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Convenient Synthesis of Novel Amino Acid Coupled Benzanilides
1 , 1 , * 2
1  Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt
2  Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Port Said, Egypt

Abstract: A facile and convenient synthesis of a variety of Methyl 2-(2-Benzoylaminobenzoylamino) alkanoate 4a-d has been developed by the DCC coupling of 2- Benzoylamino-benzoic acid with amino acid methyl ester. Compounds 4a-c were alternatively prepared by the reaction of aminoacid ester with 3,1-benzoxazinone 2 in pyridine. Dipeptides 8a-j were subsequently prepared following the azide coupling method. Compounds 4 and 8 were expected to possess antimicrobial activity.
Keywords: antibiotics, TCS, amino acids and dipeptide, DCC and azide coupling, benzanilides, 3,1-benzoxazinone
