling, 2005

Bray, D.A. Knowledge Ecosystems: A Theoretical Lens for Organizations Confronting Hyperturbulent Environments, in Organizational dynamics of technology-based innovation: diversifying the research agenda, Springer, 2007, pp. 457-462

Burgin, M. Structural Reality, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2012

Herbert, N. Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics, Anchor Books, New York, 1987

Odum, E.P. Fundamentals of Ecology, Cengage Learning, 2004

Shrivastava, P. Knowledge Ecology: Knowledge Ecosystems for Business Education and Training, 1998 (

Weaver, J. E. and F. E. Clements, Plant Ecology, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1938

Young, G.L. (1974) Human ecology as an interdisciplinary concept: A critical inquiry, Advances in Ecological Research, v. 8, pp. 1–105

Zhong, Y. X. Principles of Information Science, Beijing: BUPT Press. 1988   (in Chinese)

Zhong, Y. X. (2017) The Law of “Information Conversion and Intelligence Creation”, in Information Studies and the Quest for Transdisciplinarity, World Scientific, New York/London/Singapore  

