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  • 65 Reads
A model of "musicking" driven by mediation local-global concept lattices
Musical performances are supposed to be body-experiences. That is to say, musicking is a contact-mediated action. In this work a unique approach is proposed, a system motivated to move on two-dimentinal space by itself making asense of body and environment, which are formalized to "concept lattice" on the Lattice theory. This Musicking Self-Motivated System (MSMS) creates senses of touch and auditory as sense of body and sense of external world, then fabricates a sense of body agency motivated by variance of those senses to determine the next movement. Trajectories of MSMS were spatially biased on environments of which partial properties are given randomly. It is suggested that MSMS has robust intentionality onto perpetually opend environment. Here debates MSMS comparing try-and-error processing of handling an unknown, i.e. potentially-instrument.
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  • 59 Reads
Spencer-Brown vs. Probability and Statistics: Entropy Analysis of Subjective Randomness
This article analyses the role of entropy in Bayesian Statistics, focusing on its use as a tool for detection, recognition and validation of eigen-solutions. ``Objects as eigen-solutions'' is a key metaphor of the cognitive constructivism epistemological framework developed by the philosopher Heinz von Foerster. Special attention is given to some objections to the concepts of probability, statistics and randomization posed by George Spencer-Brown, a figure of great influence in the field of radical constructivism. Keywords: Bayesian Statistics, Cognitive constructivism, Eigen-solutions, Maximum entropy, Objective-subjective complementarity, Objectice inference, Randomization, Subjective randomness.
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  • 41 Reads
On the Research Focus and a Framework of the Social Information Sciencs
In this paper, the author discusses the proposal of the social information science, the issues of social information, the theoretical orientation of the social information science, the research focus of the social information science, and the the operating mechanism of the Social Information Science Institute (SISI) at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). A system and framework of social information science was advanced in the paper. Generally speaking, if the social information science is to be viewed as a relatively independent subject, there should be four levels of researches. They are the philosophical level, the scientific theoretical level, the level of concrete subjects, and the level of social information technology.
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  • 37 Reads
A Philosophical Thinking about the Complexity of Social Information System
Social information science is a kind of rising and high-crossing discipline, the characteristic of which is complexity. The complexity of social information science accords with the features of the complexity of system science and can be studied with analytical methods of system science and system dialectics. Social information systems have their own laws and could be understood and grasped gradually. And the philosophy of information will shed some light on the study of social information science.
  • Open access
  • 41 Reads
Information in Reality. Logic and Metaphysics
Abstract The recent history of information theory and science shows a trend in emphasis from quantitative measures to qualitative characterizations. In parallel, aspects of information are being developed, for example by Pedro Marijuan, Wolfgang Hofkirchner and others that are extending the notion of qualitative, non-computational information in the biological and cognitive domain and include meaning and function. However, there is as yet no consensus on whether a single accepted definition or theory of the concept of information is possible, leading to many attempts to view it as a complex, a notion with varied meanings or a group of different entities. In my opinion, the difficulties in developing a unified theory of information (UTI) that would include its qualitative and quantitative aspects and their relation to meaning are a consequence of implicit or explicit reliance on the principles of standard, truth-functional bivalent or multivalent logics. In reality, information processes like those of time, change and human consciousness are contradictory: they are regular and irregular; consistent and inconsistent; continuous and discontinuous. Since the indicated logics cannot accept real contradictions, they have been incapable of describing the multiple but interrelated characteristics of information. The framework for the discussion of information in this paper will be the new extension of logic to real complex processes that I have made, Logic in Reality (LIR)[1], which is grounded in the dualities and self-dualities of quantum physics and cosmology. LIR provides, among other things, new interpretations of the most fundamental metaphysical questions present in all discussions of information at physical, biological and cognitive levels of reality including, especially, those of time, continuity vs. discontinuity, and change, both physical and epistemological. I show that it can constitute a novel and general approach to the non-binary properties of information, including meaning and value. These properties subsume the notion of semantic information as well-formed, meaningful and truthful data as proposed most recently by Luciano Floridi. LIR supports the concept of 'biotic' information of Stuart Kauffmann, Robert Logan and their colleagues and that of meaningful information developed by Christophe Menant. Logic in Reality does not pretend to the level of rigor of an experimental or mathematical theory. It is proposed as a methodology to assist in achieving a minimum scientific legitimacy for a qualitative theory of information. My hope is that by seeing information, meaning and knowledge as dynamic processes, evolving according to logical rules in my extended sense of logic, some of the on-going issues on the nature and function of information may be clarified. [1] Brenner, J. E. 2008. Logic in Reality. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Open access
  • 77 Reads
Reconstructing the Economy: A Methodological Journey from the Surface to the Essence and back
The essential methodology in social science to "understand" phenomena is informed abstraction. But the way - how and what for - the abstraction process is shaped divides the economists into various schools. While mainstream economists abstract from any links of the economy to human beings - replacing them by selfish machines maximizing their profits or individual utilities, and neglecting any deeper analysis of the basic constructions they use (like prices or money), heterodox economists try to look behind the surface, link them to certain periods of history and to the source of all value: humans are social beings and cannot exist without mutuality. The paper presents a heterodox way to reconstruct contemporary capitalist economies by applying the new science of information with its evolutionary concepts. It starts the description on a very abstract level: useful things and services produced by specialized labor. Step by step new layers of information are added. At the same time economic indicators of the lower levels are modified (labor values, competition leading to prices of production, money and banks, state activities, monopoly), ending at the surface of the economy with the introduction of commodification and commercialization processes of information in the so called information society. The result of the reconstruction is used in a mathematical simulation model based on stylized facts.
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  • 57 Reads
How a Bacillus "Sees" the World Information Needs and Signaling Resources of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Any living cell parasitizing a host organism is immersed into a molecular environment of unfathomable complexity. For the advancement of its life cycle in such "hostile" a territory, the cell has to carefully sense its environment, "see" the ongoing physiological processes taking place, and guide subsequently its own network of self-construction processes, pathological responses included. We will discuss how this informational matching occurs in the bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and how transcriptional programs within the global transcriptional regulatory network are deployed in response to specific signals from the environment and from within the cell itself. In the era of the bioinformatic revolution and of systems biology, it is perhaps surprising that the functional interconnection between the transcription network and the signaling system is far from clarified yet. In the extent to which the living cell can be considered as one of the central paradigms of the nascent information science, this discussion becomes one about the essential cluster of concepts which should potentially apply to the analysis of other information-based entities.
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  • 58 Reads
The place of information and knowledge in the structure of labor
Many social researchers and economists observe changes in the structure of labor in contemporary society, pointing out information and knowledge as key elements of labor. Still analysis of that content is often hampered by the confusion of terms, and objectionable simplification. This article suggests some approaches to introduce clarity in the role of information and knowledge in the structure of labor.
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  • 66 Reads
Towards an Ontology of Information and succeeding Fundamentals in Computing Science.
A common usage of the concept of information requires a unique definition of it. The text expands on a proposal for an ontology of information, which will be grounded in physics. Shannon's communication theory does not conceptualize any physical variable. It will be shown that by doing so the gap between syntax and semantics can be closed by introducing the universal category of triadic information. Any informational scenario is given by the trias of a) a sender, and of b) the transformation which happens to c) the receiver. The concept of information is taken in a broader sense, and is based on physical fundaments. The gravitational force which is exploited to a physical body holds in the same sense well defined information as a spontaneous appearance of a new, algorithmically underivable structure or event: the world gets 'completed' within a continuous informational process. Any spontaneous process will always happen in order to increase the entropy of the world. That is, such fundamental information which causes this completion process is given within our universe. For those reasons we have to state, that information causes any causal process, rather than 'is' a causal process. All living species are grounded on an information-receiving, heteronomous deep structure, which includes as well the message which corresponds to further autonomy and freedom (the completion theorem). To summarize, we are enabled to create and to enter into the so called information society by ontological evidence. Based on such foundations, an adequate concept for computer science will be shortly introduced.
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  • 65 Reads
On the building of theoretic system of information science
The objective world consists of material world and information world, each world has two proorties -- existence and activity, then the objective world has four inherences -- material, energy; information, and intelligence.The material science is the study of material world, which is a great disciplines and now is very considerably rich and complete. Information science is the study of information world, which is also a major disciplines, but the development of its theoretical system just started, in which there are many rules needed to be explored. In this paper, the process of building material scientific system will be reviewed carefully, from which we are able to get some important enlightenments for the development of theoretical system of information science.