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  • Open access
  • 50 Reads
An Outline of Humanistic Information Science
The authors of this paper put forward an idea that humanistic informatics is a new science besides natural informatics and social informatics. Then an outline of humanistic informatics is explained.
  • Open access
  • 31 Reads
How Is it Possible that Information Philosophy Is Regarded as Meta-Philosophy ?
In modern society, "meta-philosophy" should be faced with contemporary reality of "modern revolution of science and technology," "overall community transformation", "global thinking" and reconstruct philosophy owning newly critical logic, new way of thinking, fresh mode of transcendence to the degree of three dimensions of "theory, system, method". Information philosophy is regarded as "meta-philosophy" because great changes have occurred in the following aspects: "basic Problems of Philosophy," "epistemology" and "axiology", which brought us a fresh horizon of philosophy. Practice conditions and dependence outlets of information philosophy as meta- philosophy are that a series of attentions and methodologies will be paid at least.
  • Open access
  • 56 Reads
Is information a sufficient basis for cognition? (Part 2)
In this second part of our inquiry into the relation between information and cognition, we delve into the physical limits of the manifestation of an arbitrary object first with independence of any observer, then considering the nature of perception. The analysis of the manifestations of an object in a homogeneous environment by means of wave phenomena shows that the information carried by such manifestations offers a constitutive fuzziness and ambiguity of the observed object. On the one hand, the details that can be specified concerning the object are strictly limited by the wave length; on the other hand, the volumetric details of the object (i.e. its bowls) are outlawed to the observer, not in virtue of the object opacity, but to the very dimension or complexity of the wave phenomenon in the space surrounding the object. The analysis of perception, considering this physical boundary and the specificity of the animal sensitivity, shows the combined role of other concurrent or previous percept and some a priori knowledge in the perception and awareness of reality.
  • Open access
  • 68 Reads
Is information a sufficient basis for cognition? (Part 1)
Based upon the natural limits of observation, we tackle a critical review of Dretske's approach to information, knowledge and perception. The physics of the manifestation of an arbitrary object –tackled in Part 2 as a separate article– sets forth an informational boundary stating that information cannot be enough to support our cognitive processes. The problems do not rely –as Dretske supposes- on the lacks of the channel, but on the very nature of observation. Furthermore, Dretske's approach –handcuffed to his maximalist support on information- presents some lacks concerning processual character of information, fuzziness of perception and knowledge, contents de dicto and conventional regularities. The posed limits and problems intend to settle new foundations for a more refined conjunction of information and knowledge.
  • Open access
  • 63 Reads
Challenges for Those Constructing a Science of Information as an Evolving Unique Discipline
This paper suggests those interested in a Science of Information establish an entirely new academic and scientific discipline to be titled "Science of Information". This new discipline should be established as a meta-discipline because the new discipline will include the theoretical work of and complement the other disciplines. It should exist equally with traditional disciplines such as physical, social science, arts, and humanities. It should not compete with or replace other disciplines. It should stand alongside them and assist them, as well as conduct comparisons and consolidations amongst the disciplines regarding information theories, methodologies, practices, by adding new perspectives, resources and developments.