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  • 58 Reads
Phenomenological Reflection on Architectural VR Technology

Virtual reality architectural design can make people in the virtual building environment and even urban space, with different angles to peep or appreciate its external space and interior space dynamic image and layout features. It is produced by the integration, than the model or renderings more image, complete and vivid. Thus, VR technology to virtual reality and real boundaries have become "established facts", it seems to achieve a virtual and true seamless connection. From the cognitive point of view, this will make Cartesian "mind - the main" and Merleau - Ponty's "body - the main" trend of unity? Obviously, this problem must be from the human, technology and the relationship between the three aspects of the technical philosophy of phenomenological reflection.

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  • 61 Reads
A Dialogue about the Nature and Unification of Information Science and Information Philosophy

At the invitation of Prof. Kun Wu, Head of the International Center for the Philosophy of Information at the Xi’An Jiaotong University, Prof. Pedro C. Marijuan paid a ten-day academic visit to the University November 4 -14, 2016. During his visit, Prof. Marijuan presented three lectures to students and teachers and had two dialogues with Prof. Wu November 11th and 12th on the topic of “The Nature and Unification of Information Science and Information Philosophy”. Under this main topic, several sub-topics were discussed, such as the origin and development of information science and technology, the concept of entity, the fundamental principles for building a unified information science, relevant bio-information studies, the epistemological media of information philosophy, the relationship between information flows and matter-energy flows, the statuses of computationalism and general information theory, the structure of unified information science and so on. This extended abstract succinctly displays some basic content of those dialogues.

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An Analysis of the Controversy between "Nominalism" and "Realism" in Middle Ages from the Perspective of Information Philosophy

From the origin of ancient Greek philosophy to the philosophy of medieval ages, although it appeared the discussion of "nominalism" and "realism" in medieval times, the exploration of the concept of "objective but non-real" did not get further developed. From the view of the inherent integration of the unity of general rationality on science and philosophy, professor Wu Kun revived the concept of "objective but non-reality" and creatively developed his "philosophy of information" system. Because the existence of "objective but non-reality" is inherently a kind of "crossover" field in the traditional philosophy, it certainty solve the problems of traditional philosophy from the ontology, which will lead to the breakthrough in the fundamental paradigm in philosophy, and the philosophy begin its fundamental turn.

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  • 101 Reads

Protecting human health and understanding the effects of information society on humans implicates a reference model of the essentials and “normal” functions of  human beings. Such models are simply called “images of men” (“Menschenbilder”). In this paper, common  concepts of men are mentioned and it is outlined that an image of men is a paradoxical construct. Especially Homo deficiens (Gehlen)  and the natural artificiality (Plessner) are the roots of technophilia of humans that is one important driver of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The other main driver is the efficiency-oriented modern society   that provides such tools. One field is neuropsychiatry where monitoring of the mental and brain state for diagnosis and therapeutic modification by chemical and electrical tools is developing very fast. On the other hand, ICT already has some negative health implications in respect of internet addiction or digital dementia. These aspects  of ICT society  are discussed regarding the question of change of humans and of change of their image.

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  • 54 Reads
An Eco-Cognitive Perspective on the Philosophy of Information Knowledge as a Duty

The second half of the 20th century has seen the rapid growth of information science, technology, and engineering that amounts to a social and technological revolution. These new trends have generated huge changes in several areas of human life, not only in western societies. I think that in this new age of information civilization the problem of the relationships between information and knowledge has to be readdressed. In this perspective the new challenges related to the generation, distribution, exploitation of information and knowledge have to be seriously seen in the light of their political, economical, educational, cultural, and moral consequences. In my opinion, it is especially in the framework of a study taking advantage of an eco-cognitive perspective that we can reach interesting results, as I have tried to illustrate in my Morality in a Technological World. Knowledge as Duty: the technological advances generated by information science, technology, and engineering of contemporary society have outpaced our moral understanding of the problems that they create and have brought about consequences of such magnitude that old policies and ethics can no longer contain them. I believe that producing, distributing, and applying recalibrated information as appropriate knowledge endowed with optimal and prosperous outcomes has become a duty, one that is just as important as making scientific or medical advances. I contend that to manage these challenges and counter many of information technology’s ill effects is essential to preserve ownership of our own destinies, encouraging responsibility, and enhancing freedom. I will also discuss how objects, structures, and technological artifacts which carry information and knowledge and at the same time also serve, often implicitly, as moral carriers and mediators.

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  • 85 Reads
Imagined futures gone astray. An ontological analysis

This paper is on ontological assumptions on which ideologies such as trans- and post humanism are based. The method by which these ontological assumptions are criticised is the analysis of the way of thinking (reductionism/projectionism, disjunctionism, and integrationism).

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  • 31 Reads
Cursive script space-time evolution in In the perspective of information philosophy from early cursive calligraphy which is formed by the history of traditional

In the perspective of information philosophy, This paper discusses Cursive script space-time evolution from a series of all-round information in calligraphy evolution about history tradition which based in keep often and knew change. In this paper, Dudu was thought to change brush method and standard cursive script. Cuiyuan was thought to organization cursive stipple the position relations, Words handwriting coherent leaded to A painting do not move. zhangzhi was thought to take shape yibishu that before and after the continuous problem caused in the calligraphy stroke order successively time irreversibility, causing the cursive handwriting the determination of the overall coherence. Three people tradition of inheritance relationships formed the earliest cursive script.  We can see clearly in the space-time evolution of calligraphy aesthetic realization path, which follow cursive old-information and productive cursive new-information and a series of all-round information evolution, from "often" to "change" to form a new "often". The complexity of Cursive script had matured in informational-assimilation and dissimilation. Finally it is inspired to the succession and development of contemporary calligraphy for aesthetic path of cursive script.

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  • 43 Reads
Discussion on the Holographic Unification of Subject Information, Knowledge, Intelligence and Practice Activities

The information is an indirect existence world, which is different from the direct existence matter world. The knowledge is a systematized information assemblage formed by cognitive subject’s perception and information process and creation of thought; the intelligence is active modes and methods that subjects with cognition and practice abilities grasp, manage, create, exploit, utilize and realize information (including knowledge); the practice is not an activity of pure materiality but a process of realizing subjects’ intentionality information in the objects through implementing planning information.In the human activities, information, knowledge, intelligence and practice have a property of holographic unification.

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  • 44 Reads
Information in layers

This paper examines different uses of ideas of layers in philosophical and semiotic thinking and compares these ideas with the use of layers by engineers, especially for the design and analysis of communication systems. It looks at how some authors have drawn on layered thinking to discuss the information, and attempt to draw out some new insights into the nature of information.

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  • 82 Reads
Ontology or epistemology: a debate on the philosophical implication of information

    Whether in the nearly 40 years’ researches on Chinese Philosophy of Information (PI) ,or in the conversation between Chinese and Western PI, there has always been a fundamental topic ,which is the discussion or definition about the philosophic nature of information, focusing on whether philosophical meaning of information is a "ontological" concept or not, and how could it be possible to become into an issue of ontology. Is there "objective information" ("information-in-itself") and how to establish a world of "binary-unity of matter and information"? How could the information be possible to exist in the ontological sense, or how to establish the ontological status of information? Is "Ontological information" a kind of "ontological informationalism" or "Pan-informationalism"? etc. It is of great significance for the study on PI to sort out and reconsider these arguments.
