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  • Open access
  • 62 Reads
Decolonizing Information Narratives: Entangled Apocalyptics, Algorithmic Racism and the Myths of History

In what follows, some contemporary narratives about ‘the information society’ are interrogated from critical race theoretical and decolonial perspectives with a view to constructing a ‘counter-narrative’ purporting to demonstrate the embeddedness of coloniality – that is, the persistent operation of colonial logics – in such discourses.

  • Open access
  • 58 Reads
Meaning, selection & narrative: the information we see and the information we don’t

In a world that is highly saturated by data, sifting it and making sense of it has become increasingly important. A key mechanism for this process is narrative – the stories we tell about the world, whether in terms of politics or technology, which enable us to select information that we see as important. Yet narratives are highly contested and multiple. This article discusses the dynamics of narrative creation, via a process of selective information, arguing that this leads some people to see particular data as crucial information, while leading others to ignore it completely.

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  • 58 Reads
Predicative Competence in a Digitalised Society

In the current digitalised society, communication level requires high predicative competence and concept clarity to avoid predicative fallacies and to manage the contemporary information overload successfully. In this paper we review the fundamental conceptual and operative requirements to achieve this goal. This paper presents a relevant contribute to model and simulation, offering an example of new forms of evolutive inter- and trans-disciplinarity post-Bertalanffy modeling.

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  • 71 Reads
The Algorithmic Narrator

Facebook promises to make us readers and authors of our own stories, but in fact, Mark Zucerkberg’s social network has created a production line of narratable narration that imprisons lives, biographies, and possible tales. Processing the metadata, behaviors and interactions of billions of users within the platform’s walled garden, the algorithm imposes itself as an omniscient and totalitarian narrator, a predictive storytelling machine that benefits the only readers that truly count: advertisers.

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  • 70 Reads
What can we say about information? Agreeing a narrative.

The nature of information remains contested. This paper proposes a set of principles for a narrative of information, and explores the consequences of taking these principles as normative in the present rhetoric of the information society.

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  • 58 Reads
Bidirectional named sets as structural models of interpersonal communication

Treating communication as information exchange between systems, we employ the most fundamental structure in mathematics, nature and cognition, which is called a named set or a fundamental triad because it has been useful in a variety of areas such as networks and networking, physics, information theory, mathematics, logic, database theory and practice, artificial intelligence, mathematical linguistics, epistemology and methodology of science, to mention but a few. Here we use structural models based on the theory of named sets for description and analysis of interpersonal communication explicating its structural regularities.

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  • 72 Reads
Information as a Morpho-Ontological Process

The debate about information is clearly ontological: how do we know what is real? Which is the object of our knowledge? Only after having clarified this point we can start epistemological debates, which at their turn, are part of the ontological perspective (about nature, knowledge, and the world itself, here the vicious circle). Therefore: things do not happen in the world, but happen in our minds. For that reason, information cannot be considered something real that is just expecting to be captured by some information-gatherer entity like a human being. At that point the multidimensional aspects related to information integration produced by some special entities, which at their turn are constrained by specific morphological aspects, reveal the conflictive nature of reality as information. In fact, it is a process.

  • Open access
  • 112 Reads
A visual approach to mapping the intersection between scientific discourse, technological evolution, and social movements

The relationship between technology and sociopolitical change has been a major topic in academic discourse concerning political engagement and protest. Despite these two dynamics refer to different societal subsystems their relation has often been described through semi-causal relations as if new media could deterministically foster political engagement and spark protest [1] or, at the opposite if a specific socio-political context could deterministically produce technological innovation. This paper proposes to observe this problematic assumption through the lens on academic discourse about political engagement and protest from a longitudinal perspective covering the last 15 years of academic research. Aided by time-series visualisations [2], this talk draws a sociotechnical timeline of protest and media technologies scholarship to enhance our knowledge about academic research and, at the same time, to understand the perceived connection between media technologies and protest.

  • Open access
  • 66 Reads
On the Informational Essence of Emergence and Evolution: An Analysis of the New Dualistic Approach

In his article “What is Information”, Robert Logan explores certain issues related to information on the basis of the connotation of information itself, and puts forward two important theories of "extended mind" and "symbolosphere". Based on the strong-emergence theory, Logan depicts the material emergence and non-material emergence, and proposes a new dualism view, a weak form of dualism. According to this, different from the biosphere, the evolution and reproduction mechanism in symbolosphere do not follow the rules of genetic inheritance, but the mechanisms of memes, belonging to the territory of information study. The new dualism faces the difficulty to correctly explain the ontological position of the symbolosphere, while the philosophy of information provides a standard solution in its theory of human evolution. The evolution of human beings not only contains a physiological inheritance pattern, that is, to follow the single evolution path with DNA genetic characteristics, but also includes psychological activity patterns and behavioral patterns in a three-dimensional way. For human race, the physiological and genetic characteristics will present themselves in the postnatal growth, at the same time, the characteristics of psychological and behavior patterns accumulated in years will also leave “traces” on the inherent genetic vector, which constitutes a new congenital genetic features. It is in this interaction and two-way activities of mutual development and realization between human and nature as well as culture factors that all the content of physiophere, biosphere and symbolosphere and their form achieve a completed, essential and unified integration.

  • Open access
  • 31 Reads
An evolutionary view on function-based stability

How can things become stabile? This is a difficult question to answer, but we should nevertheless try, because of the answer´s importance for life, for us.

Admittedly the question sounds too broad to try to find an answer, but largely this is because we tried to find a universal answer, a universal answer instead of an evolutionary one. The large advantage of the evolutionary view is that reductionism is “only” needed to find the possible base for a phenomenon which is analyzed and which could as well be a relatively modern phenomenon and afterwards from this base ideas can be developed further; relatively modern refers to modern estimated from the duration the phenomenon influences developmental and evolutionary processes compared to the total duration of the evolutionary process on Earth.
