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IN-Vitro Dissolution of Urinary Stone With Hydroxy Acid, Amino Acid And Natural Plant Extract
1  Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Patna Women’s College, Bailey Road, Patna, Bihar, India
Academic Editor: Humbert G. Díaz


The inhibition of mineralization of urinary stone forming minerals by Tartaric acid, Glycine and natural plant extract has been investigated. The inhibition efficiency of different concentration was studied. Increased intake of glycolic acid would be helpful in urinary stone prophylaxis. Glycolic acid acts as 'protecting agent’. It has been suggested that ‘protecting agents’ perhaps withdraw the metal cation from solution, and thus increase the

degree of ‘super saturation and it is to be expected that their addition to solution containing such ions would cause a reduction in the rate of crystal growth. Crystal growth is a very complex process since both the surface and the super saturation varies continuously throughout the period of the growth. The experiment result showed that the Reservoir Dynamic Model( RDM) is more efficient than Simultaneous Dynamic Model( SDM) model for dissolution of urinary stone.

Keywords: urinary stone; urolithiasis; dynamic models; in vitro inhibition
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Iratxe Aguado-Ruiz
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