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  • 64 Reads
Dereplication strategy of HRMS data from Coccoloba cowellii extract

A dereplication strategy of the UHPLC-HRMS data by means of Feature-Based Molecular Networking (FBMN) analysis in the Global Natural Products Social Molecular (GNPS) Network, together with the results obtained from the MS-DIAL and MS-FINDER softwares is described. The strategy allowed the identification of 13 secondary metabolites from Coccoloba cowellii, an endemic endangered plant from Cuba, using as little plant material as possible. The followed strategy highlights the capabilities of the integration between several HRMS data processing softwares and GNPS online platform with the goal of a rapid characterization of plant crude extracts.

  • Open access
  • 115 Reads
Irisin: A small myocin with a wide potential

During the spasmodic process, molecules are synthesized exercising various metabolic functions, and are called myocins. As an example of myocin, Irisina has become increasingly prominent in the scientific community. This peptide has a leading role in the metabolic activity of adipose tissue, being responsible for the process of browning the white adipose tissue to brown. However, several questions began to be raised about its activity in other organic systems, prompting several researchers. Considering this, this study aimed to identify in the literature the new possibilities for systemic action of Irisina. The bibliographic review of the scientific literature was used as a method for a critical analysis and appreciation of studies related to the theme. The steps related to the methodological process were: elaboration of the research question, adoption of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, reading and eligibility and construction of the results. The synthesis of Irisina has a direct relationship with the levels of PGC-1α. This enzyme is involved in the regulation of cellular homeostasis, mainly related to energy. Its overexpression occurs in skeletal muscle with increased physical activity. In addition to the effect already known under the darkening of adipose tissue, the literature exposes with greater quantity the studies that explore the effect of Irisina on the nervous system and in models of neurological diseases. The research extols the potential to increase concentrations of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Other studies indicate that the levels of this peptide increased, while blood glucose levels, as well as total cholesterol, decreased. Another study that reveals another promising potential is the ability of Irisin to modify the expression of regulatory genes for the ACE2 receptor. Therefore, it is concluded that the study of the effects of irisin contributes to the advancement in the knowledge of pathophysiology. In addition, it makes possible the discovery of modulating agents, suggesting that these peptides are possible therapeutic targets for the treatment of metabolic disorders and Alzheimer's disease.

  • Open access
  • 69 Reads
Indigenous knowledge on medicinal plants used in the health care system by local communities of Rif, North of Morocco

Since the beginning of time, the Moroccan people have used many medicinal plants as a popular medicine to cure many human and livestock health problems. Yet, few studies have been carried in the past to properly document and promote traditional ethnomedicinal knowledge. This study was conducted out from July 1st, 2016 to July 30th, 2018 in the Rif; it was aimed to establish the list of medicinal plants. The ethnomedicinal data obtained were from 1000 traditional healers using semi-structured discussions, free listing, and focus groups. Family importance value, plant part value, fidelity level, the relative frequency of citation, and informant consensus factor were applied in data interpretation. A total of 280 medicinal plants belong to 204 genera and 70 families were documented. Asteraceae with 29 species was the most used family in this study area. Rosmarinus officinalis L. (RFC=0.189) was the species the most commonly prescribed by local traditional healers. Similarly, the leaf was the most useful part of the plant (PPV = 0.364), the most frequent affections were osteoarticular affections (ICF = 0.983), and the majority of herbal remedies were prepared from a decoction (38.6%). The results of the present investigation confirmed the presence of indigenous ethnomedicinal information of plant species in the Rif’s area to treat various disorders. More investigation on phytochemical, pharmacological, and toxicological should be considered to determine new drugs from these reported plants.

  • Open access
  • 65 Reads
Biopriming of durum wheat seeds with Newly halotolerant PGPB bacterial isolates for improving their potential of plant growth under stressful conditions

Worldwide salinity is one of the most severe abiotic stresses limiting crop growth and productivity. Further salt-affected area in Tunisia is fast escalating due to intrusion of saline water on arable land and use of chemicals compounds. To overcome these agricultural problems, the aim of this study is the selection of bacterial strains from saline soil sites for their capacity of promoting growth plants under stressful conditions after a seed biopriming approach.

Differents biochemical parameters of plant growth were analyzed such as bacterial growth under 100 and 150 mM, phosphate solubilization, ACC metabolic pathway, AIA secretion, siderophores, HCN, antimicrobials compounds,…

Four strains within fifty were selected for their high ability to produce many growth factors under stressful conditions (150mM) and promote seed germination of Tunisian var. durum wheat. Moreover, seed biopriming with strain MA13 had the highest ability of seed germination after 2 days of incubation at room temperature under obscurity light.

  • Open access
  • 136 Reads
Application of Kefir probiotics strains as aflatoxin B1 binder in culture medium, milk and simulated gastrointestinal conditions

Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) contamination in food poses serious problems both for economic development and public health protection, thus leading to a focus on an effective approach to control it. In this context, probiotics strains (Lactobacillus kefiri KFLM3, Kazachstania servazzii KFGY7 and Acetobacter syzygii KFGM1) isolated from a Kefir culture were assessed for their AFB1 adsorption ability. The adsorption experiments were done in culture medium and in milk. The stability of microorganism/AFB1 complexes was evaluated using buffer solutions (pH=3, pH=7 and pH=8) to simulate the pH conditions in the gastrointestinal tract. Our results showed that strains binding assays for AFB1 in culture medium showed no effect (0%). However, the strain L. kefiri KFLM3 was the most active, adsorbing 80 % of AFB1 when cultivated in milk followed by A. syzygii KFGM1 (74%) and K. servazzii KFGY7 (65%). Nonetheless, the strain K. servazzii KFGY7 retained more AFB1 after the desorption experiments (65%). The present findings suggest that kefir isolated strains might be a promising candidate for exploitation in AFB1 detoxification in food and feed matrices.

  • Open access
  • 100 Reads
Data Lakes Technologies and It's Significant Implementations

This exploratory research of data lakes in big data times is a prominent topic for both academia and industry. One of the main motivations behind is that companies need to cope with more data than ever before, and the problems of how to analyze even how to store data are becoming more and more challenging in many industries. The occurrence of the concept of a data lake to meet such big data problems is enlightening and will most likely be considered in any relevant big data strategy. This idea is still on the way to prove itself out and inevitably it gives rise to much attention as well as much criticism. Luckily, more and more positive voices towards data lakes are emerging and give highly appreciation to the concept and even propose some workable and innovative suggestions to make improvement to the practical implementation. This study introduced basic background information of data lake implementation and can give valuable suggestions and insights to practitioners. After presenting and summarizing most of the popular implementation of data lakes from data professionals, three different approaches were introduced. All of these approaches have both advantages and disadvantages, and companies need to consider their own business needs and requirements to make a wise choice.

  • Open access
  • 196 Reads
A Significant Study on Emerging Technologies in Smart Cities for Planet Earth during Covid-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic is having a huge global impact, especially when we talk about Internet of Things (IoT) and market analysts to analyze the impact of the pandemic on smart cities and also to understand what are the new responses, challenges, opportunities which will arise in a post-pandemic scenario. Technology is a key which has turn a city into smart city which is well connected, sustainable and resilient, where information is not just available but also findable. Therefore, the emerging technologies have created new interest in smart cities' solutions. It is one of the most promising, prominent, and challenging applications of the Internet of Things (IoT). The main goal of is to optimize city functions and promote economic growth and also improving the quality of life for citizens especially by using smart technologies and data analysis that leads to smart outcomes. The progress and advancement of the smart cities' are the results of the successful utilization of emerging technologies. With the advancement of COVID-19 pandemic, people realized how important digital connectivity. We, as a society should learn how to be ready for a crisis and the best way to be ready for the crisis is really influenced all this innovation in the digital world.
This paper thoroughly studies the value of how emerging technology is used and what are the challenges and responses of technology used in smart cities for the planet earth during and post COVID pandemic.

  • Open access
  • 127 Reads
Cyber Security: Issues and Challenges in Covid - 19

A technology enhances a man’s life in every aspect whether it is healthcare, transport, communication, education etc. During this Covid – 19 pandemic, the growths of technology usage have increased enormously. There are various issues and challenges which we face during the use of any technology. Security is the most important aspect, when we are using in any digital platform during Covid – 19. When we think about Cyber Security, the first thing that comes to our mind is “Cyber Crime” which is increasing immensely day by day. Cyber Security refers to the practice of ensuring the integrity, confidentiality and availability (ICA) of information. Basically Cyber security is the state or process of protecting and recovering networks, devices and programs from any type of Cyber Attack. It is comprised of an evolving set of tools, risk management approaches, technologies, training, and best practices designed to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attacks or unauthorized access. Cyber-attacks in India have risen up to such an extent that our country ranks fourth out of the tenth targeted countries in the world. In this Covid – 19 pandemic Cyber-attacks are an evolving danger to many organizations, employees and consumers in different sectors. They may be designed to access or destroy sensitive data, change any kind of data or extort money. According to a Research, more than 50% of onliners are victim of some of cybercrime every year, which includes computer viruses, malware, credit card fraud, online scams, phishing, and identity theft and so on. These crimes will lead the country to lose millions of rupees or dollars, also time and expenses to put back the things in right directions. This paper mainly focuses on the different aspects of cyber security and the challenges faced in the implementation and by using latest technologies during Covid - 19. The paper also focuses on the India’s legal framework for Cyber Security.

  • Open access
  • 65 Reads
Alterations in haemolymph parameters in the Mediterranean clam, Ruditapes decussatus, in vitro exposed to pyrene

The in vitro effects of pyrene (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) on haemocyte and haemolymphatic parameters of the Mediterranean clam, Ruditapes decussatus, were tested using two concentrations (10-3 and 10-5 mg mL-1). After 24 h contamination period, pyrene effects were monitored on individual haemolymph samples. The toxic exposure caused significant alteration in the immune parameters of clams. It increases the antibacterial activity, the total haemocyte count and the haemocyte mortality. The increase was associated with the decrease in lysozyme and esterase activities which reflects a decrease in secretion in order to reduce energy expenditure. Modulation of immune parameters in the Mediterranean clam by pyrene exposer suggested that PAH pollution may be related to enhanced susceptibility to diseases.

  • Open access
  • 88 Reads
Seed biopriming of durum wheat with purified and combined halotolerant bacteria improved seed germination under salinity conditions

Background and aim: Improved crop productivity under stressful conditions is a major asset of global agriculture. Salinity is one of the most severe abiotic stresses limiting crop yield. Further, a salt-affected area in Tunisia is fast escalating due to intrusion of saline water on arable land and the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Moreover, climate change scenarios showed the increased risk of salinization at different latitudes. Therefore, a great effort is required for maintaining crop production under limiting factors. The present study was conducted to isolate and identify PGPB associated with the halophyte Salicornia brachiata from the coastal saline sites and evaluation their bacterization effect of durum wheat seeds with “Biopriming” technology.

Methods: The selection parameters of PGPB strains were based on the ability to promote the growth of plants under stressful conditions. On the other hand, the effect of selected isolates on germination of durum wheat (Triticum durum) was assessed in vivo conditions. The treatment with bacteria was applied on purified and combined strain under 25 and 125 mM NaCl.

Results: A total of 22 isolates were selected in-vitro for studying their plant growth-promoting (PGPB) ability including, tolerance with salt concentration, ACC deaminase activity, N2 fixation, phosphorus solubilization, and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), out of which, three strains (MA9, MA32, and SA62) were selected. Our data revealed that experiments using treated with NaCl and bioprimed seed permitted us to identify the most efficient isolates in a combined culture which offered the best rate of germination and the highly vegetable growth of explants (roots and shoots). In fact, the benefic effect of seed biopriming was more pronounced in samples added with NaCl than that of untreated samples.

Conclusion: Seed biopriming with efficient PGPB strains induced salinity tolerance of wheat and therefore enhanced their rate of germination under salinity.
